War of the Three Realms

Chapter 948 Fight against the sky alone, the ultimate killing 3

Chapter 948 Fight against the sky alone, the ultimate killing 3
Under the roasting of the Sanwei Zhenhuo, it took a full three hours to refine the spiritual imprint left in the Lei Zhenzi mirror image.

"Be careful, it's about to come out, be careful that he runs away."

Shennong's voice sounded, and Li Kuang couldn't help being taken aback: "Run away?"

"Yes, this level of imitation is rare, and even instinctive consciousness has appeared. Although it is now an ownerless thing, it does not mean that you are his only choice. At the moment it is released, if you let it It would be a big loss to run away."

Li Kuang nodded, concentrating secretly, suddenly filled with anticipation, and became extremely nervous.

It seems that this Divine Armor is beyond the control of my current state, and it is really risky for me to do this!

But the matter has come to this point, and there is no room for him to regret it, so he can only try desperately.

"Here we come! Set up the sealing circle quickly, and watch out for it to run away."

When Shennong's voice sounded, the Sanwei Zhenhuo all over the sky seemed to be sucked by the sudden huge suction of the ground, and quickly drilled towards Dandi, while a pair of black and yellow gorgeous battle armor sprayed out.

The terrifying speed is simply indescribable!
If Li Kuang hadn't been preparing for it long ago, it would definitely be too late to use any sealing formulas!

Like the speed of light, people have no time to react!
The battle armor is like a flying bird, but unfortunately, he hit a net!

Under the huge momentum, the battle armor was immediately knocked back, and the spiritual power seal set by Li Kuang was also shattered at the same time. Li Kuang was shocked by the huge momentum and was almost unable to restrain his blood.

Li Kuang was shocked.

Just a pair of ownerless battle armor has such power?

How can it be?

When I was fighting the mirror image of Lei Zhenzi, I didn't seem to feel such a great power!
If Lei Zhenzi could have exploded with such a strong combat power at that time, even ten of them would not be enough to fit their teeth!

What exactly is going on?

Countless doubts arose in Li Kuang's heart!

But the most urgent task is to recognize the master with the blood of the battle armor!

So at the moment when the battle armor bounced back, he was already distracted, his right hand quickly scribbled a series of symbols, while his left hand used the fingers of his left hand to swipe his middle finger with his nails.

Immediately, a streak of blood essence fell into the Shennong Cauldron like crystal pearls.

"Thank you for your encouragement and support, especially for Ai D Shen children's shoes, I hope you have time to leave a message, and go to the topic of Cthulhu Weibo, if you have anything to say, feel free to say it, address:

(End of this chapter)

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