Chapter 23 Foresight
A great leader's courage to accomplish his goals comes from his inner passion, not his status.

—John C. Maxwell

The future belongs to those who predict opportunity before it presents itself.

--John Scully, former president of PepsiCo and former CEO of Apple
No more peeling paint, every horse is dancing to its heart's content
When it comes to the greatest visionary of the 20th century, Walt Disney is definitely one.The person who can produce the world's first sound cartoon, the first color cartoon and the first cartoon film must have a full vision.But the greatest masterpieces created by Walt's vision are Disneyland and Disney World.The source of great inspiration for these two world-famous theme parks is unexpected.

When Walter's two daughters were very young, he used to take them to the Los Angeles playground on Saturday mornings.His daughter loved that playground, and so did he.The playground is a paradise for children, full of joy, the smell of popcorn and cotton candy in the air, colorful billboards flashing, and the screams of children as the roller coaster swoops down.

Once, Walter was attracted by the carousel.He approached the carousel and found that the carousel was shining with colorful light along with the dynamic music.But when he got closer, the wooden horses stopped, and he found that his eyes had been deceived. All the wooden horses were already rickety, loose and damaged, and the paint was peeling off.He also noticed that only the outer Trojans rocked up and down.The wooden horses inside were all nailed to the floor and stood there dumbfounded, unable to move.

The scene disappointed the cartoonist, thereby sparking one of his great dreams.In his mind, he drew a blueprint for a playground where dreams would never be shattered and children and adults alike could enjoy a carnival-like atmosphere, forever reminiscent of a traveling circus or a carnival that left with them. Say goodbye to disappointment.His dream later became Disneyland.As Larry Taylor puts it in his book, Walter's vision can be summed up as: "No more peeling paint, and every Trojan horse jumps."

Vision Shapes the Heart of a Leader

Vision is everything to a leader.It is absolutely indispensable, why?Because vision is the "leader" of the leader, it can draw the blueprint to the leader; it ignites the spark in the leader and provides motivation to push it forward; it can also ignite the fire in the follower .If the leader lacks vision, it is difficult for him to go far, at most he will go in circles.

To have a vision and make it a part of a leader's life requires understanding a few things.

1. Vision comes from within
When I'm leading a workshop, someone will occasionally ask me to come up with a vision of purpose for his organization.But I really can't do this.Vision is something that cannot be bought, begged or borrowed, it comes from within each of us.Vision was never an issue for Walt Disney.His creativity and desire for excellence led him to always see what could be done.

If you lack vision, start looking inside yourself, from your talents and desires.If your heart is calling you, then head in that direction.If you still don't have a vision of your own, find someone who has a vision and can resonate with you, and try to be his partner.Walt Disney's brother Roy played such a role.He is an excellent businessman and a leader who can get things done.And Walter was the one who provided the vision.Together they make the best team.

2. Vision comes from your past
Foresight is not a mystical quality that comes out of nowhere as some people think.It derives from the past experiences of the leader and those around him.This is the story of Walt Disney, but it is true of all leaders.Talking to other leaders will reveal that the key events he has encountered in the past have been very helpful in forming the vision.

3. Vision meets the needs of others

True vision is far-reaching, and it transcends the boundaries of what an individual can accomplish.But if it's really valuable, it's more useful to the general public, so if your vision doesn't serve others, then its scope is too small.

4. Foresight can help you gather resources
One of the most valuable benefits of vision is its ability to attract, stir and unite people like a magnet.It is also able to pool funds and other resources.The grander the vision, the more you can realize the potential of the winner.The more challenging the vision, the more it inspires the challenger to WWI.Edwin Land, the founder of Polaroid, once said: "The first thing you have to do is make people understand that your vision is very important and indispensable. Only in this way can the winner motivated."

Self-Reflection: What's Blocking Your Foresight
Where does vision come from?To find the vision that is essential to leadership, you have to learn to listen.You must listen to the following voices.

1. The inner voice

As I said earlier, vision comes from within.Do you know your own mission in life?What can shake your heart?What is your dream?If what you want in life doesn't come from deep within you, from your own nature or your own beliefs, then you won't be able to accomplish it.

2. The voice of dissatisfaction
Where do great inspirations come from?This stems from a focus on flaws.Restlessness with the status quo can often lead to visionary formation.Are you complacent, or do you find that you want to change the world?No great leader in history fought to preserve the status quo.

3. The sound of success

No one can accomplish great things alone.To accomplish great things, you need an excellent team.But you still need a senior to guide you on your leadership path.

If you want to lead others to success, you need a senior.Do you have such a mentor to help you find sharp vision?

4. Higher voice

While vision comes from within, you cannot let it be limited by your own limited abilities.Have you ever imagined the future, even let the vision go beyond this life, and locate your purpose in eternal time and space?If not, you may be missing an opportunity to realize your true potential and appreciate the essence of life.

Your "prescription" for vision

To improve vision, we must do the following.

1. Measure yourself

If you've ever thought about your life vision and detailed it, now is the time to judge how much you've accomplished.Find a few important people, such as your lover, close friend, or important employee, and ask them if they know your vision.If they can tell, then you're living your vision.

2. Write it down

If you've ever thought about your vision but never written it down, take some time today to write it.The process of writing it down helps you gain more clarity on your thoughts.Once you've written your vision down, evaluate whether it's worth everything you've given it.If the answer is yes, then give everything to make it happen.

3. Do a fundamental test
If you haven't done your homework on your foresight, give it some thought over the next few weeks and months.Think about what can really shake your heart, what can make you cry, what can make you dream, what can give you strength; you should also think about what you want to change around you, what Things you think might happen but haven't happened yet.

Once your ideas become clear, write them down and talk to a senior mentor.

Dreams come true

From 1923 to 1955, Robert Woodruff served as president of The Coca-Cola Company.During his tenure, he wanted every American soldier in the world to be able to drink Coca-Cola for five cents.In order to realize this wish, he can pay any price.What an ambitious goal!But compared with the grander vision in his heart, the word "magnificent" cannot be said at all.He hopes that in his lifetime, everyone in the world has tasted Coca-Cola.

When you go deep inside to find your vision, what do you see?
(End of this chapter)

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