Chapter 105 Birthday Banquet

After the champagne reception, the lively and grand graduation ceremony came to an end. The graduates still had many plans, and the fraternities and sororities also prepared wonderful activities, the graduation carnival ball, the final challenge of the fraternity and so on.But Joanna stayed with An Feng.

An Feng took her hand and strolled around the campus, then turned to ask her, "Are you not going to the graduation party?"

Joanna smiled slightly: "The sorority I'm in held a party in advance, and... I like being with you."

An Feng kissed the back of her hand and asked with a smile, "Now, my honorable Duchess, where are we going?"

Joanna pretended to be serious and corrected: "Wrong, the Duke is mostly a relative of the royal family, and I am the Countess!" After she finished speaking, she also smiled: "I will leave tomorrow, although it is temporary, but I am a little bit reluctant, how about Shall we have dim sum at a nearby restaurant? There are many Chinese restaurants here!"

"Little greedy cat." An Feng pulled her towards the school cafeteria.There are a lot of Chinese students in Berkeley, so there are many Chinese restaurants, and the taste is not bad. He tried it a few times when he came here before, and he felt that it was not much worse than those so-called authentic Chinese places in Chinatown outside.

Had a simple dinner with Joanna in the restaurant, the process was the same as the male and female couples around him, the process was simple, but the content was sweet, and there was a little bit of pride... Nothing else, An Feng felt like he was in love with a goddess, even watching People's expressions are also masculine and high-spirited.

Apparently he thinks Joanna is the most beautiful in the world, so others should too—

"It's inexplicable." A pair of Chinese friends who walked away complained, and An Feng was injured.

After dinner, An Feng took her for a stroll, went to the movies, and then went home happily... The next day he called a business jet to pick up friends who were going to SLO for Joanna's birthday party in the evening.There are not too many people, and all the people she invites are good ones, and a 17-seat business jet is competent enough.

They didn't fly, and Joanna's car had to be driven back.Seeing that there was plenty of time, An Feng, who was in charge of driving, deliberately took the No. [-] highway, which is known as the most beautiful in the west.The weather in June is sunny, and the temperature is also suitable in the morning. The green mountains and green trees along the way, and the waves rushing. .

Say goodbye to Joanna, she is going back to prepare for tonight's banquet.An Feng also needs to take a break to recharge his batteries to attend the evening banquet. This time, not only Joanna's friends, but also some elder relatives are invited, so he needs to pay attention to dressing and etiquette. Fortunately, An Feng is also familiar with the road.


At eight o'clock in the evening, An Feng drove to Sassen Winery.

There is a lot of traffic at the entrance, and there are many guests.An Feng, who was wearing a black tuxedo and a white shirt, got out of the car, and followed other guests who arrived just in time into the main hall.

The living room is beautifully furnished. It originally imitated the European style. After adding some themes, under the light of the crystal chandelier, ladies in different styles of dresses and gentlemen with elegant manners walked on the warm-colored carpet, chatting together in twos and threes , It's really a sense of grandeur in the European court.

As for the host of the banquet, Joanna can only be described as "stunning everyone" tonight.

It was the first time An Feng saw her wearing such a formal floor-length dress. The blue tube top dress full of sparkling rhinestones and exquisite embroidery was elegant. Her coiled hair made her full of momentum and set off her slender neck , with an exquisite platinum chain hanging around his neck, and two white arms hanging naturally beside him, calmly responding to the greeting guests.Even the simplest smile can feel her strong confidence.

An Feng felt that this elegant tube top dress was supported by her height, and her temperament fully revealed her aura. If she went on the red carpet, she would instantly kill a group of pretentious actresses.

Especially the curly hair, revealing her entire exquisite face. If she is not very confident in her face shape, most women would not dare to expose her forehead. Joanna happens to be the most beautiful person in appearance.

Dressed up, she stood quietly, and her elegant smile when facing the guests dimmed the brilliance of other ladies who came and went, and even the ladies stayed by her side very little, in order to avoid becoming the green leaves that set off the red flowers.It makes people sigh, this is the demeanor of a noble lady that cannot be imitated.

An Feng admired it quietly for a long time, until the gift-giving guests in front had finished, he came forward with a smile, hugged Joanna, and kissed each other twice. Joanna, who was wearing high heels, was about the same height as An Feng. I really missed it.He gave her the gift and praised: "I can only say from the bottom of my heart that you are the most beautiful in the world. Even if you think I am full of exaggeration, I will not change my position."

Joanna smiled and opened the gift box, took out a beautiful platinum bracelet in surprise, and covered her mouth with one hand: "Oh! It's really beautiful!"

An Feng looked at her with a smile on his face.

"I love you!" Joanna took the initiative to kiss him, making the surrounding guests envious for a while. She stretched out her right hand and said impatiently, "Help me put it on."

"Happy to serve you." An Feng carefully put the bracelet on her right wrist. He secretly rejoiced that he was right to choose Cartier. On the body, it is perfect and appropriate!

"Oh!" Joanna joyfully raised her hand to admire, and hugged An Feng again, "I really like this gift!"

An Feng patted her on the back lightly: "Save the excitement when we are alone. Now, you are an extremely noble queen."

"I am!" Joanna smiled slightly, and when she let go of him, her expression had returned to the indifference just now, and she was a little cold and arrogant when savoring it carefully.

An Feng left satisfied, and other guests also presented presents one after another.

As distant relatives, the Sinclair family also came, and the weight is not small. The old lady's second son, Matthew Sinclair, brought her daughter Catherine to the scene. They are both wealthy daughters and dressed in the same luxury, but the guests all have such A feeling: In terms of temperament, Joanna is unmatched.

So Catherine, like the other ladies, quickly left the powerful "Queen" and greeted An Feng: "Hi, Bruce!"

"Hello, Catherine!" An Feng nodded with a smile, "Is Mrs. Sinclair doing well recently?"

Catherine shook her head slightly: "Not very well, she has been in the hospital for the past two weeks."

"Bless me for her speedy recovery!" An Feng said.

"It's all right, it'll be all right," Catherine said.

Later, I chatted with Matthew and also mentioned the old lady's condition. Matthew was more optimistic because he found it in time and controlled it properly.In addition, Matthew is very interested in cancer cell research at the research center.

"I believe that miracles will be created in the research center." An Feng said to Matthew.I thought I should pay attention to the progress of the cell group in a few days.

"I hope so," Matthew said.

Not for anything else, just because the old lady is Anfeng's big backer, he needs to keep her alive and healthy.There are so many things that require her to speak out, the big boss of the consortium covers her, and others dare to mess around?This is not only about friendship, but also involves some interest issues.

After all the guests arrived, the birthday party began. First, the host gave a brief and humorous speech, and then a big cake was pushed up, with 22 candles stuck on it, symbolizing the beautiful 22 years old. Everyone surrounded Joanna, and the lights gradually dimmed. The invited a cappella began an ethereal and sacred chant.

In this voice that seemed to be in heaven, Joanna held the wishing stone in front of her chest, and glanced at An Feng in the crowd. Her good wish was granted, and she blew out the candle.

After making a wish, the birthday star cut the cake. An Feng saw Henry in the crowd. It was the cake fight he fought last time.Henry smiled shyly. On such a serious occasion, if he followed the example of boys, he would probably be the public enemy of the ladies in the future, so the banquet was very normal and solemn.

Joanna took a sip of the cake. With the sound of music, men and women could move freely. An Feng invited Joanna to dance.Without the grandeur of the court dance, An Feng performed a simple ballroom dance, but the rhythm of the dance was wonderful, and the emotional involvement was the real thing.

(End of this chapter)

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