War of the Three Realms

Chapter 942 Competing in mountains and seas, dominating the world 35

Chapter 942 Competing in mountains and seas, dominating the world 35
The power of this unknown magic circle is still under everyone's guess.

However, to be able to personally participate in such a major event, all ascetics have a strange feeling, as if they are creating a warm home for themselves, and they are all doing their best.

And Li Kuang, after assigning everyone tasks, took Menggu and sneaked into the hermitage of the snake clan.

Where, there are still relatives whom he cares about, so naturally he can't ignore it. More importantly, he has been feeling throbbing in his heart, as if something is happening, but his perception is gradually blurring, but the power of faith is soaring .

This is absolutely not normal!

Passing through the hidden cave entrance and passing through the dangerous area with strong scent of drunken fairy grass, Li Kuang is very familiar with it as if he is new in his own home.

And the further down, the slower Meng Gu's injury developed.

It seems that Yin Qi is the foundation of her existence.

And the place where the Hua Snake Clan lives is a place full of yin and yin.

But the closer it got, the more uneasy Li Kuang felt, and his mind became restless.

For the current realm, this is really a bit bizarre.

Could it be that something happened to the snake clan?

Li Kuang's heart trembled inexplicably, but he immediately vetoed it. The Snake Clan hides so deeply that even he has to spend a lot of effort to find them. Who would spend so much effort to find them?

It's just that the palpitations in his heart became more and more intense, which made him quicken his pace.

Fear, hesitation, even begging...

Li Kuang is sure that he will never have such negative emotions, so these emotions come...

The power of faith!

These are the feelings that believers have prayed devoutly and conveyed to their hearts through the power of faith!
Turn into a snake!

Li Kuang's brows twitched, his impatience was burning, and he unfolded the phantom body technique, and quickly plundered towards the valley where the snakes lived.

Pass through the teleportation array.

Li Kuang's heart suddenly sank!
His face instantly became extremely terrifying!
The situation in front of him made him furious instantly.

I saw that the egg-shaped dwellings of the snakes had been destroyed in a mess, thick smoke was still rising from many places, the valley was in a mess, and sundries were scattered all over the ground, it looked like it had experienced the baptism of the doomsday.

What made Li Kuang even more worried was that on the hillside, there were corpses of snakes from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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