Mixed in the United States and become a local tyrant

Chapter 194 Not necessarily a bad thing

Chapter 194 Not necessarily a bad thing

The LAPD and the major TV stations in Los Angeles are very busy tonight.

The whistleblowers are the police.It is said that an unidentified cargo ship was found in the offshore area of ​​the United States. There were many armed personnel on board, suspected of arms smuggling. Then LAPD responded quickly, dispatched helicopters and special police to quickly surround the cargo ship, landed on the deck to fight, and controlled a group of gangsters.

Following them, they found a batch of arms that they wanted to smuggle to South America, as well as some precious jewels that were stolen from the ship, and several suspects who were wanted by Interpol. The rewards on them alone exceeded 100 million US dollars. It can be described as crisp and neat, and the harvest is rich.

Cole praised the speed of the police officers, and stated that the crime rate in Los Angeles has recently decreased. The implication is that I have done a good job. If you are in politics, please vote for me... An Feng glanced at the news, except for the last The scene of escorting the suspect was filmed, but everything else was fake.

This time, the Los Angeles police easily arrested a group of arms smugglers, international thieves, and international procurement intermediaries without a single soldier. It's all a great contribution, and it was also praised by the governor.

But in fact, two guys were controlled by Aegis Security, and only one was handed over to the police, and the rest were still useful, because there were seven people in the gang, and two are currently at large, and those two happened to be holding secrets. Hard drive, which stores complete exoskeleton drawings.

Although not as important as the exoskeleton, it is still classified.

If other people get the blueprints, it is easy to make an exoskeleton. If the military gets it, they may be able to equip special forces in a few years. It is impossible to popularize it. It is very expensive. The battery will cost at least a dozen or 20.Not necessarily good stuff to buy.

An Feng didn't want to promote these machines that could be used in the military. He wanted to make the third-generation exoskeleton, or a robot using an exoskeleton... The ideal is too beautiful, but the reality is cruel.Just because you don't want to, doesn't mean it won't happen passively.He had to face the fact that the data had been lost.

That night, Guli used a set of methods used by the former Soviet KGB to torture prisoners, and tortured one-third of those two guys.

Why one third?There are many reasons. Da Mao's torture methods are world-renowned. As the secret service of the former Soviet Union, KGB has mastered the essence of Mao Zi's torture.There are not many people who can enjoy the whole set, and those who can persist to the end without opening their mouths...no.

No one in the world can withstand torture, the difference is "sooner or sooner" the confession.

Gu Li once said that the farther you travel in the black world, the easier it is to confess. If a top killer is caught, he will confess without hesitation, and then ask for a quick death.Because he knew that it was impossible for him to insist on never speaking, unless he had the will to never speak.

Those two guys were crying and yelling and telling everything before the show started.

Then Gu Li made an emergency dispatch, dispatching two special service teams to chase after the remaining two people... Unfortunately, it was too late. As soon as they heard the news, they immediately went to the empty building and disappeared into the vast crowd.It is said that they have several identities, and they may not be in the United States anymore.

Gu Li said regretfully to An Feng: "I'm afraid this hard drive will come back, even if it can be brought back, the data inside may have been copied."

An Feng frowned: "Is there any way to deal with them?"

Guli hesitated for a moment, then said: "The first is to let Aegis go on the record and wait for the rabbit, but the chance is very small; the second is to play black, and offer a reward on the head."

An Feng asked: "Is that the kind of international intermediary you mentioned?"

Gu Li nodded: "That's right, when the rich are in need, they can contact the intermediary. The intermediary finds a suitable executor through their means. During the whole process, the customer's information is kept strictly confidential. Even if the executor is arrested and the intermediary suffers, There is no way to find out who hired it."

An Feng propped his chin and thought for a while, then asked, "How much is this kind of person?"

Guli said: "300 million is enough for them to die, and with a little more money, they can choose the method, such as drowning, being hit by a truck, car bombing, etc."

An Feng said: "You help me deal with it."

"No problem." Gu Li nodded, and he asked again: "Did it leak and the consequences would be serious?"

An Feng nodded: "If it is used in the military to equip soldiers to participate in wars... For example, if the United States and Russia go to war, ordinary soldiers are no match for this kind of mechanical killer. This Pandora's box was opened by me. To a certain extent, it can be counted on my head.”

Guli understands it clearly, but he doesn’t think so: “Actually, everything has two sides. Before the atomic bomb was manufactured, didn’t people intend to use nuclear fission as a new energy source? If you think that the responsibility lies with you, then the manufacturer of the gun Now it is estimated that I will die [-] times!"

An Feng knew the truth, of course it was the case. The Five Great Changs are the five countries that sell the most arms. If you say that, they should die [-] times.

