Chapter 220
Afterwards, An Feng had to deal with the procedures for the little tiger in California.

Although a state in the United States is often compared to a province in China, the status of the state is very special. It is more like a country. Except for having no diplomatic power and the right to declare war, the governor has more power than senior officials, and anyone who is familiar with the United States knows that , each state and each region has its own laws, not necessarily selling the federal face.

There are also many regulations on the management of large pets. Texas and California are different. After An Feng consulted with the governor's secretary, he got a definite answer, which was equivalent to getting the support of the governor.Easily register the little tiger's file.

The news that An Feng raised a cute little tiger spread like wildfire.

As a result, the bear children flocked to see this "big cat" with their own eyes and up close. After a few days of human baptism, Xiaobai has been able to calmly face rubbing, hugging, pinching, scratching, etc. Movement, if it doesn't hurt it, it will be naughty once in a while.

After having a cute animal, the house became more lively, with endless laughter and laughter. Lian Anfeng, the official owner, wanted to touch Xiaobai, but he had to wait in line for a while... Fortunately, every time it was time to eat, he was looking forward to Anfeng. When Feng arrived, he specifically looked for him, and finally gave him some comfort, this guy was not in vain.

Following him, he planned biological transformation. Induced gene mutations are not uncommon. In addition to the process of embryo formation, mutations can also be induced by various influences, such as cancer cells.So it's kind of bad and good, and even humans face a bunch of potential mutations.

One day at work, he received a call from a stranger.

Just as An Feng answered the call, the other party said, "Is that Mr. An?"

"it's me."

"I'm Brian, director of RM, we met last year at the sports car auction in Italy."

"'s you, this time there are good things again?" An Feng asked with a smile. He is quite interested in collecting cars.

"That's right, the Pebble Beach Auto Show will be held in Monterey on the 18th of this month, and it will bring a number of heavyweight auction items, including Lamborghini Reventon, Sixth Element (Sesto-Elemento), and Pagani Zonda-R All models will participate in the auction, are you interested?"

"This is really good news!" An Feng was very happy.As far as he knows, heavyweight sports car collections are rarely auctioned, and are usually privately traded.

Brian said, "Then I will reserve a spot for you, sir?"

"Okay, let's do it like this, I will attend on time." An Feng said.

After saying goodbye to Brian, An Feng typed a few times on the computer in front of him, and looked at the preview of this year's Pebble Beach Auto Show. An Feng likes Zonda-R very much.

Although they are not legendary, who can tell in the future?After browsing the content of the auto show, An Feng had a whim, and contacted the person in charge of the exhibition venue, chatted with him, and expressed his willingness to send his private collection to the exhibition, two generations of McLaren flagships, two generations of Ferrari flagships .

Although the news is a bit late, but the model is excellent, the other party gave an affirmative answer, saying that there will be enough booths, but An Feng needs to pay the venue fee, [-] US dollars means maintenance of the green grass under his feet... An Feng is very grateful The money didn't even frown.

After hanging up the phone, I felt a little flustered. In the past, I was yearning to attend the auto show, wanting to witness those rare sports cars, but now I send the cars to the exhibition by myself. They are not ordinary models, they are all limited and have legendary blood good stuff.


Two days later, An Feng took Xiongzi's family and his wife to Los Angeles, but the purpose was different. Anfeng needed to do some business, and the others went to play, and Xiongzi wanted to go south to San Diego to see the underwater world... Anfeng was forced Go to the research center and do some biological experiments.

The key steps were recorded in the laboratory, and the whole plan was conceived several times. In order to ensure safety, the scoring steps were modified, and different doses were applied according to different periods. Inducing mutations will be a slow process, which may take about 3 to 5 months. , conducive to healthy development.

According to the current translation progress of the machine brain, as long as he tries it a few times on mice and rabbits, it is basically a sure thing... In fact, the method is not only for tigers, but also for other animals that are not as complex as humans. Mutations can be induced , For example, strengthening a horse's sports genes, possessing a stronger quality, and after scientific training, it is not difficult to dominate the field.

Proper use of genetic technology will be amazing. An Feng glanced at the progress by the way, and was still stuck before 50%. The answer is very close, but he just can’t see it, which makes people itch. I thought about it myself, and finally got a false alarm.

After he injured his brain cells, he went to drop by when he was bored.

Keith's research team is making steady progress, and it is said that they will be able to produce results before Christmas. An Feng praised their patience and speed. It would be faster to replace them, but they are impatient.In the final analysis, Ken's perseverance in testing again and again is also an important part of affecting research and development.

But another department that kept silent surprised An Feng.

