Chapter 826
No, she has seen through my intentions and is about to attack!

Seeing that all the knights were on the bridge, Li Kuang immediately jumped up without hesitation, and the Huoyun Sword suddenly burst into an extremely bright and strong red light, like blood pouring down from mid-air, it was shocking!

"Do not……"

Sou Hun Wuchang walked at the end, turned around immediately, and the spear flew, but a strand of black thread was attached to the tail, and his figure flashed quickly, and he landed on the side of the bridge, looking at his own body in despair. men.

When the bright blood red falls to the extreme, everything in the world seems to lose its due color!

But at this moment, Granny Meng's figure has surpassed everyone, and she has come to the middle of the bridge. As the iron chain snapped, countless knights fell, but she rose instead of falling, and her delicate body was bouncing like a phantom. The iron chain moved repeatedly, and it was several times faster than the speed of the iron chain bouncing.

Under the bouncing force of the iron chain, it formed a strange tremor in the air, like two spirit snakes wagging their heads and tails.

"Let's go, that crazy woman is chasing me!"

Ying Long yelled, urging Li Kuang who still wanted to watch the show.

Li Kuang was shocked: "Why is she so fast?"

Immediately unfolded the phantom body technique, turned into an afterimage, rushed hundreds of meters away in an instant, crossed the hills, and swept towards the opposite place of Ziyunzi.

With Meng Po's terrifying speed, if she intentionally pursues Ziyunzi, she will definitely catch up. By then, Letian Ziyunzi and Ziwu will be in danger.

Therefore, Li Kuang had no choice but to attract her attention and lead her to the other side.

Granny Meng flew around, and at the moment when the iron chain fell into the water, she finally stood on the opposite bank. Seeing Li Kuang's figure disappearing into the hill, she couldn't help but sneered, "Since I have successfully aroused my anger, don't plan to bear it." Just want to run, dream!"

Pointing to the toes, he rushed directly up the hill, and quickly chased in the direction Li Kuang was heading.

"What is the origin of this woman? Why is she chasing after her like a mad dog?"

Li Kuang used the phantom body technique, bringing up afterimages and flashes, and sprinted on the barren hillside, while questioning the dragon with great doubts.

"It's a long story. The rumors outside are all fake, but no one knows the real situation. What do you ask me to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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