point golden pupil

Chapter 223 Two inhuman body training

Chapter 223 Inhuman Second Body Training

Looking at the lump of red meat after being skinned and cramped, Li Qing nodded in satisfaction.

Of course, Xiao Shunzi, the only man among the three, did the job of slaughtering.

Wu Shun wiped the blood beads off his face, washed the cut meat, and put it into the boiled soup.

Cleaning up saber-toothed pigs is not complicated, and its internal structure is no different from that of domestic pigs. Moreover, saber-toothed pigs have a very strange feature, that is, their abdomens are particularly delicate, which is why they are so easy to be blown to death.

Li Qing searched for a long time in his Void Transformation Space, and found a lot of meat that was suitable for cooking pork.However, since none of the three present had eaten this kind of pig, I chose to put a little bit of cinnamon star anise in it, so that you can taste the original taste of saber-toothed pork.

Stewed saber-toothed pig in clear water, plus three big steamed buns just out of the pot, Li Qing even took two potatoes and carrots from his backpack, asked Wu Shun to cut them up, and threw them into the big pot.

Half an hour later, the aroma was strong, and there was a gurgling sound from under the lid of the pot.

Mrs. Shen claimed to be well-informed, but she was also greedy by this scent and picked up the dishes and prepared to do it.Wu Shun hurriedly said: "Wait a little longer, it's better to stew it, I'll sprinkle salt first."

Lifting the lid of the pot, Wu Shun took some fine salt and sprinkled it in. The stewed pork had already started to roll in the country. The simple ingredients made the pork taste sweeter, but the three of them still waited obediently for the pork. Stewed.After all, only Wu Shun has relatively high cooking experience among them.

Finally, when the time came, Wu Shun lifted the lid of the pot again, first scooped up a spoonful of meat and soup with a spoon, and ate a large bowl with a sip.The saber-toothed pork is really tender and more fragrant than ordinary pork, but it is not greasy. The meat is also red meat, with little fat and oil, and it has a spirit. After eating, the internal organs are docile and melt in the mouth .A sense of gentleness brought by spiritual power also spread in the cavity along the nose and mouth.

"good to eat!"

Li Qing thought about it for a long time, and suddenly found that other than these two words, he couldn't express his love for the saber-toothed pig at all.

"Not bad. Roast the remaining pork leg in a while, put it in the space, and save it for next time. Let the rest be stewed like this, and it won't go bad if you put it in it."

Wu Shun nodded, he thought so too.

Before coming here, Li Qing had already said that they were going to enter a space completely different from this world.However, there must be various dangers in this space, so they may not have time to have a good meal here every time.

Therefore, it is very important to make some temporary food.

"Okay, then the two of us will help you. Let's take this afternoon as a holiday for us after retreat, and let's do the second body training the next morning."

Li Qing's words made the bowl and chopsticks in Wu Shun's hands almost fall to the ground. He said, "What are you talking about? There is a second body training going on?"

The pain of the first body training is still fresh in his memory, and after the body training, Mrs. Shen gave him hell training, so this young man can completely remember the pain of this body training.

However, no matter how much memory is used, it is useless to become stronger, body training is essential.

Li Qing looked at the faint spirit pattern on her arm, and after training Wu Shun and the others, she also continued to train herself.

"Okay, that's a happy decision. Now deal with the pig."

Mrs. Shen still had that indifferent appearance, but it could be seen that she showed a strong sense of excitement about body training.Because Mrs. Shen has survived a special training process since she was a child, in her opinion, pursuing the ultimate of her own strength is a very happy feeling.

Li Qing ignored the mournful Xiao Shunzi, went to the saber-toothed pig's head, and knocked out the saber-toothed pig's teeth.

It's still useful for her teeth.

Because in the psychic cauldron, there is a record of runes made of different materials, and one of the runes used the teeth of saber-toothed pigs.So, she thought it was better to stay.

