point golden pupil

Chapter 181 Challenge

Chapter 181 Challenge
Li Qing looked at Gaia with a smile, and there seemed to be some pity in his expression.To be honest, Li Qing's expression made Mr. Ding a little unpredictable.

Logically speaking, a little girl of her age shouldn't have behaved like this. Seeing these strong men like cows, she should have taken three steps back in fright, her shoulders trembling, how could she smile so brightly? .

Mrs. Shen took a step forward, she raised her face, barely reaching Gaia's chin, such an extreme contrast between weak and strong, looked so weird in her bright red eyes.

"Challenge? Hehe, this is not a challenge. I'm here to kill you."

Madam Shen whispered in a voice that only she and Gaia could hear.

Hearing this, Gaia suddenly became exasperated. Since two years ago, he has never had an opponent.In the past two years, he has only played one game in almost two or three months, and he has always maintained the most proud result.

Now, facing a petite and exquisite woman who dared to provoke him like this, he naturally wouldn't feel so well.

It's just that Mrs. Shen is extremely confident in Li Qing's transformed body. Maybe even Li Qing doesn't know how powerful Madam Shen's body is.Only Mrs. Shen herself understood how much stimulation she would bring to the enemy under this power.

Wu Shun, who was standing behind Madam Shen and Li Qing, also looked at Gaia with a smile, but clenched his fists tightly, because Gaia's body was already agitated by anger.

Suddenly, Gaia's fist slammed over. The blow came so suddenly that Lao Ding's face changed color.Ding Lao, who was originally interested in watching the excitement, suddenly became worried.Under Gaia's fist, how could the petite Mrs. Shen feel like she was hit by a hammer?If Mrs. Shen really died here, he would bear very heavy pressure!
Madam Shen, she is a powerful figure in the imperial capital!

For some reason, Mrs. Shen didn't seem to have seen the blow, with that confident smile still on the corner of her mouth, looking at Gaia with disdain.

Ding Lao suddenly said: "Madam Shen, be careful!"

The hearts of the people around were also raised. This is not the first time Gaia has killed people, and it is not the first time that Gaia has killed people in public.Could it be that the bloody side is about to appear on the training ground?

When all eyes were on Mrs. Shen, in the next second, there was an astonishing change!
Before Mr. Ding could finish his words, Gaia suddenly flew upside down with lightning speed and fell three steps away!
Shock!Everyone was shocked!

what happened?They all stared at Mrs. Shen, but they didn't see her make a move!
Who is it?


In the scene where dozens of people were present, it was surprisingly quiet now!

Even a needle on the ground can be heard clearly.

What kind of power is this?Can easily knock down the defending king in their mind with one punch?

At this time, Wu Shun, who was unknown behind him, slowly put away his fists.

He shook his hands, then grinned and said to Li Qing: "Qingqing, this big guy is really tough!"

It's just that no one can laugh at his joke.Because everyone who can appear here knows how powerful Gaia is!

Mrs. Shen, who didn't even hurt her vellus, giggled: "Xiao Shunzi, thank you. Otherwise, this guy would have flattened my face."

Wu Shun scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I'm really sorry, maybe the strength is a little too strong, I hope it won't affect you and his arena for a while."

Since becoming a blood puppet, he has developed a great affection for Mrs. Shen.It may be because the souls of the two of them have already communicated with Li Qing, and there is a great tacit understanding in the invisible.

Seeing this scene, Li Qing was also very helpless. After she used the Body Refining Talisman for them, they seemed to have grown several times.

Gaia got up from the ground, but she didn't seem to be injured at all. It seems that the rough skin and thick flesh are still good.Otherwise, it would be bad if it would affect the group arena match with Shen Qingwen.Just this time, Gaia looked at Wu Shun with a trace of fear in his eyes, because only he who was beaten knew how heavy this blow was.

When facing Mrs. Shen, he was finally not so arrogant because of Wu Shun.However, just because he is afraid of Wu Shun does not mean he can be afraid of Mrs. Shen.

No matter how you look at it, Mrs. Shen is just a little girl, and there is absolutely no mistake in this point.No matter how powerful he is, can he be as powerful as a man who has won nine consecutive victories?
"Everyone, everyone..."

Seeing such an anxious scene, Mr. Ding finally came out to make love.He waved his hand and said with a smile: "Since Mrs. Shen is so aggressive, how about making gestures with our contestant for a while? Let's not fight on the martial arts arena. There, we have to sign a certificate of life and death, regardless of life or death." .”

On the surface, Mr. Ding said this to Mrs. Shen, as if to give Mrs. Shen a face.But Mrs. Shen, how could she agree with this statement?

She smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Ding. It's just that I'm afraid I'll damage your cash cow. Can you help me a little bit later, so that I can also make gestures in that bloody place?"

