point golden pupil

Chapter 265 Purple Constellation

Chapter 265 Purple Constellation
In a high-tech lab full of supercomputers, a row of gray lights covers the tabletops.

The scientific researchers in white coats turned back and forth, and on the desktop of a scientific researcher, there was a fist-sized spiritual stone.Not only that, there are many large and small spirit stones, and there are also a lot of practitioners interspersed among them, cooperating with scientific researchers to do various experiments.

However, there was a scream, and one of the row of gray lights flashed red.

"Alarm, alert, the life form number 30 has lost its signal. Start intercepting the signals of non-life forms around it. The energy in the environment is disordered, phone and text messages, avenge us, kill Li Qing! Go forward to track the signal, and the broadcast number is... "

"What? Jia Liang is dead?"

"How is it possible, isn't that the elder of the Golden Core stage?"

"Go and notify the Guoan team!"

One by one communication records were conveyed from here, spreading throughout the entire TSGA base in an instant.

The white-haired elders also received the news, and the old guys who belonged to the headquarters of the Guoan team were instantly angered by the news.

One of them smashed the spirit stone in his hand, and with long hair and beard fluttering without wind, he said bitterly: "How dare you hurt my nephew Jia Liang's life! I want your whole family to be buried with him!"

Li Qing doesn't know how crazy TSGA is, she is currently practicing in the center of Guiyuan Lake.

This time, she snatched a hill-like spirit stone, and she didn't waste it.With the intention of increasing the speed of cultivation by one point, the center of the lake is already full of spirit stone powder.

She mobilized eight blue star clusters and one purple star cluster in an instant, and the huge spiritual power absorption ability instantly covered all the spiritual stones. Almost in an instant, all the spiritual power in the spiritual stones disappeared.

At the same time, the Lingshi also turned into powder.

another batch...

Finally, a sense of fullness that was about to break through came from the Tongling Ding, and a large number of Guiyuan jellyfish were automatically pasted by no one, and rushed into the Tongling Ding.

The Nightmare Soul Seed and the Psychic Gu Butterfly Ginseng Baby looked up at this strange scene. Except for the Psychic Gu Butterfly, both of them had negative IQs. It is conceivable that the shock caused by this scene was enough to shock them. big brain.

Li Qing didn't waste such good spiritual power in vain. At this moment, she suddenly realized.

Aren't immortals and mortals also human beings?

Among all living beings, who is higher than others.Even if the mighty Jia Liang can do it, he didn't fall directly under his own various methods.

And what is her role?
It's just to revitalize the Guiyuan School, or, because the Guiyuan School chose her to inherit it, should she practice so hard.

A cultivator, an ancient cultivator, what is a true cultivator.

Comprehension, comprehension...

The true meaning, perhaps lies in following one's inclinations!
Love the person I love, hate the person I hate, the truth of the world exists in the heart and in the perception!
A strong shock of true energy erupted from Li Qing's meridians!
The spirit stones swarmed at the bottom of the lake again as if they were dying, and were swallowed up by Li Qing in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, starting from the bubble at the bottom of the lake where Li Qing was, a long vortex appeared on the surface of the lake.

All of a sudden, there were waves!
The whole lake of Guiyuan Lake seems to be stirred by an invisible big hand. The vortex is getting faster and faster, faster and faster, a little bit higher than the lake surface, a little bit higher than the horizon, a little bit...

The whole forest can be seen!

Wu Shun and Shen Qingwen were killing a long-toothed Qiang wolf, but the momentum and shock brought by the swirling water dragon rising from the center of the lake made them and the spirit beast stop unconsciously.

The long-toothed Qiang wolf whimpered and fell to the ground, surrendering instantly to this power that can control nature.

Although it was a thousand meters away from Guiyuan Lake, Wu Shun and Shen Qingwen felt a large amount of water vapor coming towards them.


The huge water dragon exploded violently!

The water came like splashing noodles, instantly drenching the two of them.

The entire Lingqiao, centered on Guiyuan Lake, had a radius of hundreds of miles, and it rained for only a few seconds!
The two who had a good heart with Li Qing were immediately sent a signal.

They left the whimpering long-toothed Qiang wolf and quickly flew across the entire forest to Guiyuan Lake.

Because of this "artificial heavy rain", the water level of Guiyuan Lake has dropped quite deeply, but the whole Guiyuan Lake is still smooth and bright, and the water depth does not bottom out.They began to worry about Li Qing who was at the bottom of the lake, but at this moment, big water bubbles gushed out from the center of the lake. In an instant, Guiyuan Lake seemed to be boiling, and a huge building slowly rose out of it!

A huge and resplendent palace!
And Li Qing herself was standing on the top of the palace, dressed in white clothes and trousers, and she was surrounded by nine bright stars.

Eight of them are blue and one is green.

When the palace was successfully stabilized, the eighth star around Li Qing's body began to turn green and blue, and then turned into a bright purple again!

That kind of purple is enchanting and dazzling, radiant.

This is not the end yet, I saw one star after another turned purple, until finally, one, two, three, four... the eighth star barely stopped!

As for Li Qing's aura at the moment, even Shen Qingwen and Wu Shun, who were standing far away, had the urge to worship.

Li Qing walked down from the top of the palace slowly.

Yes, go down.

The void is the limit, every time she steps on a place, a piece of purple light will grow under her feet, like an invisible step in the void, supporting her to walk down step by step.

