Mixed in the United States and become a local tyrant

Chapter 132 Investing in the Race Track [Part 3]

Chapter 132 Investing in the Race Track [Third Update]

The day after returning home, RM's supervisor Brian informed An Feng that the flight carrying the three rare sports cars he ordered had arrived at SLO Airport, waiting for him to pick up the goods.

After receiving the notice, An Feng called the local towing company and asked them to send a car, then drove the Ferrari in the garage, and went to SLO with Joanna to look at the car.The road is full of excitement and anticipation.He had thought about them as early as when he saw them in Italy.

After a 10-minute drive, we stopped at the airport.

Three tightly wrapped sports cars have been unloaded, waiting quietly for their owners in the warehouse.After An Feng arrived, the escort handed him an agreement: "Sir, you can check the status of the car now. If there is no problem, please sign your name here."

An Feng took over the agreement, and the staff began to remove the car cover, revealing the true colors of the three red sports cars. An Feng walked around them and said in one word: cool.Whether it's the flagship ENZO, 599GTO, or F50, the lines and colors of the three cars are very well matched.

Needless to say, ENZO, the front face resembles the shape of F1, and the two eyes are very aggressive. The door opening method is a typical "gull-wing door", that is, the type that is turned up.The interior is simple, and Ferrari tries to concentrate all the buttons that need to be operated on the steering wheel, so that the owner does not have to be distracted to touch other things.

Bend down to sit in the car, the seat is not very comfortable, but sports cars are like this, while pursuing speed, you will definitely give up comfort, this kind of car can be driven for half an hour occasionally, but if you want to drive for several hours, I am afraid the driver will be tonight You have to lie down... Behind the seat is a huge engine compartment. The red V12 engine is clearly visible. It is this beast with a displacement of 6.0 liters, pushing its top speed to 350 kilometers per hour.

Joanna also checked the status of the 599GTO for him. She still likes this car. The design of ENZO is a bit out of the ordinary, probably because of the pursuit of racing performance. It is as streamlined as possible. If it is not required by the owner, it does not even want to Air conditioning and stereo.

599GT0 is relatively normal, with a front engine, carbon black roof, red body, and the effect of black and red matching is very eye-catching, showing the difference between itself and the ordinary 599GTB in a high-profile manner.There are also its carbon fiber wheels and bright red brake calipers. When the wheels turn at high speed, what you see is moving red.

But the seat experience is not very good, because it is a racing seat, hard, and in pursuit of light weight, Ferrari even saved the carpet under the feet, revealing a large piece of rough metal, she checked it, there is not too much electronics Equipment, fortunately, there is refrigeration equipment.


After the inspection was correct, An Feng signed his name. The total value of these three sports cars including tariffs exceeded 450 million US dollars, but there is considerable room for appreciation... An Feng drove the ENZO and F50 on the trailer with satisfaction, and then left the 599GTO , I've had itchy hands for a long time, and I can't do without playing.

Sit in the car and slowly turn around and drive out of the airport. Joanna drove California in front, and An Feng followed her, trying the buttons on the steering wheel.In normal mode, this fierce horse is very quiet, the speed is maintained at around 4000, and there is no high-pitched sound, but in RACE mode, the ferocious sound waves of the engine and exhaust pipe resonate, like an explosive beast, pushing back strongly Feeling pressed his body tightly against the back of the chair, unable to move.Watching its speed jump up, the speed breaks through 6000, and the adrenaline is also crazily secreted.

The hand paddle does not need to leave the steering wheel when shifting gears, and the shifting speed is so fast that it is almost imperceptible to enter the gear. When the gear is reversed, the engine will emit a low hum, as if the monster is not satisfied with stopping... If it weren't for the many rules on the road, he really wanted to go crazy.


When I got home, I stared at the four fierce horses in the garage, and there was a ferocious McLaren P1 parked next to it. With so many sports cars, it is also a happy thing to drive every day.What's a little bad is that the road is protected by laws and regulations after all, so it's impossible for him to stage a drag racing showdown casually.

And Joanna did not agree with him to go racing on the road.

An Feng didn't dare to tell her about his feat of driving 320 on an unmanned road... He must blame him, he didn't want Joanna to worry, but he wanted to go racing, what should he do? There is a track in Monterey, more than 100 kilometers away, but the distance is very long, and it takes several hours to go back and forth.

Joanna saw him looking melancholy at the sports car in the garage, and smiled at his childishness: "If you like racing cars so much, wouldn't it be good to go to the racing track?"

"It's far away, and the track is not my own, how can I do whatever I want?"

"Then build a track!" Joanna thought it was not a problem.

An Feng looked at the wife of the local tycoon, and shook his head again: "The track is not a road. It has high requirements in terms of adhesion, wear resistance and rolling resistance. The materials in all aspects are the best. The cost of a meter is at least five times that of a road.”

