point golden pupil

Chapter 257 Unintentionally picked up a treasure

Chapter 257 Unintentionally picked up a treasure
Hengshi, TSGA Division.

Li Qing stood in the elevator, this time he understood why when he came in, he saw a bunch of white lights on the ground.

Obviously, that light belongs to the Lingshi vein.

After ten floors of buildings, the aura emanating from the spirit stone veins can still be seen on the surface. The spirit stone is worthy of being called a spirit stone, and it is indeed powerful.

After confirming the spirit stone mine, it was time for Li Qing to perform his duties.

She didn't tell anyone that there's no solution to the genie's contamination.But of course she still has to work it out.

There is only one way to go deep into TSGA without anyone noticing.

Seeing the two of them coming back, Mr. Meng glanced at Heilong.The black dragon nodded to him, and a strong light radiated from his eyes.Because the critical moment has come, Li Qing wants to treat him for the magic spirit injury.

Restoring Meng Lao's injury is not only a personal matter for Meng Lao, but also the most important thing for everyone in TSGA.Therefore, there is no room for error in this matter.

Li Qing confirmed that he was completely sure of the treatment, which made everyone hopeful.She came to Meng Lao, looked around, and said, "Meng Lao, you also know that I have a lot of elixir, and I also know some mysterious healing processes. This small injury on your body is naturally nothing to worry about. But , I don’t want my spellcasting process to be seen by others.”

This kind of request is not considered rude. Of course, Heilong strongly urged him to stay, fearing that Li Qing would threaten Lao Meng's safety.

Li Qing pointed to the wooden door of the lounge corridor, and said: "Mr. Heilong, you can stand and wait in the corridor. If there is any danger, with your strength, you can always make it within five meters. If you If that doesn't work, then I'll go home."

In the end, Heilong opened his mouth and didn't say anything, so Meng Lao waved him to let him go down.

Soon the medical staff and Heilong left, leaving only Mr. Meng and Li Qing in the room.

"Miss Li, please."

Now that the matter had come to this point, Elder Meng could only pin his hopes on Li Qing, so he resigned himself to his fate and closed his eyes.

Because Mr. Meng is a leader, there are no monitoring facilities in his room.Li Qing could tell with a glance.So, she sat beside Meng Lao, hung her hand over Meng Lao's wound, and said softly: "Meng Lao, don't you think it's a bit too reckless for you to trust me like this?"

She spoke in a very low voice, and no one could hear her except the designated ones.

But at this time, Meng Laogang wanted to speak, but was horrified to find that he could not open his mouth.

Li Qing continued: "Actually, you don't even know that I have a transparent pet...he can control your body! It's like this."

Suddenly, Meng Lao raised his hand and made a scissors hand in a very kawaii way, blinking flatteringly like Li Qing.This is of course the masterpiece of the Nightmare Soul Seed, but Li Qing laughed so hard.Meng Lao's expression was as painful as eating a dead fly. Underneath the funny expression was his unwilling but helpless expression.

"Don't worry, although I do control you for a purpose, I will also cure you. There is no need to worry about this. And, for you, there is no pain..."

While speaking, a strange sword suddenly appeared in Li Qing's palm.There was a little green glow on the tip of the sword, and it could be seen at a glance that it was poisoned.And the sword body is surrounded by two different colors, and it also emits light slightly.A strand of Li Qing's hair blew automatically without wind, but it was easily broken in two as soon as it touched the sword.

This scene terrified Mr. Meng.He never imagined that he would stumble on this matter.Li Qing asked: "Finally, what else do you have to say?"

The Nightmare Soul Seed no longer controlled Elder Meng's speech, he trembled excitedly, and said, "You...you vicious woman, what exactly do you want?"

"How? To save you, of course."

After speaking, the Nightmare Soul Seed sealed his mouth and nose again. Li Qing turned his sword and cut his throat with a little force. The strangest thing was that there was no trace of blood flowing out of the wound.

At this moment, Meng Lao looked like a goldfish with an open mouth growing on his neck, and the blood inside was still flowing on his own without any leakage.

This is of course the credit of the Nightmare Soul Seed.

Of course, killing Meng Lao was not Li Qing's goal.Li Qing said that she would save him.

That is, Li Qing's fourth blood puppet quota.

Since lighting up all the green stars, Li Qing already has eight blood puppets.But she only has three blood puppets now.But these three blood puppets were all carefully selected by her. Even though Wu Shun and Shen Qingwen were ordinary people, they still possessed a trace of spiritual power at this moment.

As long as you have these spirit stones, you can become a cultivator just around the corner.

Therefore, Li Qing was in no hurry.

Kill Meng Lao, and then use the blood puppet technique to bring him back to life, and since then, Meng Lao has truly obeyed her orders, hehe, how can you take five hundred spirit stones seriously.

As long as Meng Laosong let go, Li Qing could even easily enter and leave the Lingshi Mine with various reasons and excuses.Is there still a need to use intrigue and trickery to calculate?

In Li Qing's eyes, only the blood puppet would not tell lies, was worth relying on, and was worthy of making a deal with him.As long as she becomes a blood puppet, life and death can only be controlled by her.

