War of the Three Realms

Chapter 861 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 14

Chapter 861 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 14
A moment ago, his heart was in great pain, because the person he trusted the most actually deceived him and trapped him in injustice. That kind of pain was undoubtedly a huge harm to Li Kuang, who valued love and righteousness.

"Xiao Kuang, don't blame me, I'm doing this for your own good! Never trust anyone, this is the only way to survive in the cruel war of gods! Don't worry, brother Yinglong's heart will always be on your side."

Although Li Kuang cut off the contact, Ying Long did not leave, and still quietly guarded outside the boulder.

However, Li Kuang could no longer hear any of his words.

Only now did Li Kuang understand that this essence is actually the source of life of Meng Gu. If all of it was refined and inhaled by him, she would undoubtedly disappear completely in the Three Realms.

How is this different from murder?

Although the two were in an antagonistic relationship before, Li Kuang, who knew everything, deeply knew that the culprit of all this was not Meng Gu, but Meng Gu was just a simple girl.

Based on this situation, how could he have the heart to hurt her again?
Doing evil things under the slogan of saving people, how is this different from those hypocritical and vicious gods?
There must be a way!
Li Kuang calmed down, and slowly stopped refining. After careful inspection, he found that the soul belonging to Menggu had almost completely dissipated, leaving only the last trace of consciousness.

This trace of consciousness is Menggu's past memories and everything. If it is smelted, the so-called Menggu will completely cease to exist.

Li Kuang's heart froze, and he felt that consciousness that was weaker than a baby, but so pure that it made people tremble, he couldn't help feeling pity, and a man's natural desire to protect arose, and he couldn't help but carefully smelted his soul. Send it to her.

Since that group of consciousness carries everything about Meng Gu, it naturally possesses an instinctive sense of crisis. It was originally tightly huddled, but now it is retreating nervously, appearing extremely hasty.

Li Kuang restrained his mind, let himself fall into the artistic conception of "Yuxu Qingxin Jue" instantly, with a peaceful and benevolent atmosphere in his whole body, like the most intimate existence of time, tentatively contacting her.

"Li Kuang, are you trying to kill me? Are you really going to kill me? I know that now I am the meat on your cutting board, and you can only ask for it, but please don't forget what you promised me. Buried by the sea!"

Just when Li Kuang was at his wit's end, Menggu's weak voice came from next to his ear.

(End of this chapter)

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