War of the Three Realms

Chapter 863 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 16

Chapter 863 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 16
Meng Gu smiled sadly and said: "I would like to believe you, anyway, now I don't have anything you can fancy anymore, I just hope you don't forget your promise and bury me by the sea!"

Menggu once again emphasized her destination. It seems that she will never forget her wish to watch the sunrise by the sea.

"Sorry, I never made such a promise to you!"

Li Kuang smiled innocently: "If you want to see the sea, go by yourself!"

Meng Gu's voice has gradually weakened: "I... believe that you... will..."

Before she finished speaking, her voice was already inaudible.

Li Kuang's refined essence is like a warm mother's body, gently wrapping Menggu's consciousness and starting to warm it up.

That kind of concentration, that kind of care, like caring for his own child, at this moment, Li Kuang's heart was filled with an unspeakable warm feeling.

Meng Gu's pure consciousness also made him instantly feel an unspeakable tranquility, and his whole body became relaxed, as if he had been purified.

The body of Tianyin is a very miraculous physique in the three realms. It can be said that there is no one in a billion, and it is [-] times rarer than Li Kuang's non-attribute.

People with this physique are born pure and kind, and their souls are the best purifiers!

Soul power is extremely complex, and most people are relatively simple. Only Li Kuang, a freak with no attributes, can take everything from big to small, which also leads to miscellaneous and impure.

For example, everything about the heart demon Menggu carries many hidden dangers.

But the soul of the Yin body can purify them and make them docile, so Ying Long values ​​them so much.

However, there is nothing special about the Tianyin body itself. Not to mention that they cannot resist the invasion of external soul power, their defense ability is relatively low.

Just like a baby with low defense ability, it is basically helpless in the face of a powerful virus. Once infected, it is difficult to get rid of it.

But if it is added to the soul of others, it has incredible power!
If Li Kuang could smelt her soul, he would add such attributes to himself. For him who has no attributes, it is really the best panacea in the world.

It's just that Ying Long never imagined that Li Kuang, who has always been merciless to his enemies, would alienate himself because of an enemy!
Is this the so-called human nature?
(End of this chapter)

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