War of the Three Realms

Chapter 989 Fight against the sky alone, the ultimate killing 48

Chapter 989 Fight against the sky alone, the ultimate killing 48
Even if Xu Xun's attack speed could really reach the speed of light, he still had to forcefully break through the net of God-destroying blades formed by soul power. In this way, he would have sufficient time to prepare.

However, Xu Xun's strength was beyond Li Kuang's imagination.

The sharpness of the lightsaber is unparalleled in the world!
Under the terrifying rapidity, it broke the surface with a point, and instantly opened a gap in the knife net composed of Mie Shen Knife. Before the other Mie Shen Knife closed, it had already entered the center and went straight to Li Kuang.

Li Kuang was shocked.

The body moves at an incredible speed, and at the same time, he waved his hands again and again. The spiritual accumulation does not cost money, and countless sealing circles are arranged in front of him.

Boom boom boom!
Although Xu Xun's attack was extremely powerful, after hitting the knife net, the huge impact force had been removed, and it was not as easy to attack the magic circle again as it was the first time.

But he sacrificed himself to enter the Tao, gave up everything he had, and his overall divine power instantly increased a hundredfold, and he was already in the complete golden fairy realm!

Jinxian and Xuanxian are definitely two different concepts!

Its attack power has been increased by more than a hundred times?
Therefore, even without the support of speed, his attack is still extremely violent.

The sudden impact on the sealing circle, just with that huge impact force, was enough to make Li Kuang complain endlessly.

Sure enough, Li Kuang felt as if he was standing in the middle of the railway, allowing a high-speed train to slam into his head. His body was turned upside down, and it seemed that even his internal organs had been shattered!

One time was fine, but at Xu Xun's current speed, the attack frequency was frighteningly high.


Li Kuang snorted, blood poured into his throat uncontrollably, he couldn't help blushing, and opened his mouth to spurt endlessly.

But he couldn't stop, he could only use his soul power continuously, and set up sealing circles one after another, this would be the only way to save his life!

"Hahaha, Li Kuang, this kind of attack is still enjoyable!"

Xu Xun laughed maniacally, but he was now appearing and disappearing, launching a storm-like attack, because he knew that as long as he broke through Li Kuang's defense, with his terrifying speed, Li Kuang would not be able to fight back at all.

Hurry up!
The earth's eyes couldn't catch Xu Xun's movements at all, because it was too fast!

(End of this chapter)

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