Consciousness is also controlled by her!

But now, Mr. Meng finally became a victim under Li Qing's lure.

As long as the blood puppet's thinking controls him, he will completely become his own.

Faint spiritual power surrounded Li Qing and Meng Lao. Li Qing was already very handy in making blood puppets. After a few minutes, Meng Lao's wound began to heal, and immediately after that, he recovered exactly as before.

Li Qing also let the Nightmare Soul Seed leave Elder Meng's body at this time, and he finally opened his eyes slowly.

A touch of blood red jumped out of the pupils, and Meng Lao's eyes turned blood red without exception.

The blood puppet only has this drawback, which makes people turn into red pupils.But suddenly, Li Qing found that Meng Lao's red pupils flickered a few times and then disappeared.

Did it fail?No way!
When Li Qing was puzzled, he suddenly discovered that after Meng Lao came back to life, a strong fluctuation of spiritual power erupted in his dantian.After probing, Li Qing found that it turned out to be a little golden light, could it be...


Li Qing only felt a buzzing in his heart.Didn't expect Meng Lao's strength to be in the golden core stage?

But something is wrong, why can't Ryeowook be stopped even after reaching the Jindan stage?
To be honest, Li Qing now feels that his strength is above the ninth level of spiritual energy, and below the golden core stage.Even she has not touched the threshold of Golden Core stage...

Of course, once her golden core stage is formed, it will definitely be a shocking change. Who made her situation so complicated.

At this moment, Meng Lao came to his senses, his whole body's aura flashed, and the strength of Jindan Qi instantly subsided, and he became like an ordinary person.

Li Qing became vigilant, if the blood puppet technique failed, she still had a hundred ways to kill Meng Lao immediately.At that time, even if she breaks in, she will break into Lingshan and snatch it wantonly.

But I didn't expect that Meng Lao didn't change for a long time. He just stared at the ceiling blankly, as if he was immersed in something.But Li Qing had something more in his mind at this moment.

She took out the psychic cauldron, but found that there was an extra humanoid pattern on it.

Was the blood puppet technique successful?
But it was successful, why did Meng Lao's eyes not change color?
She was obviously able to find Meng Lao's consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, but Meng Lao did not show the same red pupils as Shen Qingwen and the others.

Could it be because of the golden core period?

Thinking of this, Li Qing's mind was shocked. That's right, Mr. Meng is the only one of the four blood puppets who is at the Golden Core Stage. Perhaps the Golden Core Stage is the dividing line where the red pupils disappear.

Thinking of this, Li Qing couldn't help asking: "Old Meng, how do you feel now?"

Meng Lao has just been resurrected, and his thinking has not been straightened out.He could completely accept the fact that Li Qing became his master, but the hatred thinking that Li Qing killed him a second ago still existed, which made him unable to explain to himself why he hated Li Qing.

In short, he was struggling with his own thoughts right now, when Li Qing's voice suddenly made him startled.

"Master, I feel good now. It's just that my mind is a little confused. But my cultivation seems to have made a breakthrough..."

"Golden Core Stage? Am I at the Golden Core Stage?"

"You weren't at the Golden Core stage before?"

From his voice, Li Qing could tell that this guy was not at the Jindanqi level.

But how did he suddenly reach the golden core stage?Could it be related to the injection of spiritual power?

"Yes, before I met Ryeowook, I only had the strength of Lingyun Nine Layers. But after waking up just now, I found that I have become a golden core stage... this..."

Suddenly, the spiritual power in Meng Lao's body turned, and Jin Danqi's strength became unstable again.

Li Qing frowned, and took a green pill from Huaxu Space.

"Eat this."

This pill is a elixir refined by Li Qing. Although it is very common, it has the effect of calming the spirit and nourishing the dantian.It was Li Qing who prepared Wu Shun and Shen Qingwen to practice external skills.But it is best to use it at this moment. Meng Lao may have just advanced to the Golden Core stage, and his cultivation is still unstable, so he can just consolidate it.

Sure enough, after taking a sip of the Concentration Pill, Meng Lao's turbulent spiritual power that was about to slacken was reunited again, and the golden elixir period has been completed.

It was absolutely unintentional to be able to subdue the golden core stage blood puppet.Li Qing began to lament his luck...

Who would have thought that a little leader who was supposed to be picked up as a traitor would actually have the strength of a Golden Core Stage...

This is the first Golden Core stage practitioner that Li Qing saw from the earth.

Afterwards, Li Qing lowered his head and thought for a while, thinking that since Mr. Meng had such good resources, he should make more use of them.

Anyway, Meng Lao is already one of his own at this moment, and the blood puppet will never betray, so the higher his cultivation level, the greater the benefit to him.

So she took out a small Qiankun bag from the Void Transformation Space, and there was also a secret book of ancient cultivators in it. This secret book included ten kinds of fire magic, which was absolutely suitable for him.

As for this Qiankun bag...of course it was for him to steal the spirit stone for him!
Thinking of this, Li Qing raised the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Everything is still going according to your own plan.

(End of this chapter)

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