War of the Three Realms

Chapter 904 Breaking out of the black prison, coming to Kunlun again 1

Chapter 904 Breaking out of the black prison, coming to Kunlun again 1
Li Kuang smiled and said, "Brother is looking forward to that day! But after I leave, wouldn't it be lonely for you to be here alone?"

"Hee hee, brother, you're wrong! Everyone here regards me as a sacred tree. Not only do they worship and pray devoutly, but they also like to whisper to me about anything on their minds! I'm not lonely at all!"

Li Kuang was stunned: "Can you hear their voices?"

"My rhizomes are deeply embedded in the ground and connected to the spiritual veins. This area is hundreds of miles away, and they are all within my perception. If they have any wind to stir the grass, they will not be able to escape my surveillance!"

The little monk seemed a bit evil at this moment: "Brother, don't worry! I will help you closely monitor this place. If there is anything unusual, report it immediately, and never miss it!"

Li Kuang touched the branches affectionately, and said with a smile, "Little guy, you are really naughty, don't mess around! Invading other people's privacy is an immoral act. If it is not necessary, don't do it."

Li Kuang was full of righteousness, but suddenly changed the topic and said in a low voice: "Of course, if there is any news that is not good for brother, you have to be careful."

The little monk agreed wholeheartedly.

The man in the black prison straightly said that the monk sapling was a branch next to the ginseng fruit tree, but he didn't know its magic, let alone that it was under his surveillance for a hundred miles around.

It can be said that as long as Li Kuang is willing, even the most intimate things between their husband and wife can never be kept secret!

After chatting with the little monk for a while, Li Kuang and Meng Gu got up to leave.

However, on the issue of going out, the elders showed an extremely embarrassing side.

Because even they don't know the correct way out!

Li Kuang was dumbfounded.

Using the earth's eyes, it is impossible to detect the situation above!
This person in the black prison is lurking quite deep!
As far as the mind can see, there are thick rock layers, and the only trail is the one that came in for the first time.

Could it be that the only way out is the teleportation array?

Since the black prisoner came in, Qin Zhen was the only one who could get out, and the others had no experience at all.

No one knows where the teleportation array is going.

Li Kuang groaned secretly in his heart, could it be that it was sent back to the real black prison again?

At that time, facing tens of thousands of Soul Eater Demon Trees, even if his strength has increased now, he has absolutely no chance to break out of the siege!

(End of this chapter)

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