War of the Three Realms

Chapter 996 Self-reliant as king, super god formation 4

Chapter 996 Self-reliant as king, super god formation 4
Eliminating all the discomfort, Li Kuang immediately felt refreshed, and his body seemed to have lost several catties.

It's like replacing the bulky frame with a tough and extremely hard fiber synthetic material. It is extremely light and the defense power has soared to an unimaginable level!
Both the bones and the meridians were sublimated at this moment, the mundane aura was completely dispelled, and a fairy aura emerged spontaneously, making him feel like a fairy.

As expected, the spirit energy from the origin of heaven and earth dissipated quickly. Li Kuang only absorbed one-third of it, and the rest turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Even so, Li Kuang's physique has soared to a shocking level... the realm of the real fairy!
This time it's a real physical achievement, not soul power or chaotic spiritual accumulation.

After transforming into a fairy body, the overall strength has also been greatly improved. Not only is it as light as nothing, it can fly through the clouds with almost no spiritual accumulation, and it can also cast some spells that only immortals can cast.

Breaking away from the human body, the low-level storehouse of spiritual accumulations, a fairy with a fairy body will be able to accommodate higher-level spiritual accumulations!

Seeing the spot of light disappear, Li Kuang couldn't help feeling a trace of sadness in his heart.

When he stretched out his hand, he caught a collar in the void!
That's Xu Xun's special collar!

A device specially designed to absorb the spirit of immortals, and it is also a simplified version of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

Li Kuang felt it carefully, but his face changed drastically, and his heart was shocked.

In this circle, there are several extremely complicated arrays, and its most center, that is, the most important heart, is a spiritual accumulation that is as big as a grain of rice!

This is not what surprised Li Kuang. What really surprised him was that the spirit was placed on an extremely sophisticated and complicated device, and that device was rotating at an alarming speed, thus creating a miniature vortex .

Just like when Li Kuang was running the core!
And on that device, there are miniature spikes, as long as the victim wears a collar, those tiny spikes will pierce into the cells.

These spikes are extremely small, and the feeling of piercing into the cells is negligible, making it difficult to detect.

Apparently, the spirit aggregate emitted a terrifying suction force, using the spikes as a channel to absorb and refine the victim's spirit aggregate!

How can it be?

Could it be that my inner core has become the same as the six reincarnations unintentionally?
(End of this chapter)

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