point golden pupil

Chapter 240 Provoking Taoist Master Qingfeng

Chapter 240 Provoking Taoist Master Qingfeng
After two days, the auction was finally over.

During these two days, Li Qing finally realized what it means to make money while resting.

She only felt that the money in her bank card was rising steadily. In the end, she distributed 20.00% to Ding's family and [-]% to Daoist Bai Lian. After removing [-]%, the amount was still terrifying.

More than 2000 billion, Li Qing can eat delicacies from mountains and seas for a lifetime.

However, the last figure Li Qing saw caused her endless worries.

Because this person is indeed Rhoda.

Rhoda had already said it the last time we met, if we see him next time, then Ryeowook must be walking with his body instead of himself.

Could it be that Luo Da has already been seized?

No, if it was successful, Rye Wook would not need ten years to recover his reincarnation. It was only three months since Rhoda left last time. How could Ryeowook take Rowda away in such a short period of time? give up.

If all these are true, then the Rhoda we see now may be forced by Ryeowook to appear.

Or in other words, at the auction, there were people who tied the dragon ring, and they might have bought a lot of materials that they had auctioned.These things... Could it be that Ryeowook also needs them?
Then, will this not only promote the prosperity and development of the cultivation world, but also speed up Ryeowook's reincarnation process?

These messy thoughts lingered in Li Qing's mind. If he continued to investigate, he might be able to find out the purchasers from the Dragon Ring Organization.But what if you find out?
With the attitude of ebb and flow in the cultivation world, can Li Qing go over and grab the things that are sold?

Li Qing sighed helplessly. Fortunately, she had a spiritual orifice in her hand, and the materials she took out were only a drop in the bucket, but she could pin her hopes on the soon-to-be-developed Guiyi Sect.

After this auction, Gui Yimen has gained a firm foothold in the contemporary cultivation world and has spread his fame.There are even some small families and sects who tried to leave information for the auction to join Guiyimen.This surprised Li Qing, but she rejected them one by one.

Li Qing didn't want outsiders. He founded a sect because he wanted to give himself and others a sense of belonging, such as Mr. Ding and Daoist Bai Lian. They all needed such a place to increase their sense of belonging.

The emergence of Guiyimen happens to cater to this trend.

However, on the third day, an unexpected incident made Li Qing extremely angry.

That is, Mr. Ding was robbed.

The auction has just ended, Mr. Ding has earned a lot of money, and he is happy now. He even closed the underground boxing arena, planning not to do business in the underground boxing arena in the future.

However, on the day when the doors were closed, the underground boxing arena was blown up.

The garage on the first floor was blown up in a mess, and a hole was blown out of the ceiling.

The most important thing is that Li Qing is here right now, waiting to give Elder Ding his first body training.

These were all agreed at the time. After the auction was over, Li Qing would introduce Mr. Ding into the ranks of cultivators, and give him and his grandson a body training session.

And this body training is already halfway through.

There is almost no need to mention how important body training is, but at such an important juncture, the rumbling sound above his head made Li Qing's hand tremble, almost making the carving crooked. His body was destroyed.

Li Qing did not take out the psychic cauldron for Ding Lao and the others to train their bodies.However, her mental strength was so concentrated at the moment that she could not be disturbed at all. Frowning, Li Qing said, "Sister Shen, please go out and have a look. Xiao Shunzi, you are here to protect me."

Yesterday Wu Shun came back from Changbai Mountain. After the second physical training, Wu Shun's hearing was far superior to that of ordinary people, so he nodded slightly and stood in front of Li Qing.

Shen Qingwen flew out, and as soon as she opened the door, she was shocked when she saw the scene outside.

At this moment, a row of men in black stood outside, holding a row of shiny long knives in their hands, with blood dripping from the back of the knives.

And lying on the ground, it was none other than Mr. Ding's most important property at that time, the boxers who survived the hardships of life and death.

After the underground boxing arena was disbanded, these boxers were directly hired by Mr. Ding to become his bodyguards, but at this time, there were not even one left!
All die!

At this time, Shen Qingwen faced a row of more than twenty people in black, and asked with an unchanged expression: "Who are you!"

