War of the Three Realms

Chapter 837 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 5

Chapter 837 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 5
No way!Is it so easy to believe what other people say?

Li Kuang couldn't help being a little stunned. Is it because Meng Gu's IQ is low or is she really so simple?
Is strength and IQ inversely proportional?

Li Kuang sighed slightly in his heart, but said with a smile: "Menggu, since you are so powerful, what monsters are you afraid of? If you just kill them, it will be over."

"You don't understand. This place is no different from other places. It is a forbidden area of ​​the underworld. It is said that once you enter, you will never want to leave. Li Kuang, do you think we are really going to die here? I am so afraid of the dark, really, my The wish is to watch the sunrise and feel the feeling of being in the sun, but now it seems impossible to achieve."

She raised her head and stared at the dark sky, with yearning lights shining in her eyes, like a little girl in her dreams.

"Sitting by the sea, waiting for the sunrise, feeling the tranquility and mystery of the world, what a beautiful picture! It's just a pity, I'm afraid I will never have such a chance in this life! Li Kuang, tell me, the sunrise is Isn't it beautiful?"

Li Kuang couldn't help being startled, and looked at Meng Gu with a look of longing in disbelief, feeling a strange feeling in his heart that he didn't know whether it was bitterness or sympathy.

"You have grown up so much, you have never seen the sunrise? Have you never lived in the sun?"

"Yes! I was born in this dark and boring underworld. I have never seen what the real earth looks like, nor have I seen a scene brighter than the sky in the underworld, nor have I felt the warmth of the sun..."

Her voice gradually sank: "Is my life boring?"

"It's not boring, it's quite boring!" Li Kuang didn't know what to say.

"What should we do now? There must be many monsters waiting for us in front of us. Don't talk about watching the sunrise, I'm afraid we won't even be able to see the dark sky of the underworld again."

Meng Gu's tense mood has never been really relaxed. With her celestial realm, when she is in this state, even if she doesn't deliberately use her spiritual power, the huge spiritual power will automatically form a strong defense inside and outside her body.

That's the benefit of being strong.

In this way, let alone polluting her soul with these mysterious toxins, even if she sprinkled drunken fairy grass on her nose, it might not help.

"Hey, Meng Gu, actually I know a legend about the world so far away, do you want to hear it?"

Li Kuang sat cross-legged, sucking in the black mist, while chatting casually with Menggu in order to distract her.

(End of this chapter)

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