In the process of peeling the bones, Wu Shun suddenly said in surprise: "Huh? There are patterns on the bones of this pig! Qingqing, come and take a look!"

Li Qing walked over and saw that Wu Shun was peeling the front elbow bone of a saber-toothed pig, and there was a golden symbol on a slightly square joint in the middle of the bone.

"Natural runes?"

Li Qing was surprised, and she quickly picked up the bone.

Mrs. Shen was also attracted, and Wu Shun asked, "What are natural runes?"

Natural runes are also recorded in the memory of Tong Lingding. This kind of runes usually appear on spirit beasts, and runes themselves are an indispensable thing for making talismans. If you can find them on animal bones Once you get the natural runes, you can refine the runes and become real runes that you can use.

For example, Li Qing has thousands of rune symbols inherited from the memory of Tonglingdingding. She can spend a certain amount of time reorganizing and rebuilding these symbols, thus turning them into a combined rune, which can increase the power of the rune.

However, if you have a natural rune, the speed of forming a compound rune will be directly shortened to half of the memory rune.

That is to say, after refining and absorbing natural runes, they will become a part of themselves, and can be used in every gesture without consuming any spiritual power.

The rune on this saber-toothed pig is the simplest earth-type rune, but the level of the saber-toothed pig is too low, and the rune on it is just a monotonous symbol.Absorbing this rune is just to increase the affinity for the earth element, which may increase a little bit quickly when building runes such as earth walls.

However, after all, it was Li Qing's first encounter with natural runes, so he happily put this bone away.Wait for it to be refined later.

If you want to become a qualified talisman master, the accumulation of this kind of experience is essential.Because not necessarily when, you will use all kinds of weird runes, and accumulate a lot, which is beneficial and harmless.

After listening to Li Qing's explanation, Shen Qingwen and Wu Shun also became interested in this kind of magical talisman knowledge.However, they knew that Li Qing acquired such a huge memory because he inherited the ancient relics. They didn't have any knowledge about talismans in their minds. Even if they were to memorize them, it would be more difficult than the college entrance examination.

It was still An Ansheng who grew his strength and attack ability through body training, which was faster than anything else.Anyway, with Li Qing's talisman knowledge, he can change their bodies step by step and protect Li Qing no matter what.

"Okay, let's rest first. Tomorrow morning, get ready for the second body training."

After Li Qing ordered, she returned to her cave.She was anxious to absorb the runes on the saber-toothed pig.

Absorbing the saber-toothed pig rune is not complicated. It took Li Qing half an hour to refine it into her sea of ​​consciousness, and in her sea of ​​consciousness, a small piece of khaki rune floated inside.

After absorbing the rune, Li Qing opened his eyes, and clearly felt the soil under his feet and the earth element floating in the air.She discovered that her affinity for soil had greatly increased, and she just randomly drew that rune in the void, and a ball of soil appeared in the air.

Then, she began to try to use this rune element to form a coagulation talisman, and the soil turned into a corner of the earth. With a little spiritual force, she could make the lump of soil fly up and down, and even launch it directly. Get out and hit the wall.

To activate these, she only needs to use her spiritual power to quickly draw the solidification rune in the air, and the earth element rune on the saber-toothed pig can mobilize the earth element just by thinking about it in her mind.

This method is very fast.

Li Qing tried to use the newly formed talisman to build a soil thorn, which suddenly protruded from the ground.However, the earth elements she can control are too few, and only one earth thorn can be established, and she cannot control any more.

It seems that this has something to do with the low level of saber-toothed pigs.

This is just what the second-grade saber-toothed pigs brought to Li Qing, and saber-toothed pigs are everywhere in Lingqiao.In this way, what kind of surprises will the other spirit beasts bring to Li Qing?

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't want to die in the spiritual aperture, Li Qing would have been unable to hold back his curiosity and entered the spiritual aperture long ago.