No matter how powerful these fighters are, they are just ordinary people.Shen Qingwen has already trained her body twice, so she naturally doesn't have any pity for these ordinary people.All she cared about was who these people in front of her were.

However, Shen Qingwen's question was not answered, and the people in black ran forward in an instant, with a flash of a long knife in their hand, they stabbed Li Qing in the face.

"Hehe, do you have to fight if you don't talk? I don't really want to do that."

The shadow of the knife flew by, and these people knew it was Lian Jiazi at a glance, and they cooperated quite tacitly. Shen Qingwen leaned back to avoid the shadow of the knife above her head, but the shadow of the knife below her body had already flown there.

It's just that they didn't expect that Shen Qingwen moved to the side strangely, and escaped abruptly under the attack of two blade shadows.And her speed is beyond the reach of the man in black.

Escaping from the knife array, Shen Qingwen didn't leave directly, she turned around suddenly, and kicked a series of kicks from the back of more than twenty black shadows, forcefully kicking one piece down.But after a long time, the remaining ones were still strong and rushed towards her again.

But this time, Shen Qingwen directly tapped their insteps on their steel knives, and the people in black who surrounded her were kicked down in the opposite direction, like a black lotus blooming, and a group of people fell down afterward.

It only took 1 minute to defeat these twenty or so people.

Shen Qingwen clapped her hands, stepped on the face of a man in black who seemed to be the leader, tore off his mask and saw that he was still a handsome young man.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The young man spit out a mouthful of saliva suddenly, Shen Qingwen dodged sideways, with a gloomy expression, kicked him in the head directly, knocking him unconscious.

This has been the case, and when the third question was asked, the child was finally so frightened that he said everything.

"Heroine, please forgive me. We belong to the Qingfeng sect. Today, we want to borrow something from the auction house..."

Shen Qingwen laughed, these people are really funny, they are here to rob, and they want to borrow things?
"Okay, then tell me, what do you want to borrow?"

The man in black was flushed, and finally said: "Then, that spirit beast... the fire snake! By the way, there is also that little beauty who can raise fire snakes!"


Shen Qingwen almost burst into laughter suddenly.These people turned out to be here to rob Li Qing and the fiery snake transformed by Li Qing's spell!
It's really funny, it seems that they really regarded the fire snake as a spirit beast, and they thought Li Qing was a beast master.

At this time, the man in black at the end of the line shouted hurriedly: "Second senior brother, why did you say everything, you can't say anything, you messed up everything that the master arranged!"

"Haha, Second Senior Brother? This is fun, I want to see if your face is a pig's face! But, even if it's not a pig's face, I can beat you into a pig's face!"

"No, don't! I am the grandson of the head of the Qingfeng Sect. If you dare to beat me, my grandfather will definitely not spare you!"

This guy is really cowardly, he revealed his true self after being frightened twice.

Shen Qingwen pulled his collar and said with a smile: "Yo, you are still an important person. It seems that I have to treat you well. Come on, stand in line one by one, let me in!"

Shen Qingwen lifted the yelling young man with one hand, went directly to the next room, and locked them all in.Only the grandson of the so-called master of the Qingfeng Sect was left in his hand.

He took a defensive talisman array that Li Qing used to forge and play with from the universe bag, and threw it directly at the door. With this talisman array, even if they smashed the wall, they couldn't get out of the circle.

On Li Qing's side, the body training for Ding Lao was finally over.

The body training process was very painful, and Mr. Ding was an older person. After all the tossing, the old man fainted.Fortunately, Li Qing drew the first-level body-refining talisman very quickly, and did not cause the old man to suffer too much pain. If the speed of body-refinement for Daoist Bai Lian and Wu Shun was followed, I am afraid that Old Ding would die immediately.

The black and purple runes shone on Ding Lao's back, and Ding Lao's grandson hugged him and put him aside.Now, it depends on how fast Ding Lao absorbs the talismans.

Seeing Shen Qingwen waiting for a long time with someone beside her, Li Qing washed her hands and asked, "What's going on?"

Shen Qingwen laughed and said: "This person's name is Zhu Long, he is the grandson of the master of the Qingfeng Sect, and he said he came to rob the fire snake you raised. Well, they said it was a rare and rare spirit beast."

