point golden pupil

Chapter 259 Expanding the Mountain Gate

Chapter 259 Expanding the Mountain Gate
Li Qing returned to the inland without stopping the next day.

Because of the black dragon's escape, the unknown danger made Li Qing vigilant.

So she decided to close the island, and all the people who were under construction were given some compensation, so that they were temporarily prohibited from entering and leaving the island.For the sake of money, everyone has no complaints. After all, it was agreed before going to sea that they might not go back here until the work is completed.In fact, the island is very closed, surrounded by hidden reefs and shoals, and it is impossible to pass the boat. It is only possible to fly over by air.

The main reason why Li Qing did this was because she didn't want any waves to get involved with the small island. This was her last holy land, and no one could get involved casually.Something like a helicopter flying directly over must be avoided.

Therefore, Li Qing decided to purchase a set of air defense radar equipment to cover the island in safety.

All of this will naturally be handed over to Shen Qingwen.As a retired killer, Shen Qingwen has the most reliable contact information of a gang weapon dealer, and Li Qing has no restrictions on money, so it is not troublesome to buy a set of military radar warning equipment.

Because of the absolute abundance of spirit stones, Li Qing set up teleportation formations in Changbai Mountain and in his own home in the capital.Moreover, she also let Chen Shenglong secretly buy a house near her parents' house, and installed a teleportation device in it.

In this way, the safety of parents and themselves can be guaranteed to a large extent under the condition of confidentiality.

Secretly teleported to the capital's home, Li Qing met Shen Qingwen overnight, and entrusted her with all the needs of the island.Shen Qingwen is naturally very familiar with equipment requirements. Once Li Qing explained the reason, she knew exactly what to buy.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qing called Mr. Ding to come over without stopping.Inland, Li Qing's sphere of influence is not large, but now, it is necessary to step up the cultivation of talents.Because of Mei Luo's death, Li Qing has been lifted to the opposite side of the TSGA team.

No matter how powerful Li Qing is alone, she cannot fight against an organization.What's more, this organization is also closely related to Harmony Land.

The Land of Harmony controls the capital and the entire country, how could Li Qing beat it.So we must seize the time to build our own strength.

Thinking of this, Li Qing secretly rejoiced that he turned Mr. Meng into his own blood puppet, otherwise, no news in TSGA would be transmitted, and by then, he would be blind and deaf.

"Patriarch, you are looking for me."

After Mr. Ding came over, he first saluted Li Qing respectfully.Now Daoist Bai Lian keeps calling Li Qing's little ancestor. He, who is called Daoist Bai Lian's ancestor, naturally has to respect Li Qing even more.

Li Qing narrowed his eyes, then stared at Elder Ding and asked, "Stop talking nonsense, your family, would you like to enter Guiyi Sect?"

Ding Lao's eyes widened suddenly, becoming a cultivator, which has always been his dream.But the inheritance from Daoist Bai Lian has long been broken, and Daoist Bai Lian is not seeing anyone every day now, it seems to disappear.Although the family is powerful in the country, they are only mortals after all.He is old, and he is eager to obtain immortality from cultivation...

Although it was a misty wish, it would be a good thing to live another ten years!

Now, Li Qing actually asked about this, of course Mr. Ding was willing to do so.

Looking at his expression, Li Qing naturally knew what he was thinking.

However, the following sentence made Ding Lao stunned for a moment.

"Joining Guiyimen is very likely to confront the Ministry of National Security, and even involve the Land of Harmony... Do you really want to?"

Just as Li Qing said this, he saw that Mr. Ding only hesitated for two seconds before nodding his head and said, "Yes! If I can really succeed in cultivating my family's children into cultivators, I'm not afraid of confronting anyone!"

Ding Lao was originally a member of Li Qing's faction, not to mention Li Qing going to make him confront the Ministry of National Security, even if he only became Li Qing's mortal force, he would dare.

Therefore, there is almost no second answer to this question.

"very good."

Li Qing's eyes flashed sharply, and then, ten spirit stones and ten small bottles suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Choose ten young people, each with a spirit stone and a bottle of medicine. You must be absolutely loyal and obedient. You should be able to master these. After you choose, come here to see me tomorrow. I will give your family the greatest honor At the same time, spread the news of Guiyi's recruitment of disciples to those big families."

Elder Ding was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly nodded, "Yes, I will follow your orders!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't wait to go back to the family.At this time, his heart was sweeter than eating honey. This was an opportunity to reach the sky in one step. In the future, no matter where these ten young people were, they would definitely shine.

Although the number of places is ten, but his big family, only the direct blood relatives have to exceed this number.Therefore, ten places have to be carefully selected.

Li Qing didn't care about what Elder Ding thought, so she naturally had to prepare for tomorrow's ten subordinates.

First of all, nature is a panacea for strengthening the body and getting rid of the mortal body.To cultivate these ten people in a short period of time, one can only use a large amount of elixir to boost their spiritual power.

Of course, these are not difficult.

Li Qing, who has a psychic cauldron and a full spirit grass, it is very easy to make a few spirit touch pills.

Entering the spirit orifice, Li Qing pulled out a handful of arrow tooth grass, Ye Linghua, and some bone marrow of spirit beasts that Shen Qingwen and Wu Shun had hunted and killed during their training in the spirit orifice, and put them all into the psychic cauldron.Although the material is not precious, if it is taken to the earth, it will definitely cause people in the cultivation world to fight.