But for the sake of safety, she still has to do a good job of body training for Wu Shun and Mrs. Shen, so that she can safely entrust them with safety.This is not just for the sake of her own safety, the bigger reason is that she doesn't want to climb forward alone.She needs partners, so she will spare no effort to help Wu Shun and Mrs. Shen strengthen their own strength.

Moreover, the second life of the two of them has been restricted by her to become her own blood puppets.Li Qing also felt sorry for them.

In any case, the three of them have become the closest partners, and it is the right way to advance and retreat together.

Early the next morning, Wu Shun boiled the pork bone soup made last night, sprinkled a handful of noodles, and the three of them ate to their fullest.

And Li Qing took out the psychic cauldron, and then took out the bone needle... It was ground out yesterday with a pig bone and a machine used to polish jadeite.Because she found that the bones of spirit beasts are also a very good psychic medium, and they are also extraordinarily hard, which can make the depiction of spirit patterns easier.

Naturally, Wu Shun came first this time.Although Wu Shun yelled to ask Li Qing to spare him, he still liked this shortcut to increase his own strength, although this shortcut was very painful.

Describing runes, how can it be tolerated casually?
In addition, they are not Li Qing, and they will not use spiritual power to protect their brains and reduce the pain.They will only forcefully support it until the spirit pattern is carved.

But Li Qing believed that after the end of this spirit pattern drawing, they could all reach the strength to defeat the practitioners of the Jieyun period.Because through Li Qing's observation, they can beat Daoist Bai Lian to the ground without any effort.

It can only show that body training is very powerful, not to mention the blood puppets whose body is the main body.The appearance of these blood puppets is to protect the cultivators, which is clearly explained in the memory of Tonglingdingding.The reason why the control is so serious is because the blood puppets will be the most precious partners of the cultivators who cultivate the talismans. They will accompany the growth of the talisman cultivators, and they will also become an identification of the success of the talisman cultivators.

To check which talisman cultivators are powerful, just look at their blood puppets to see if they are strong.

"Be patient, count to five, and I'll start."

Li Qing stuffed a clean towel into Wu Shun's mouth, this was to prevent Wu Shun from biting his own lip due to too much pain.

"I'm starting to count, one, two, three—"

Although Li Qing told Wu Shun to start with the fifth number, she had already started carving before the fifth number was exited.Naturally, it was to relieve Wu Shun's emotions, otherwise, when he really reached the fifth number, his muscles would be tense, and it would be difficult to sculpt.

The blood flowed down Li Qing's bone needle, but before it fell, it was directly evaporated by the spiritual power on Li Qing's bone needle, and the talismans that looked extraordinarily complicated were drawn by Li Qing Beads of sweat rolled off Wu Shun's forehead and blue veins protruded, a hole was bitten out of the towel in his mouth, and his body also swayed slightly.But he clenched his hands tightly and insisted on not fainting.


Li Qing was also worried about Wu Shun's body, so she tried to speed up as much as possible.The second-grade body training rune is ten times more complicated than the first-grade rune. She started to carve on Wu Shun's left shoulder, and carved the rune all the way to his entire back before finishing the second-grade body training rune.

Even drawing runes, she was very tired, not to mention that Wu Shun was suffering and enduring the bone-eating pain there.

When the last touch was finished, the runes behind Wu Shun suddenly lit up, a green spiritual power followed the trajectory of the rune vision, and the runes on his back cycled for a week, and then returned to calm.As for Wu Shun's back, the scratched wound caused by the engraving of runes has long since returned to normal, leaving only a strange tattoo, and the green light has disappeared.

And the pain disappeared suddenly at this moment, as if a big stone had been removed from his body, and a sense of comfort came from his back, making Wu Shun feel light.

After suffering, there is extreme enjoyment, which is best reflected in the body training runes.

"how do you feel?"

Li Qing wiped the sweat off her body with a towel. In order to make the body training a success, she almost concentrated all her mental strength to complete the body training.