"The fire snake that robbed me? Or a spirit beast? Haha!"

Li Qing slapped his legs and laughed, when did the fire snake become a spirit beast?That's just a mimicry spell!
The man in black shrank his head from being laughed at, and even had a little tear stain.However, he still spoke very hard: "You, don't be so arrogant! My grandpa will chop you up!"

Li Qing's eyes swept away, revealing a cold murderous aura.After living in the spirit aperture for a long time, Li Qing found that he has a strong ability to adapt to killing and killing spirit beasts.

Now that they dare to rob me, if one day I'm not here, the auction will not be directly occupied?

The Ding family, just wait for the National People's Congress to rip it apart!

If they don't stand up, they should still belong to the Ding family who belong to the same sect!

Li Qing was a little angry.

Ever since she gained power, she has become more irritable and irritable, because strength has made her more forthright and free and easy.

Today is Ding's family, and tomorrow it may be parents. If they really investigate, what if they do something that threatens their own family?
When Li Qing thought of this, his eyes seemed to shoot out flames. A tiny fiery snake suddenly emerged from her palm and wandered in the half-meter spherical space around her body.

Anyway, I want to sweep the current cultivation world, so I can let myself see if there are real immortals in the cultivation world.So, let's start with the Qingfeng faction.

"Snake, snake, fire snake!"

That fellow, seeing Li Qing's fiery snake appear, immediately collapsed in fright, his face pale.

Li Qing had a displeased smile on his face, and looked at Zhu Long amiably.

"I'll give you a chance to go home, do you cherish it or not?"


On a beautiful mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

And the Taoist priests in this Taoist temple are also a school. The Taoist temple says Qingfengguan, and there is a Qingfengmen in Qingfengguan.

The Qingfeng Sect is one of the few sects of self-cultivation located in the imperial capital. Their superficial buildings do not look majestic, but their branches and vines have many branches throughout the city.

If it was a small sect, of course Daoist Bai Lian would not invite them to participate in the auction of practitioners.As for the Cultivator Auction, most of the high-ranking people came in under the name of Qingfeng Sect.

You must know that the invitations distributed by Daoist Bai Lian are limited, and all of them are marked with spiritual power, so they cannot be copied. Moreover, all the guests are invited in by him. Unless someone kills and steals the invitations, otherwise, it is impossible wrong.

The Qingfeng Sect can be said to be the most typical sect combining mortals and comprehension circles. Their disciples are mostly distributed in officialdom and shopping malls, and they can even be seen in all confidential departments.

In the imperial capital, their internal strength and cultivation methods are definitely a first-class important secret, and among all the most core explosion-proof members in the imperial capital, most of them have been trained by the Qingfeng sect.

It can be seen that its origin is quite deep.

But now, there is a group of people in front of this magnificent Taoist temple.

The leader was a girl in a white robe. She looked quite young, with long black hair falling down to her waist, and a faint smile on her delicate melon-seeded face.

Standing beside her was a young man, but he was holding a thick rope in his hand.He pulled lightly, and the twenty or so people walking behind him all staggered.If you look carefully, they are not queuing, but their hands are tied with a rope, so they have to occupy it like this.It's just that there are clothes hanging between their arms, but they look like an orderly autumn outing team, not like they were escorted.

On the other side of the girl, stood a charming and colorful woman.Exquisite and detailed hair, fair and shiny skin, and a cheek with the charm of a mature woman.

Elegant temperament.

However, she had her arm on a young man with a sad face.Taking a closer look, the woman's two wrists, like iron pliers, pinched the young man immobile.

At the same time, an old man with a white beard wobbled out of the team, came to the girl in a white cheongsam, and pointed to the Taoist gate of Qingfeng Temple.

"That's the Qingfeng faction!"

The girl in the white cheongsam is naturally Li Qing, and the old man with the white beard who guides the way is Daoist Bai Lian.He has lived for nearly 200 years, and he still knows the addresses of these old friends very well.

So when he first heard that the Qingfeng sect had come to rob the spirit beast, he was so angry that his beard trembled.

