War of the Three Realms

Chapter 865 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 19

Chapter 865 God bless me crazy, alternative conquest 19
The mystery of Ksitigarbha completely surpassed Li Kuang's comprehension. Only now did he understand that the image of Ksitigarbha spread by the outside world was all fabricated.

The real Ksitigarbha has never even seen Menggu!
Such absurd things seem to be a matter of course in Menggu's cognition, she never had the slightest doubt, and never thought that she should have a mother.

Everything seems weird, but it is natural.

Another exciting secret for Li Kuang is that Po Meng is actually the younger sister of Ksitigarbha!
And she seems to have never seen Ksitigarbha.

The Ksitigarbha King is so mysterious that Li Kuang was quite surprised.

The true identity of the peerless genius who can develop such a super artifact as the Six Paths of Reincarnation is so mysterious. Could it be that he still has some secrets?
From Menggu's memory, Li Kuang saw a little girl who was extremely lacking in love and lived in the dark. Gray was the only keynote of her childhood, and her boring growth experience made her whole life pale like a sheet of paper. .

These are nothing, but what shocked Li Kuang the most was that when she was 15 years old, the Ksitigarbha King entrusted her with an artifact.

It was a super artifact that looked extremely strange, like a roulette wheel.

And the function he possessed was one of the reasons why Li Kuang was terrified.

The roulette-like artifact was refined by God Menggu, integrated into the body, and finally directly became the core of the Nascent Soul. When the artifact was functioning, Li Kuang was shocked to find that its effect and form were almost the same as his own core!

The same is to generate a strong suction to absorb spiritual power and refine it, and finally refine a high-level spiritual accumulation!
The reason why Meng Gu took over Meng Po's job at Naihe Bridge was actually just a cover, and the real purpose was naturally self-evident, that is to collect spirits!

And that artifact turned out to be a single-player version based on the super artifact Six Paths of Reincarnation that shocked all beings in the Three Realms as a blueprint!

Using the Six Paths of Reincarnation as the core of the Nascent Soul to collect the spiritual accumulation, it is naturally more effective with half the effort.

Li Kuang was a little puzzled. The memories belonging to Meng Gu were too few and monotonous. Either she was practicing or she was absorbing spiritual resources at Naihe Bridge. Other than that, there was no entertainment or any teaching.

Ksitigarbha just appeared every ten years to check on her, and then disappeared mysteriously again, never even taking off his mask.

(End of this chapter)

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