War of the Three Realms

Chapter 857 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 5

Chapter 857 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 5
After all, Ying Long has rich experience, and he can see the clues at a glance.

"That's good, as long as Menggu can wake up, it's just this space..." Li Kuang hesitated for a moment, looking at the dead space without the slightest aura in front of him, he faintly felt something was wrong.

"Uh! Xiao Kuang, this... is really a problem."

Ying Long hesitated for a moment, but still said: "I'm afraid Menggu will never wake up again."

"What did you say?"

Li Kuang was shocked and said, "How did this happen? Brother Ying Long, you have rich experience, so you will definitely have a solution, right?"

He didn't know what was going on, but when he thought that this girl, who couldn't be said to be good or bad, would sleep forever, he felt a little sad.

She is just a simple girl who wants to see the sunrise and live in the sun for a day!

Even though he knew that she had done too many things that shouldn't be done to human beings, as long as he thought of this, Li Kuang could no longer hate her.

She is just a poor lonely girl who has been misguided and brainwashed!
"Xiao Kuang, I have found the reason! Because all her soul power is controlled by the heart demon Menggu, and in the battle just now, this Menggu concentrated all her soul power to attack your core, unexpectedly it ended Absorbed by your inner core, so all soul power and consciousness become your private property."

"As for Menggu who lost all her energy, although the toxins in her soul have been eliminated, the current her only exists with pure consciousness, without the slightest power of soul.

It's like a high-end car without gasoline. It loses its power source and can't even start the most basic, let alone speed on the highway.

"Is it possible that she can wake up as long as she has enough soul power?" Li Kuang thought of the key point with a thought.

"Theoretically, this is the case, but now she is in an absolute dormancy period, everything has stopped functioning, and she can't take the initiative to absorb spiritual power to replenish herself! Moreover, the generation of soul power cannot be completed overnight. If she wakes up automatically, I am afraid that she will die Thousands of years later."

Ying Long said a result that stunned Li Kuang.

1000 years?

Damn, this is no joke!Do you want me to stay in this empty space of consciousness for thousands of years?
Li Kuang was dripping with cold sweat, this was simply too scary, is it different from going to jail?

(End of this chapter)

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