War of the Three Realms

Chapter 963 Fight against the sky alone, the ultimate killing 20

Chapter 963 Fight against the sky alone, the ultimate killing 20
When Li Kuang raised his two sabers and spoke in a voice that was almost charming and evil, they were shocked to realize that the God Extinguishing Bow had turned into two terrifying sharp blades!

"The bow is called Mishen, and the sword is also called Miishen! Do you know what it means? It is dedicated to destroying you gods who don't distinguish between good and evil, tyrannical and cruel gods!"

As soon as he said those words, he flapped his wings, and afterimages suddenly appeared, and a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared out of thin air. Accompanied by a shrill scream and a handful of blood, everyone's hearts were tugged.

The lightning that suddenly flashed was the trace of the Mie Shen Dao cutting through the space!
Melee combat is Li Kuang's strong point, and no one understands the essence of worldly martial arts better than him.

The concept of martial arts is far inferior to that of comprehension, but the purpose of martial arts is more direct than that of comprehension, that is to defeat the opponent, the method and process are not important!
Either you die or I die!

Long before the shot, the Earth Eye scanned the surrounding environment in all directions, and in his mind, a perfect attack plan had already been drawn up in an instant.

Although the Impermanence lacked a magic weapon, they could attack from a distance with the Extinguishing Bow, but Li Kuang didn't want to do that.

These impermanent tyranny and cruelty have completely aroused the anger in his heart, and he wants to tear these poor bastards into pieces in order to comfort the souls of the dead snakes.

If they still have dead souls!
Li Kuang's creed is, hello, I am better than you, you are bad, I am worse than you, you are cruel, and I am more cruel than you!
Absolutely no hypocrisy!
Mie Shen's attack is really terrifying. When it cuts through the air, it even gives people the illusion that the space is also torn apart. There is also a powerful and noble mysterious aura that instantly locks onto the opponent, making him flustered and making mistakes in judgment.

And the powerful immortal body that the immortal is proud of is even more vulnerable to a blow under its sharp blade.

Every time it hits the opponent, the mysterious aura pours into the opponent's body, like a super strong 502, instantly sticking the opponent's Nascent Soul and body together, no matter how difficult it is to separate, even if you have the ability to escape, you can't break free from this glue Knot.

Whether it is the speed of movement or the fierceness of the moves, these immortals who have been imprisoned for too long are no match.

It's like a group of people who have been starved for three days and three nights are facing off against an energetic person with a machine gun, the strength is completely out of proportion!

And the fate can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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