When she landed on the ground, the aura around her still remained, and she couldn't hide the surprise on her face.

She never expected that after absorbing all the stored spirit stones, her strength jumped directly from eight blue stars to eight purple stars!

This leap-forward upgrade was beyond her imagination.

And just when the first purple star was lit, the Tong Lingding cauldron turned into a golden Yuan Dan, which was fixed in her sea of ​​qi and could no longer be shaken.And she herself, seems to have all the abilities of the Tong Ling Ding, she can even make a pill with one hand!

At the moment when the purple starburst formed, all the memories given to her by the psychic cauldron were absorbed in her mind.

A moment seems to be a world, with many memories and many things, carrying the expectations and dreams of Immortal Guiyuan, all of which are inherited by Li Qing.

Now she still looks like the girl in her 20s on the surface.However, at this moment, she has experiences and experiences that countless people can't even imagine.

All the knowledge and memories belonging to Immortal Guiyuan were completely absorbed by her, which caused her strength to rise again and again, from the first level of Purple Star to the eighth level of Purple Star!
Numerically speaking, this short period of one to eight is so easy to cross.

But in terms of promotion, this short period of one to eight is that all the abilities and potentials of Immortal Guiyuan himself have been transferred to Li Qing in essence.

At this moment, Li Qing can be said to be the successor of Immortal Guiyuan with a short 25-year memory, or she can be said to be a 25-year-old girl with tens of thousands of years of memory.

In any case, today's Li Qing is capable of making upheavals at any time, any place, any place.

Of course, in her memory, she also found Ryeowook's information.

Li Xu turned out to be a great demon at the same level as Immortal Guiyuan.

It's a pity that, unlike Immortal Guiyuan who tried his best to find a successor, Li Xu's method turned out to be direct plunder.

His reincarnation cannot be called reincarnation, it can only be called aggression on consciousness.

It's real deprivation of consciousness!

And the price to pay is that every deprivation requires a hundred years of re-cultivation to reach the peak.

But for some reason this time his reincarnation was shortened to one year, and Ryeowook was about to swallow all of Rhoda's consciousness.From the memory of Immortal Guiyuan, Li Qing also knew clearly that once Rye Wook succeeds in reincarnation, no one will be able to stop him this time.

He no longer needs to reincarnate, no longer needs to live in idling, and no longer needs to secretly develop his own organization.

Because he will become a demon king that no one in this world can control!

Whether it's because of his own selfishness as an aborigine in this world, or because Ryeowook can influence his relatives, or because of Rhoda.

She can't even allow Ryeowook to succeed in reincarnation.

Just because she got all the inheritances, she clearly knew what a terrible disaster it would bring once Ryeowook got this kind of inheritance.

Fortunately, she discovered the secret of the Lingshi Mine, otherwise, if these spirits were obtained by Rye Wook first, her inheritance would be one step behind Rye Wook, and then only death would be ushered in.

Li Xu would not be so kind to watch him grow up, and after mastering all the methods of Guiyuan Immortal, he would be his only threat.

Therefore, Li Qing is really lucky to have found this spirit stone mine.

And the huge palace behind him is a sign that Li Qing has truly inherited the legacy of Immortal Guiyuan.

Only when this palace appears, can she truly control the spiritual aperture, change the environment and state of the spiritual aperture, and even change the species that reproduce in the spiritual aperture.

In short, this palace is the real master of spirit orifices.As for Fairy Lingqiao, the biggest role is to build the teleportation array and become Li Qing's most reliable teleportation baby.

After the palace was lifted into the sky, it was located directly above the center of the lake, becoming a castle in the air, hidden among the white clouds.

And Li Qing could clearly feel that as long as she wanted, she could take this castle and fly freely above the spirit aperture.

Looking at Li Qing who fell on the ground, Wu Shun and Shen Qingwen couldn't express their feelings for a while.

Waves of coercion from the superior came from Li Qing, which made Wu Shun and the two of them tremble.This kind of coercion belonged to the aura emanating from the high-level cultivator himself. Li Qing suddenly realized that he was under the coercion immediately and became like an ordinary person.

The slightest bit of spiritual power is not leaked out, and no one will find the terrifying and strong aura in her small body again.

"Qing'er, you... what happened?"

Wu Shun thought for a long time but couldn't figure out what happened to Li Qing, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Promoted, nothing."

Li Qing smiled, a purple Yuandan suddenly rose from the palm of his hand.In the golden elixir stage of a mortal cultivator, the Yuan elixir is golden.But Li Qing's one turned into a strange purple color.

The purple Yuan Dan was naturally formed from the psychic cauldron. Although it turned into a golden pill, all its functions directly became Li Qing's means.

Tong Ling Ding carries the memories and dreams of Immortal Guiyuan. Now that the mission is fulfilled, it has turned into a purple pill to continue to accompany Li Qing.

Speaking of it, other people's golden elixir is an important means of attack and an important weakness, while Li Qing's purple elixir has more functions...in fact, it has more beautiful functions.Who made Li Qing absorb all the memory inheritance carried by the Tong Lingding Ding.

This purple pill cannot be touched by others, nor can it be snatched away. The biggest function is to help store items.Because the Huaxu Bracelet was merged by the Tong Ling Ding long ago, and it couldn't convert the storage space into Li Qing's memory inheritance, it became this bead.

"Xiao Ding, from now on, I will call you Sumeru Pearl."

(End of this chapter)

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