But when things happen to me, I feel a little guilty.

He had to do something to fix it.


Afterwards, he asked Jeff and Guli to stay and redesign the security program specifically for the company.

Eat a pad to gain a wisdom, this time it was stolen, so be smarter, what should you do if there is a second time in the future?So not only the security measures, but also the need to send additional professionals. For the core technology—not only the robot company, but also the research center, GP company needs to upgrade its security level.

Then he sat down with Hoffman to discuss what to do after the leak.

Hoffman made his deduction and said: "If it is obtained by a large organization, it will take about half a year to imitate it according to the drawings. I spent almost half a year under your guidance, but my information is included in the information. Experience, they can learn from experience and finish faster.”

An Feng nodded: "Half a year is pretty fast."

Hoffman hesitated, and said: "But they can only manufacture the mechanical part. As I said before, the core of the exoskeleton is the power system, chip and energy. Now that they have the first one, maybe the control chip can also be made. , but it cannot accommodate all sensors at the same time like a graphene chip.”

An Feng followed what he said: "That is to say, the feedback will be wrong, and the arm can be broken with a slight shake of the hand?"

Hoffman nodded. "That's why you had it the first few times, unless their silicon technology is more advanced and the processing speed is faster."

An Feng smiled: "That's not bad."

Hoffman continued: "As for the last point, energy is the most important thing. If the chip is willing to spend a lot of money, it can be designed, but if there is no strong energy source, the system is simply scrap iron, and the battery we use The blocks are all custom-made by GP."

An Feng deduced: "According to your understanding, even if they can manufacture machinery, they still have to rely on graphene chips and super batteries?"

From a subjective standpoint, An Feng can't make a conclusion—because he thinks all technologies are simple, and exoskeletons are nothing more than that.

Hoffman nodded: "The chip is not necessarily, but the battery is necessary. GP's technology is very strong in this regard."

"This..." An Feng suddenly thought of a good idea, stood up and said excitedly: "Thank you for reminding me, I don't think this is a bad thing!"

He just thought of two points. Even if the exoskeleton is manufactured, it still needs chips and batteries from GP, which is the only one in the world that can provide it. That doesn't mean that the manufacturer has to purchase his, and it is a special order. , and therefore need to pay a big price?
In this way, this loss can be turned into a disguised merchandise promotion.

If you want to sell your products better, you cannot lack a sense of urgency—the sense of urgency can come from many sources, and the most typical one is competitors.

Only when competitors are catching up will they be willing to spend a lot of money to order!
If only the United States has mastered it, and others cannot catch up, the demand from a single customer must not be much.If there are also American opponents, there will be more potential customers.According to the speed of technological development, it will take more than five years to imitate graphene chips, and it will also take five years to imitate graphene batteries.

There is no guarantee what will happen in the future, but now we have to rely on GP.

Now that the loss of secrets is irretrievable, Anfeng simply promotes the technology to other countries. The five majors cannot be exclusive to the United States. Letting one family dominate will also mean that other countries will suffer misfortune.Therefore, China, Russia, Britain and France must have all four, which is a means of balance.

After everyone participates in the competition, the demand for chips and batteries will definitely increase, which also means that GP Energy's products will sell better.

But there is also an important point to consider: the trade embargo.

As we all know, European and American countries led by the United States have always imposed strict commodity embargo measures on China, including weapons, high technology, CNC machine tools, and mechanical parts, which are not allowed to flow to China.The object of the embargo is not only China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, etc. are all listed.

NATO countries restrict the development of their opponents in this way. At the beginning, because of the embargo, China didn't even have a switch, and it couldn't connect to the Internet.Therefore, it is definitely not easy for Anfeng to export such things as exoskeletons. Government intervention is inevitable, and it is hard to say that they are included in the embargo list.

If technology transactions are carried out on the bright side, the robot company will be heavily fined, even its business license will be revoked, and the legal person will be arrested and locked up for more than ten years.If it is an anonymous gift without a trace in private, who can control it?Donation is not enough, so why not open a company in a foreign country with another identity?
After the technology was leaked, it would not hurt to give An Feng away for free, after all, he never planned to make money from exoskeletons.After sending it out, I accidentally discovered that GP can still make money from the chips and batteries needed for the exoskeleton.In addition, it can also balance the strength of the five major individual soldiers, which can be regarded as a contribution to international peace.

Another way of thinking, the loss of confidentiality is not necessarily a bad thing.

The technology of the exoskeleton has been released. I am afraid that no matter how it is hidden, it will always be available one day. "Leak" will be sooner or later.Now, however, I voluntarily hand over the technology, abandon the interests in this area, and turn a corner to seek a broader one. In the end, I can still enter the right track of business.

(End of this chapter)

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