War of the Three Realms

Chapter 946 Fight against the sky alone, the ultimate killing 1

Chapter 946 Fight against the sky alone, the ultimate killing 1
The unique appearance of Shennong Ding allows Li Kuang and Menggu to see the specific situation of refining through the naked eye.

Li Kuang had clairvoyance to help him, but he didn't think it was unusual, but Menggu was an eye-opener.

Li Er's Sanwei Zhenhuo was really domineering, and the battle armor made a chi-chi sound as soon as it was thrown in.

And the flame rushed forward with a bang like a beast seeing its prey, and instantly exploded, engulfing it.

But the extremely gorgeous battle armor trembled violently like a frightened little rabbit, and Li Kuang even had the illusion that it was neighing mournfully.

The immortal battle armor is really extraordinary, it seems to have its own consciousness, but it is a pity that in Shennong Cauldron, there are countless sealing circles, once something is thrown into it, it will be opened immediately, and there is no way to break free.

This was originally intended to limit those spiritual medicines, but now it is also useful for Lei Zhenzi's battle armor.

But what is even more frightening is Sanwei Zhenhuo!

When the Heavenly Tribulation Mirror Image is performing the Heavenly Tribulation mission, everything it displays is transformed by the spirit, which is a perfect copy, exactly the same as the armor on the real Lei Zhenzi.

The golden wings, countless sharp thorns, etc., are exactly the same as the entity.

Lei Zhenzi's strength is actually average, and the power of electric spells is also extremely limited, and the reason why he can occupy a place among the many gods is because of his unparalleled speed and keen response.

Lei Zhenzi's master is Yun Zhongzi, a master craftsman!
Yun Zhongzi is not only a master of imitation, but his refining ability is also top-notch, and he is respected by the gods like Li Er's alchemy ability.

As Lei Zhenzi was his apprentice, the magic weapon for protecting himself was naturally not bad.

It is said that this pair of wings not only has magical power, but can also launch wind and thunder spells, but I don't know why they didn't use them when fighting Li Kuang. It can be seen that the legends have added a lot of water.

But it is an indisputable fact that this pair of wings contains wind and thunder spiritual power.

Yun Zhongzi used his unparalleled refining method to arrange several complex arrays on his wings. Once deployed, he could automatically use any spiritual power around him as power to spread his wings and fly, and rely on the array to send out wind and magic circles. The magic attack of the electric system can be described as perfect.

And this pair of battle armor looks ordinary, but it is actually Yun Zhongzi's most proud work, or it should be called an imitation!
Because its blueprint is completely imitated from the most famous "Taixu God Armor" in the Three Realms!

(End of this chapter)

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