Reborn sweet wife Gu Shao slowly chases after

Chapter 559 The day we got married

Chapter 559 The day we got married

Mu Shanghan looked at Brother Wang with an unkind expression.

Of course, Brother Wang knew what Mu Shanghan meant, didn't he just plan to find a step down from him!He said, "Well, I'll go down and buy something to eat."

Mu Shanghan: "Okay."

Ling Mimi looked at the two people, and then looked at her takeaway. It doesn't matter, she can just eat her food. She really spent a lot of energy today, so how can she not eat.

"Then I'll go."


Hurry up, no need to repeat.

Knowing that a certain manager who was disgusted by Mu Shanghan was about to go downstairs to buy something.

"Let's buy porridge. His voice is so hoarse that he can't eat anything else."

"Don't think too much, I'm just kind-hearted."

After Ling Mimi said this, she realized what she blurted out. She said this, as if she cared about Mu Shanghan very much.

How could it be possible, she was just kind-hearted, how could she be worried about Mu Shanghan.

"Understood." Brother Wang smiled, knowing what Ling Mimi meant, and took a meaningful look at Mu Shanghan when he left.

After Brother Wang left, he could talk to Ling Mimi about their relationship, "It's not about signing a contract!"

When Ling Mimi was having a big fight with dinner, Mu Shanghan's words made her stop to eat.

Obviously this matter is not a good thing for Mu Shanghan, but Mu Shanghan seems to be more anxious than her.

"Of course, why not if you have money."

Regardless of whether Mu Shanghan is happy or not, she must sign this contract. If she gets all his money, then her subsequent plans will be easy.

Ling Mimi went to her bag and took out the contract and pen, and handed them to Mu Shanghan.

She printed this contract during the lunch break. Originally, she thought that Mu Shanghan would not be able to sign it today because of his fever and illness. Now that he is going to sign it, she is of course happy.

The sooner she signs, the sooner her revenge can end, otherwise it won't be a thing to procrastinate.

Mu Shanghan took the pen and signed his name without hesitation. Money or not is not important to him now.

He doesn't have much money either, so I don't know if Mimi will forgive him so easily.

He still needs to earn more money for Mimi, so that he can feel more at ease.

Ling Mimi looked at Mu Shanghan without even looking at the contract, and turned to the last page to sign directly, not knowing what it was like.

"give it to me!"

Mu Shanghan paused for a moment, took out his wallet from his pocket, took out his ID card and other documents, and then gave the wallet and the contract to Mu Shanghan.

"The password is our wedding day."

The reason why Mu Shanghan set the password for their wedding day was because he wanted to remember this day through this method, and this day was the day when he really wanted to take revenge on Ling Mimi.

But now, he no longer has any desire to take revenge on Ling Mimi, he wants to remember this day forever.

If only he hadn't thought about doing those things, he hadn't snubbed Mimi, the harmless Mimi had rolled down the stairs, and Mimi hadn't been completely disappointed in him.

If it didn't even cause Mimi's family to go bankrupt, wouldn't they be living together happily now?


wedding day?Why is his bank card password set as the day of marriage? He doesn't want to marry her!How could he set this day for his bank card password.

(End of this chapter)

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