Joanna was puzzled: "Could it be possible to build a track and make you poor?"

An Feng smiled: "You are the one who supports me!"

Joanna nodded: "Yes, I support you! I would rather you run on the track than see you racing on the road!"


An Feng's requirements are "not high", a standardized track that can drive all kinds of cars, and meets the highest level: the standard of Formula One.

How can there be no spectator stands when there is a track?Occasionally hold a game to cheer for the audience, and maybe charge some venue usage fees.

With stands, what about the command center and news center?

With the competition, what about the facilities needed for the competition?
After much deliberation, it is more cost-effective to build a racing track, including the track, command center, medical emergency center, news center, racing car modification center, maintenance area, stand facilities, protective facilities, helipad, fuel supply station, oil depot, parking Field and so on.

In the future, if I have more sports cars, I will put them in the racing track, and they will be maintained by special personnel, and occasionally open to tourists.When you want to play with the car, you can go for a few laps, and when you have nothing to do, the race track is open to members-you have to form a racing association.It's a way to recoup your investment, in the vein of how a nearby racetrack operates.

It would be good if we could hold racing competitions, and it would be even better if we had our own team!An Feng didn't think about it so much, he just wanted to let his friends and friends of friends spread the word in the circle and pay some membership fees.Wouldn't it be safer and safer to come here to play with the car?

After he had a plan, he went to the computer to check the information. The first thing he visited were several famous F1 circuits in the world, such as Hockenheim in Germany, Silverstone in England, and Monte Carlo in other countries. Bang and other tracks, and found some of their advantages.

The total length of the F1 track is generally between 5-6 kilometers. In order to let the audience get into it, a straight track that can drive the car to more than 300 kilometers will be built in front of the audience, and various weird corners will be designed to increase the speed of the car. Difficulty and fun... You need to find a professional designer for this aspect.

In addition to racing cars, there are also some racing museums, cultural centers, or theme stores next to it. There are many value-added items, referring to world-famous race tracks, and there are many entertainment places around.This requires that the location must be close to the city and not too far away.No one will come to the wilderness.

The job of looking for the design is left to the assistant, and An Feng is considering the issue of site selection. He refers to the area of ​​some racing tracks and estimates that 1500 acres is enough. Due to the small land area of ​​Monaco, the road is still used during the competition. The one that was rowed in... An Feng plans to make it bigger. In addition to the standard track, there will be a section of straight track extended to prepare for the usual linear acceleration race or simple linear acceleration.

Therefore, he estimated that the best area is about 2500 acres. Land of this size in California is not cheap. I searched around and couldn’t be too far away from myself. Otherwise, I would have to take a helicopter to play a car. Land is cheap.Looks around and picks up a vacant piece of land in southern SLO County.

The area is 2300 acres, which is just right, and the price of 1800 million US dollars is a bit expensive, but still acceptable.After the venue is established, back to the issue of the cost of the racing track, it is not cheap.Like China’s SH Circuit, it is said that it was built with 25 billion RMB, or about 4 million US dollars, but its stalls are very large, and there are large supermarkets around it. Bar.

The budget was finally set at between 3.5-4 million US dollars. For local tyrants who are eager to transfer money into business expenses and pay less tax, it is not a pressure at all. Even if the US account has no money, you still use an offshore account, right?I really have no money left, wait for half a year, and the 20 billion salary will come again.

Edit the plan and prepare to send it to your team.As a rule, things that need to be considered must be left to others, and the only thing you need is to pay and enjoy the results.

Now that we have the car and the venue, then... should we buy a team?It doesn't need to be too strong, those FIA-GT or DTM are too far away from him, and the investment is too big. There are a lot of plans at present, and it is estimated that there will be spare money in two or three years.Just buy a regional team?There are a lot of touring car races in California.

Called John: "Hey, John, I have some proposals for you to look at for me."

After making it clear, John should be busy again, feeling that he always likes to leave things to him, so An Feng specifically suggested that he find an assistant.Yes, the assistant's assistant.

Then there is Angela. Amex is very good at finding a racing track designer.

"Okay, Mr. An, I have written down your request, and I will find a suitable design team for you in the shortest possible time. Please wait patiently."

Say goodbye to Angela with a sweet voice, and keep staring at the computer.

The more he thinks about it, the happier he is. A lot of follow-up plans have been brought out, and the total investment amount has continued to rise. If Joanna hadn't come to ask him to eat, he would have really forgotten that it was getting late... Put down the things at hand decisively, because of these Always secondary, only his goddess is primary.

He picked up Joanna, kissed her a few times and asked with a smile, "Hey, shall I have milk today?"

(End of this chapter)

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