Reborn sweet wife Gu Shao slowly chases after

Chapter 563 Probably because of Ling Mimi

Chapter 563 Probably because of Ling Mimi
"Oh, it's really boring. Don't admit it. I'm going to read the script." Ling Mimi shook her head, patted Liu Qing on the shoulder, and left with a smile.

Liu Qing stayed where she was, why did she feel like she was being tricked, but after thinking about it, she didn't seem to be.

No, Ling Mimi has already suspected the relationship between her and Lu Junyi, so it means that they didn't control the distance between them in the crew this time.

I have to talk about it when I go home at night, and they still need to be more unfamiliar.

When Lu Junyi went to his wife's room at night, he was told to keep a distance, which was a pain for him.

If you keep your distance, keep your distance. Why do you have to keep your distance at night? His benefits are gone.

Liu Qing spoke conclusively, saying that Ling Mimi had already suspected them, so they must remember to keep their distance from now on.

In order to be more convincing, I can't cross the room at night, and it is also for his consideration.

Liu Qing watched Lu Junyi walk out of the room aggrieved, showing a bright smile, she finally stopped enduring the inhuman life of being unable to get out of bed every day.

In this way, she still needs to thank Ling Mimi for helping her get rid of this life of poor sleep, backache and backache.

The next day, Ling Mimi felt completely different eyes from two people, one was from Liu Qing, her eyes were full of gratitude to her.

And the other look came from Lu Junyi, that look seemed to be full of resentment towards her.

Ling Mimi looked at the two completely different gazes, Liu Qing was refreshed, but Lu Junyi was different, he was a little sluggish, and his dark circles seemed to be a little heavy.

These two people seemed to have changed their souls overnight. Liu Qing and Lu Junyi were in the same state before, and Lu Junyi was in the same state as Liu Qing now, with a high spirit.

Could it be that what she changed the subject yesterday was true? Liu Qing was afraid that she would continue to be suspicious, so she explained this to Lu Junyi last night. In order to avoid suspicion, they decided to separate.

But why are the two people not in the same state?

Ling Mimi didn't work, so she didn't think about it at all. She is not the kind of person who likes gossip very much. After all, she is the one who many netizens want to gossip. Naturally, she doesn't like gossip so much, so she won't go Gossip about others.

Ling Mimi's filming scene today was still very comfortable, so she finished her work ahead of schedule and went to the supermarket to buy things.

Armed, she went to the nearest supermarket to stock up on essentials.

During the purchasing process, she heard two girls gossip about her and Mu Shanghan.

Girl [-]: "Aren't you a fan of Mu Shanghan? Do you know what's going on with Mu Shanghan recently!"

Girl [-]: "Hey, what's new? It is said that he hasn't been to the filming crew these days. I guess it's because of Ling Mimi's affairs."

Girl [-]: "Ling Mimi?! Is it because she commented on the fact that she won't get back together with Mu Shanghan?"

Ling Mimi was pushing the shopping cart with her back to the two girls. It could be said that she heard all the words between the two girls. She wanted to be present to listen to the thoughts of the masses.

Girl [-]: "That's right! I think that's what happened. After Ling Mimi's incident, Mu Da disappeared. Before, Mu Da never disappeared in front of us for so long!"

She was in a terrible mood, knowing that her idol was married and divorced, and the idol was rarely in business anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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