Wu Shun nodded with a smile, took out the towel in his mouth, and said, "Although it was painful, the moment it ended was great. However, I really want to sleep now..."

As he spoke, he fell headlong to the ground, unconscious.

Li Qing knew that he had been holding back with his consciousness, and that he would be completely powerless.

Mrs. Shen has been watching all this quietly, and when she saw that Wu Shun had finished engraving, she dragged that brat back to his own room. Then, she took off her shirt and said to Li Qing with her back naked: "Come on. I long for strength, and I can bear any pain!"

Li Qing sat cross-legged on the ground, and ran Xingyao Jue for a week, suppressing the excitement of the spiritual energy in his body forcibly, and breathing out for a while before returning to normal.She asked: "Are you sure now? If I continue to practice now, there will be a half failure rate. If you fail, you have to start all over again."

Mrs. Shen nodded resolutely: "I don't want to be left behind by that brat."

Li Qing smiled and said nothing, she took out a clean towel and handed it to Mrs. Shen.

But Mrs. Shen shook her head, she seemed to be very disdainful of this pain relief method of biting a towel with her mouth.

Naturally, Li Qing would not embarrass her, without counting down or teasing, she directly picked up the bone needle and started to describe.Because as long as the back hurts, Mrs. Shen will naturally know that the body training has started.

For the first time, Mrs. Shen could bear it. After one minute of body training, Mrs. Shen's frown could not be relaxed no matter what.In the end, she reached out and put the towel in front of her mouth - because it hurt so much!
Three hours passed quickly, and Li Qing completed the final outline. Mrs. Shen's back shone brightly, and the body training was successful.But Li Qing's little face turned pale. She really couldn't bear to do body training for two people at once.

Mrs. Shen spat out the towel and smiled.The feeling of refreshment at the end of body training really makes people extra happy, as if drinking a cup of hot milk tea in winter is as comfortable as it is.

Of course, the most important thing is that she didn't give up like Wu Shun and fell to the ground directly, but when she returned to the inner room where she lived for three seconds, Li Qing heard a faint snoring sound from inside.

Ha, the pain of body training is not so easy to bear.

But now the problem came, seeing Wu Shun and Mrs. Shen in so much pain, Li Qing began to struggle with how to train himself.

It would definitely be impossible for them to help carve the runes. Even if they were able to carve the runes like cats and dogs, they would not be able to imbue them with spiritual power and activate the runes.

In this way, only you can portray yourself.

Li Qing scratched his head and thought of a way, but in the end he realized that he had to either not train his body, or draw the runes by himself. There was no third way.

Although it is the right way to become a weak and powerful cultivator, Li Qing doesn't want to do that.What she wants to do is to become a cultivator who can attack from a distance and defend from a distance. Otherwise, if she encounters any danger, if Wu Shun and Mrs. Shen are not around, she can't even beat a saber-toothed pig.

After much deliberation, Li Qing finally decided that when his body recovered, he would train for himself.

Isn't it just depicting talismans?

If Mrs. Wu Shunchen can do it, so can she herself!

As soon as the decision was made, Li Qing threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.

Helpless, the continuous refinement of blood puppets has exhausted her physical energy.

When I woke up again, it was already early the next morning.

Both Wu Shun and Mrs. Shen had finished warming up on the opposite cliff, and Li Qing also decided to start training for herself right in front of them, so that if there was any problem, they could lend a helping hand immediately.

It's just that she couldn't paint on her back, so she chose to target her legs and arms.

However, carving talismans on the limbs will separate the runes. I don't know if it will succeed. If it fails, it will have to start all over again.

But helplessly, she can only see her limbs, unless the runes are carved on her belly, but the area is too small.

After thinking for a long time, she decided to paint on the legs.

So, she left only a pair of leg-length shorts, put her legs together, and sat on the cushion.

Under the worried eyes of Mrs. Shen and Wu Shun, she picked up a towel and put it in her mouth, and stabbed down fiercely with the bone needle!

(End of this chapter)

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