Li Qing did not object to Mrs. Shen's application, and even agreed with it psychologically.

Li Qing didn't want to ask about Mrs. Shen's previous love life, but since Mrs. Shen has already said that she once fell in love with a person here after her husband died, and this person died in the hands of Gaia, then, kill him Gaia, revenge for that person is a matter of course.

Li Qing never thought of helping Mrs. Shen, because even Wu Shun could easily defeat this person in front of him...

Mrs. Shen, however, has been a blood puppet much longer than Wu Shun, and she is also very proficient in adapting to strength. In this regard, Wu Shun is still not as good as her so far.

Obviously, Gaia is afraid of the wrong person, and this little woman in front of him is the one he should be afraid of!

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!"

Gaia was really irritated by this woman.She actually came to provoke him again and again.He can't beat the man in front of him, but is this beautiful woman better than Wu Shun?
Gaia's promise made Mr. Ding a little frustrated. Hey, after all, he won so much money for him. It's a pity that Mrs. Shen killed him like this.

Old Ding nodded dejectedly, waved his hand, and someone came to arrange for them tonight's session.In the eyes of others, they thought that Mr. Ding's expression was for Mrs. Shen. Who would have thought that he was frustrated for Gaia?
When he came to Gaia, Ding Lao still wanted to remind him. Who knew that when Ding Lao put his hand on Gaia's shoulder, Gaia looked at Ding Lao's expression and said coldly: "Boss, you don't have to persuade me. I won't show mercy!"

Old Ding was taken aback for a moment, then left without saying anything.

This person wants to die, what can he do?
"Here's the timetable. The game will be played at [-] o'clock tomorrow night. Come an hour earlier."

The secretary next to Mr. Ding gave Wu Shun the temporarily scheduled game schedule, and Wu Shun nodded in agreement.Gaia angrily walked to Mrs. Shen's side and said, "You little brat, tomorrow I'm going to tear out all your underwear and let tens of thousands of people watch it!"

What kind of person is Mrs. Shen, how could she be angry because of his words, she looked at him with a smile, as if she was looking at a dead person.

Gaia just left, Li Qing and the others will naturally stay here.

Mr. Ding has already prepared a special training room for them. In this room, there are the heaviest and most difficult training equipment in this place. They are usually used for the training of players before the competition, and they have not been used for half a year. .

This is the purpose of Li Qing and the others coming today.

In Li Qing's VIP card, Mr. Ding had added a password for a free trial room, so they could come and play casually in the future.

After entering the training room, Li Qing was stunned by the training equipment inside.

In fact, special training equipment is no different from ordinary equipment, the only difference is the weight.The weight of each piece of equipment has been increased to a thousand kilograms!That's a ton!

The [-]-kilogram barbell was placed in the corner, purely for display.Because it is impossible for someone to lift a barbell of [-] kilograms!That's a ton!
A normal adult man, using fitness equipment, can lift [-] kg is the maximum.

Ordinary machinery can only bear that weight.

But the special machines here start from [-] kilograms, that is to say, the lightest one is [-] kilograms. Even the skeleton of the training equipment is specially made.

Such a heavy training equipment is really daunting.


Of course Wu Shun is the happiest, he has just obtained the power of the blood puppet, and he is still in the excitement period.

"This place is good, let's come here often in the future."

Excitedly, Wu Shun grabbed a 250kg barbell with one hand and yelled. Then, he changed to [-]kg, and then [-]kg... Wu Shun stopped his excitement until it reached [-]kg. , seemed a bit strenuous.

This... five hundred kilograms!
That's a thousand catties!
Going down, Wu Shun seemed unable to carry it anymore.However, as long as you grit your teeth and add another hundred kilograms, it seems that you have just left the ground.

Mrs. Shen also tried it, and her strength was slightly better than Wu Shun's, only about [-] kilograms.This is her limit.

However, since Li Qing came in, he has been standing in front of the [-]-kilogram barbell.

Why does she feel that she seems to be able to lift this guy?
Try it!
Wu Shun and Mrs. Shen each showed their hands, and when they were excitedly sprinting like the next weight, Li Qing lightly picked up the [-]-kilogram barbell, and even threw it up twice in the palm of his hand...

Nima!That's a ton!
Both Wu Shun and Mrs. Shen showed incredible expressions!
Li Qing let go of her hands helplessly. Although she was already very careful, she still shook the ground.

This ton is not a light thing.

However, under the support of Li Qing's spiritual power, this thousand kilograms was surprisingly easy.

However, she also wanted to test her pure physical power, but her spiritual power had already become a kind of power that could be manipulated with her arms and fingers. With just a little thought, she could lift things in Li Qing's hands...

Let alone one ton, even if it is ten or twenty tons, in Li Qing's view, it seems that it is not unbelievable.Seeing them stunned, Li Qing smiled and clapped her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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