An Feng planned to research and develop health-preserving medicines, and is currently working on the first step: the external assistance of chemical medicines.At the beginning, he was just arranging things and theories. The data were stored in the server according to the authority level, and they read them according to their needs. An Feng didn't provide much help at the time.

But they passed all the way and got to the present. Looking at the progress, it is estimated that there will be results in a month... An Feng chatted with the research and development team specially. The cost of the drug is high, but the effect is obvious. It is certain to strengthen the body and slow down aging. It also has resistance to viruses.

It looks like a jelly, it doesn't look good, it doesn't taste good, it works well, but it needs long-term testing - so it's not very competitive.An Feng went back to the office and thought about it. It is not cost-effective to sell drugs, the cost is high, and it is easy to be copied.

Naturally, it has to add some confusing means. It is silly to apply for a patent for all of them, but for a part of the application, the other essential ingredients are kept secret, which invisibly increases the difficulty of copying. Several patents lie ahead.

Thinking about the future, it is not necessarily a drug. Drugs have to pass strict FDA testing, and they cannot be popularized by all age groups. Children must have trouble buying drugs.If it is a prescription drug, it is impossible to start without a doctor's certificate... so it is best to adapt to all groups of people.

"Drink?" An Feng thought of this step.

The medicine can be diluted, and its color, aroma, and taste can be supplemented in drinks, and promoted to the whole world. It tastes good and can strengthen the body and prolong life.It can also be divided into grades, such as functional drinks with ordinary effects and biological drinks with higher concentration.

Of course, energy drinks still have to deal with the FDA, but after all, they are not medicines.

The research and development team has not established the final form of the drug yet, and An Feng has already thought of how to make money from drinks that taste good and have physical bonuses in the future... This time it is not only about money, but also the lofty purpose of benefiting mankind.Clearly, it's worth a shot on both counts.

But its effect is weak. It will not be as immediate as graphene, and it will not be brought back to life like anticancer drugs. Its change will take a long time. It may take three to five months to feel the difference, but it will really affect the human body. One or two years or even longer.

Its short-term competitiveness is very weak. It has to wait until everyone who insists on drinking finds that there is no pain in the waist, no pain in the legs, and no breath when climbing fifty floors in one breath... After this strange phenomenon, it will be released. It will cause a frenzy.

The means of promotion is naturally advertising, and advertising is definitely a very important part.It can create some celebrity effects, or global publicity like Pepsi, or simply name and sponsor sports events... As long as the effect is good, it is not afraid that it will not sell!
Calculated in this way, the profit is not high, but it can be made after all. The money is a little less, but does it still have the lofty purpose of benefiting mankind?
From this aspect, An Feng's mentality began to change a bit.

In fact... he is not so noble.Since it has a strong effect, the difference between those who drink it and those who don't drink it will be obvious after one or two years, which means that people all over the world will be inseparable from it. Even if only 70% of the huge market of 20 billion people can consume it, [-]% of them will still be able to consume it. Billion people.

Those that involve health are the most ferocious monopoly.You can use counterfeit mobile phones, old-fashioned computers, and ride bicycles to work, but no one wants to pay attention to the body or replace it with old models... The reason is obvious, only certain marketing methods are needed to conquer the world.

Thinking to the end, he dreamed that he was surrounded by money printing machines.

It's a pity that I messed around, but found that only one-sided money can be printed... I woke up from the dream, and I was taken aback. How can there be a money printing machine that prints only one side?But the idea is indeed a good idea. In terms of effect, you can promote the strong ones first, and then popularize the weak ones after gaining word of mouth, so that more people can consume them.

Even what he can think of, those marketing elites, don't they?

So he checked the progress again and gave some guidance.

Afterwards, Joseph Hart, the director of the research center, asked to see him. An Feng asked his assistant Julie to arrange a time to sit with him in the staff cafeteria to eat, drink and chat, as a way of showing closeness to the people.The staff cafeteria is necessary, as too many researchers habitually forget to eat and drink.

Joseph made a comment: "Mr. An, I think the company's name can be changed appropriately."

"Why?" An Feng asked.

"Because the field we are involved in is no longer limited to medicine, in order to increase our reputation, we can change it to a wider range of 'biology', and we will reveal the plan in some interviews to pave the way for future technology promotion and let more people Man can accept our nature."

An Feng's eyes lit up, Joseph's brain was still useful.He nodded: "Very good! Next time, let's take advantage of the popularity of cancer drugs and promote medical research—no, it's a biological research center! Let the public know about our plan and blueprint for the benefit of mankind!"

Joseph agrees: "I'm just the idea, make the most of the resources."

"You are right about this, I agree!" An Feng said, as the boss, his agreement means unanimous approval.

It has since been changed to "The Gene and Tima Center for Biological Research."

(End of this chapter)

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