Regardless of whether this spirit beast exists or not, even if it does exist, their actions will make the practitioners look down on them.Cultivators have always regarded the Dao as pure and their minds upright as their yearning.Their actions behind the scenes are different from Ryeowook's.This made Daoist Bai Lian completely feel that these old fellows of Qingfeng Sect are really old and confused.

"Hmph! Don't be complacent. If my grandpa finds out that you treat me like this, let's see how my grandpa will deal with you!"

Otherwise, Zhu Long is an idiot, to this point, he still thinks about his grandfather helping him out.Some people in the group led by Wu Shun even lowered their heads and sighed, why did this idiot come out with them!

"Oh? What did I do to you, little brother?"

Shen Qingwen smiled and raised his chin with her slender fingers.

"Bai Bai Nen Nen, Auntie likes you. Hahaha!"

Shen Qingwen's teasing made Zhu Long blush, and he lowered his head and stopped talking.Li Qing secretly smiled wryly, why does she feel a little concubine-loving?The one named Zhu Long, you don't have a sister-in-law habit, do you?
Li Qing raised her chin, motioning for Shen Qingwen to deal with business.

Shen Qingwen pushed Zhu Long away and said, "Go in quickly and call out your grandfather. Just say, you brought back the Fire Snake and its owner."

Zhu Long yelled loudly, and ran towards the sect in a scrambling manner.

Not long after, an old man in white clothes and white hair, who looked like a fairy, walked out of the temple quickly.

"You witch, let go of my disciples and grandchildren!"

"Witch girl? Hehe, it's funny. But, you disciples and grandchildren, why did you run to my house? And you were tied back by me a series of times?"

Li Qing has also become sharp-tongued now, not at all annoying.

"You, you little demon girl, why are you willing to let my disciples and grandchildren go!"

I didn't expect, oh, I didn't expect, the head of Qingfeng Sect cares more about his disciples and grandchildren.

"Let it go? If you wanted to let me go, then I would have let them go. But when they came, they were dressed in black and held murder weapons. Is this how you Qingfeng faction invited me? If I guessed correctly , Daoist Bai Lian even gave you a VIP box. Since your relationship is so good, do you still have the nerve to tear down his desk?"

These words reached Daoist Bai Lian's heart, he snorted coldly, turned his head away, and gave Daoist Qingfeng a hygienic eye.

Daoist Qingfeng is also old and thick-skinned, he turned his head and said: "Since my little friend is not going to let my disciple go, then tell me what to do. The fault is ours, and I will follow suit!"

Daoist Qingfeng swept the whisk away, and he was actually a bit hard-headed.

Li Qing chuckled, she was just waiting for this sentence.

"You and I fight alone. If you lose, then let the entire Qingfeng sect become my affiliated sect. If I lose, I will give you the spirit beast and myself. Old man, what do you think?"

Li Qing was full of smiles, as if he didn't take this duel seriously.

However, it doesn't look like the Qingfeng sect is that bastard sect. These disciples don't seem to be the ones who often do bad things.They just asked a few words, and they all said it out. It seems that they themselves feel that they don't bother to rob, so they wear black clothes and cover their faces.

However, in the world of comprehension, robbing treasures and killing people is expected.Because the resources are too scarce, if there is something that can make the sect grow, the major forces will find a way to get it in their hands.

Qingfeng faction is no exception.

Because if you don't do this, you won't be able to protect your own mountain gate, and sooner or later you will become someone else's bait.

Daoist Qingfeng looked at the twenty or so disciples behind Li Qing, and his face turned red.

"Hmph! Nobody, you dare to provoke me! I want to see what you can do! Let my disciple go quickly, I promise you!"

Immediately, the hem of Taoist Qingfeng's clothes swayed without any wind, and he actually had a good posture.

Upon seeing this, Daoist Bai Lian shouted loudly: "Damn guy, he was promoted earlier than me! He, he has reached the fifth level of the cloud formation stage! In this way, doesn't it mean that he almost reached the cloud formation stage in the day after tomorrow? Qinger, you Be careful!"

 On New Year's Eve, eat dumplings, set off firecrackers, and give out red envelopes!

  Dear book friends, Happy Chinese New Year!
  This year is the year of benming!

(End of this chapter)

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