Therefore, once it is exchanged for money, it can be regarded as a priceless treasure.

As the equipment with cauldron spirit, the psychic gu butterfly will naturally make a balanced match according to the medicinal power required by the elixir.

Therefore, Li Qing's alchemy is definitely the easiest thing to do. Put the ingredients in and let the psychic gu butterfly operate it. She only needs to release her spiritual power to control the fire attribute spiritual power.

The psychic cauldron that was spinning slowly appeared in front of him, and the psychic gu butterfly squatted on the top of the cauldron, looking extremely excited.Because this is one of the few times when she is most useful, she naturally feels in a good mood.

Ginseng Baby dawdled, wanting to see what was inside the Tongling Cauldron, and sneaked past from behind.Fortunately, Li Qing had a quick eye, otherwise he would have definitely refined this little ginseng.

In the end, as a curious child, Ginseng Baby still crouched obediently and watched from a distance.The most outstanding part of Tong Ling Ding's spiritual knowledge is naturally refining medicine.So a simple touch pill is not a problem at all.

Li Qing activated the spirit fire, and soon there was a burst of medicinal fragrance.

Li Qing was not in charge of guarding the alchemy furnace, so Li Qing directly entered the spirit aperture.

The spirit orifice world of Guiyuanmen is quite huge.Li Qing has only just moved around the original Guiyuan Sect's garrison sites so far.It's just that the luxury and glory of the past have all gone with the wind, and now all that's left are the ruins and the remains of the ancient cultivators who wandered outside from time to time.

This place is actually more like a huge mass grave, but this mass grave has been occupied by various creatures, and infinite vitality is emitted from that cold world.

And this is also the tenet that Guiyuanmen has always believed in, everything returns to the source, everything returns to nature.

"Looks like it's time to make a map."

Li Qing started to make it after thinking about it.

There is no way to use satellite positioning here, let alone the importance of concealment of the spirit orifice, but the location of the spirit orifice cannot be located by satellites.What's more, Li Qing now has a fairy spirit orifice, and she can carry the spirit orifice with her, and it is even more impossible to put it in front of others.

The probability of mistaken entry is directly reduced to zero.

Guiyuan Lingqiao is not as fixed as the one where Li Xu is. With the Lingqiao Fairy, Li Qing has enough skills to ensure the safety of Guiyuan Lingqiao.

Taking a blank piece of paper, Li Qing used the precision of his spiritual power to draw a map starting from the lawn where spirit beasts could not enter.

It was very easy to draw the map, because the places to explore were limited, and in just half an hour, Li Qing even mapped out the places where the earth spirit snakes gathered at that time.

Moreover, she also recorded the distribution of spiritual rabbits, saber-toothed pigs, and various spiritual herbs, and even half of Guiyuan Mountain Gate came into view.

In this way, it is clear at a glance where she has traveled.

Satisfied with putting away the map, Li Qing came out of his spiritual orifice. By this time, the Lingling Pill should be ready.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Li Qing to wait for a batch of panacea to be successfully produced.

When Li Qing opened the cover of the psychic cauldron to take a look, he was terrified by the quantity inside.

"This is... a hundred? How come there are so many?"

Li Qing stuffed a lot of ingredients in at that time, but how could there be so many pills?

The psychic Gu Die looked like a little adult and said: "This is what you don't understand. As a doctor in charge, I need to remind you that your pill furnace is the top pill furnace in the world. Your pill furnace The master is also the only alchemist in the world with inheritance. So, of course, he will use every part of his medicinal power. This panacea is just the most basic pill. You put in a scale of the earth spirit snake and make a hundred of them. It shouldn't be too much."

So that's the case... The spiritual power of the earth attribute itself has the miraculous effect of strengthening and stabilizing, and it is normal to be able to increase the number of alchemy.

Besides, the Earth Spirit Snake is a rare treasure in the ancient world of self-cultivation, and its scales naturally have nothing to say.

"That's good, it can save a lot of time in the future."

Pack the pills in small porcelain bottles, each containing exactly ten pills, and then put them into the space.

Only some pills are not enough, so Li Qing thought about making some more equipment for the apprentices who are about to start.So, the Lingqiao is once again a unique place.

The material Li Qing chose this time is actually very simple, that is, a dagger made from the teeth of a saber-toothed pig.

Sharp, light, and incredibly strong!

Making weapons requires a lot of metal, and there may be some metal stored in the spiritual aperture, but Li Qing has no time to find it at this moment.

We had to make a batch of the lowest-level spiritual power equipment first.

Saber-toothed pig teeth are the best.

After taking a tooth and splitting it in half, Li Qing began to input spiritual power and refine it according to the designed shape.

Soon, two crescent-shaped daggers appeared in front of Li Qing.

Li Qing nodded in satisfaction, and named the finished spiritual weapon the Spirit Touching Dagger.As the name suggests, it is a weapon that can be used at the stage of spiritual contact.

Picking up the spirit-touching dagger, gently turning the spirit power, in an uproar, a crescent moon-shaped light flickered out, directly cutting off a big tree as thick as an adult's thigh.

"The effect is also good. This, let's use it as an entry-level weapon for Guiyimen."

Li Qing nodded in satisfaction and continued to make.

(End of this chapter)

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