War of the Three Realms

Chapter 804 A new belief, the evil god Li Kuang 13

Chapter 804 A new belief, the evil god Li Kuang 13
"How did this happen? How did this happen? Li Kuang, I beg you, you must save Zi'er. I am willing to trade this life for it!"

Ziyunzi burst into tears, revealing his true feelings, which made people feel sad.

Lan Yan also had a face of remorse, and blamed herself: "It's all my fault. I thought that the combination of a snake and a human would break the curse, so I agreed to their marriage, but who knew it would hurt him!"

Qing Lan couldn't bear it and said: "Brother Li Kuang, just save him! It's so pitiful to see him look like a skinny monkey!"

Li Kuang smiled wryly, "I will do my best."

"That can't be done. You are the first true immortal to survive four or nine days of calamity. If even you can't save him, who else in the world can?"

Li Kuang's forehead darkened, and he said depressedly: "It is said that senior brother Ziwu is a mortal person. He can maintain the last breath of the Lord's life, all thanks to the power of this drunken fairy grass, otherwise the death judge from hell would have come to ask for it." Die!"

"Xiao Kuang, you are wrong. In fact, people are divided into three souls and seven souls, and one is indispensable. The only thing Zui Xiancao keeps is Zi Wu's human soul. The other souls have long been detained by hell. It is not enough for Wu Guang to mend his soul, he has to find his three souls and seven souls, otherwise, he will be a vegetable after healed."

The sound of Ying Long's voice made Li Kuang's heart sink to the bottom of the valley. It seems that he is still a rookie, thinking too simply, thinking that he only needs to repair his soul, but he ignores his consciousness body, which is Three souls and seven souls have been detained by the hell judge.

What Ying Long said next made Li Kuang even more furious.

"This hell is the method created by the Eastern God Realm to harvest souls! Tathagata talks about faith and uses the ignorance of the people to earn spiritual accumulations, but the Eastern God Realm is more direct. It directly creates the reincarnation of the six realms and harvests the spiritual accumulations."

"Did you know that in ancient times, humans and gods were actually the same. There was no life limit. As long as you don't get sick, you will always be alive. Remember the legend of Peng Zu?"

Li Kuang was startled: "It's the person who claims to live the longest in the secular world! Is he also a cultivator?"

"No! He is just an ordinary person who knows a little bit about health preservation! It is conceivable that human beings at that time were not affected by birth, old age, sickness and death. But since he learned of the conspiracy of the Western God Realm in the Eastern God Realm, he was not reconciled and finally Created the most terrifying artifact in the Three Realms... Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

(End of this chapter)

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