Reborn sweet wife Gu Shao slowly chases after

Chapter 515 I Don't Like Acting Anymore

Chapter 515 I Don't Like Acting Anymore
"Mu Shanghan..." Brother Wang broke the silence by opening his mouth, he really wanted to have a good chat with Mu Shanghan.

This time it was not his agent's identity, but his friend's identity.

"You're here!" Mu Shanghan turned his phone upside down on the table, and looked at his manager with a normal expression.

Brother Wang was a little teary, his appearance really made him feel heartbroken, and he still pretended to be himself in front of him, really thinking that he didn't know anything!
"Is there something going on these days, something about Ling Mimi? Talk to brother, don't be burdened, brother won't talk about you." Brother Wang really wants to have a good chat. If you don't talk now, he will If something goes wrong psychologically, what can I do!
"It's nothing!" Mu Shanghan looked disapproving, as if he really had nothing to do, but how could his manager, Brother Wang, believe him.

"Don't lie to me. We've been together for so long and you don't believe me. I thought you'd be fine all at once, but you're getting more and more decadent now. If I don't come, are you planning to quit the entertainment industry? gone?"

"I won't quit, acting is my life, how could I not act." Mu Shanghan looked at his manager in disbelief, how could he quit the entertainment industry.

Acting has always been his belief. He has grown step by step to the present, relying not on his acting skills but on his support. He likes acting. He can spend many days thinking about acting. How can Brother Wang say that he quits entertainment if he doesn’t act? lock up! ! !

"But you just want to quit the entertainment industry now. Do you know how many times you have filmed a scene? It's almost a day, just one scene. Think about it yourself, is this possible? You also said that you don't want to quit the entertainment industry." lock up."

"I" Mu Shanghan didn't know what to say!
He really seems to be getting more and more impatient in acting, he seems to have lost the motivation he had before, but he doesn't understand why he lost this motivation.

"Shang Han, it's not that I'm going to poke your spine, with your current state, within a year, do you think you can still hang out in the entertainment industry?

Will anyone still ask you to film?No, you have too many things in your mind now, you think too much, you are not the former Mu Shanghan who put more importance on acting. "

Brother Wang had to tell the truth, now Mu Shanghan's acting has been not smooth because of his affair with Ling Mimi.

This may be a knot in his heart, and he needs to untie this knot, otherwise Mu Shanghan will be in this state, and he will not be able to perform for a long time.

"Brother Wang, I don't know what's wrong with me. I can't sleep now. I don't want to act. I even want to escape from here. I like acting so much, but why am I not interested? to resist him."

Mu Shanghan doesn't know what's wrong with him, he obviously likes acting the most, and his heart has always been in acting, but he actually started to dislike acting a little bit.

"Shang Han, you."

The manager, Brother Wang, couldn't believe his ears. He actually heard the words "I don't want to act" from Mu Shanghan. This was something he had never heard before.

Even when his personality changed, he didn't hear Mu Shanghan say that, he likes or even loves acting, and he understands it better than anyone else.

But now Mu Shanghan actually said that he doesn't like acting anymore! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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