War of the Three Realms

Chapter 773 Challenge the Immortals and Cross the Tribulation 15

Chapter 773 Challenge the Immortals and Cross the Tribulation 15
What he wants to care most about is actually sister Chang'e's daily life, diet, and hobbies, but this only joy is deeply deprived by the police.

Who would have imagined that the peerless beauty beside her, who is graceful and luxurious, and whose mother looks like the world, is actually the most jealous in the world?She didn't allow herself the slightest chance to develop an ambiguous relationship with any fairies, she stayed firmly by her side, but she didn't have sex with herself.

Is she trying to suffocate me to death?

Can you imagine the life of a fairy who has no ideals, no ambitions, but has been abstinent for a long time?
Life is as dull as stagnant water, without any fun~!

If things go on like this, you will be called a pervert if you are not perverted!
An abstinent man can't afford to be hurt, can't afford to be hurt!
"Qi Zou Jade Emperor, what a great thing! After ten thousand years, there is finally another existence against the sky in the lower realm. It's so interesting!"

Taibai Jinxing is a sycophant for tens of thousands of years, and he hardly ever pleases the Jade Emperor repeatedly, so even if he knows that this guy has collected countless bribes from the fairy world and played with countless fairies, the Jade Emperor still turns a blind eye.

After all, life is already so boring, if even this clown who is the only one he likes wants to be driven away, I really don't know how to live in the future.

Taibai is also very well-behaved, and he has a good grasp of the Jade Emperor's mind, so he can stand out among many gods and be appreciated and reused by the Jade Emperor. His strength is innumerable.

Although the division of power in the heavenly world is not very obvious, it is also strictly hierarchical and cannot be desecrated.

The lowest level, of course, is the Celestial Immortal. When Ascension was allowed before, the first-time Immortal was at this level, and then there were True Immortals. There are three levels of True Immortals.

Above the real immortal is the mysterious immortal. There are very few people in this realm who are on duty, and it is estimated that Taibaijinxing is the only one.

The golden immortals on it are the mainstream of the fairy world, and people at this level control everything about the creatures of the three worlds!This is also the most on duty in the fairy world.

The so-called Erlang God Yang Jian, Nezha, etc., all belong to this realm!

Although the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother bear the titles of Immortal Emperors, no one has ever seen them use force, but since they are in that position, the level must not be much lower, no one dares to doubt this.

(End of this chapter)

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