Chapter 829
Meng Po smiled proudly: "The nineteenth floor of hell is the most terrifying place in the underworld. It is also called the black prison. It is pitch black, there is no light, and there are countless beasts. Even we dare not enter. If you have Those who have the ability to survive in it are the real heroes!"

"Black... black prison?"

Li Kuang spit out this somewhat familiar name in shock, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, wondering if the mysterious sect black prison in the cultivation world had anything to do with it.

"You've heard of it too? That's great! Being trapped in a black prison is a hundred times more terrifying than hell. This is the forbidden place of gods and gods. Li Kuang, with your unrealistic strength, it must be fun if you fall down. Did you jump down by yourself or did your sister throw you down?"

Meng Po smiled coquettishly, twisted her waist, and approached Li Kuang with a charming smile.

Li Kuang cursed secretly, this vicious old hag is really perverted and vicious.

The realm of Xuanxian is really terrifying. The air mechanism around her is locked by her. The water curtain connecting the sky and the earth seems to be controlled by her, and it is also approaching. The pressure is so strong that it is suffocating, and the air is shrieking. Sobbing, even the ground trembled slightly.

This is no longer in line with the world, but jumping out of the world and controlling the world.

Everything in the world is like a toy in her hands, and she can play with it at will.

And she intentionally left the only way for Li Kuang in a sinister way, which is to jump off the cliff and enter the nineteenth floor of hell where the gods are terrified... the black prison!
This cat-and-mouse game is really fun. There are fewer and fewer people in the underworld for you to have fun with. This human race is simply a toy delivered to your door, and it is a different toy. Naturally, you have to have fun. .

"How about it, boy, should you surrender on the spot or jump off the black prison by yourself? Please choose!"

Granny Meng waved the iron collar in her hand, her big beautiful eyes curved into a nice arc, and said with a playful smile: "Come on! Cute puppy, put on the collar obediently, and the master will give you delicious food! "

Li Kuang yelled in fright: "Don't...don't come here?"

Squinting his eyes and looking at the dark mist behind him in horror, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, he swallowed with difficulty, and almost fell to his knees with trembling legs.

(End of this chapter)

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