Chapter 222 The Redeemer
After photographing these collections, An Feng realized one thing when he went back: the garage was not enough.Apparently, Vineyard's garage can only hold up to five cars, and currently his pickup is out in the open, and there are a few more in San Rafael, but adding three more now obviously has nowhere to put them.

But he can't let his collections be exposed to the wind and rain outside, saving land but not preserving value.After arriving home, An Feng found a construction company and asked them to send someone to build a temporary garage.Naturally, these cars will not be kept for too long. When the racing track is completed, the vehicles that are not commonly used can be properly kept.

Just like the two racing cars this time, they cannot be legally used on the road and can only be driven on the track, so they are definitely not commonly used... In the final analysis, this is also a kind of happy trouble.I got up the next day to clean the car, tried to start it, and the sound was very loud, looking forward to their performance on the track.

When An Feng was cleaning the car, the little tiger ran into the yard and quarreled with the two hounds that came out one after the other. It was rare to see it have a chance to escape from the embrace of humans. Since it was adopted, it has become a different animal. A pet that worries about food and drink, and it has almost adapted to the role of being touched by everyone.

Now this scene is in line with the nature of the tiger!Xiao Bai regarded the two much larger hounds as his opponents, stooped forward and quietly stepped forward, under the watchful eyes of the hounds, leaped out, wrapped his paws around his legs, and opened his mouth to bite.The hound has a good temper and doesn't get angry, so he plays with it cooperatively.

The hound was honored to play a cameo role as a tigress, playing with it on the lawn and biting each other. Although Xiaobai was defeated, he tried to attack again and again and never tired of it.It grinned at the two hounds, Pippi tilted his head to stare at it, stretched out a paw and patted it on the head, Xiaobai was held down all the time, if he couldn't do it later, he would play a rogue, turn his head to bite Pippi's paw, Unfortunately, the action is not sensitive enough.

It's so funny, Xiaobai tried his best to treat the two hounds as opponents, but they treated him like a funny tiger skin toy, rolling on the grass, lying on the ground staring at it, occasionally jumping up, opening their mouths to bite it, Xiaobai blocked it with his paws, or flexibly moved around behind his back.

An Feng leaned on the car and watched. If Xiaobai can be as smart as a hound when he grows up, can hunt and be cute, and can watch the house at critical moments, he will definitely be the most special pet tiger in the world—even the most Almighty Tiger.An Feng is now putting his ideas into practice.

Biological research is not difficult for Anfeng, but it is very difficult for the world - the process of exploration.An Feng is blessed by nature, the exploration process has been skipped, he only needs to follow the steps to configure the liquid medicine, choose the way to activate the mutation, set the dosage according to Xiaobai's body size, and so on.

Even without going to Los Angeles, there is his laboratory in the sundry room of the vineyard. Fred was asked to airlift a batch of equipment and medicines from the research center, and An Feng began to develop and live in the laboratory. A little blood from Xiaobai, and a little blood from a hound, so as to prescribe the right medicine.

A pet with the loyalty of a dog, the ferocity of a tiger, and the stamina of a leopard is definitely a feat of biotechnology and, in the long run, the direction of evolution.If tigers do not adapt to the natural rhythm, they will slowly become extinct, but An Feng took the initiative to let it evolve.


The next day, my brother-in-law received a call from China. Seeing that he hung up the phone with an uneasy face, An Feng, who was feeding the little tiger, said casually, "What's the matter?"

The brother-in-law said: "In China, our car dealership is blocked by people."

"What?" An Feng was surprised, "Could it be that the boss who took Xiao San away last time still has debts to pay off?"

But things were not so bloody, brother-in-law shook his head: "No, it's one of my cousins ​​who is in trouble."

"What does your cousin's trouble have to do with the traffic jam?" An Feng was even more surprised.

The brother-in-law said helplessly: " are not in the country, so I don't know what's going on here. After I took charge of the car dealership, distant relatives and neighbors who had never seen before appeared one by one. The three aunts and six wives saw that we were in such a good condition, so we just I can't help but be more considerate. If you want me to do you a favor, give me a job or something, my mother can't stand the ear, and give a cousin who is doing nothing to work in the store..."

An Feng frowned when he heard this. Although he has been abroad since he was rich and hid for a while, he also knew the saying that "the poor make troubles and no one asks, the rich have distant relatives in the mountains". This is the state of the world and cannot be avoided.There is never a good way to deal with these relationships. If you are too magnanimous, you will have difficulties yourself, and you will not be able to tell your sufferings;

So the matter of favor is the most troublesome.

The thing is that his cousin doesn't do much in the shop, he just hangs around as Liu Ze (brother-in-law), brags outside, makes some wine and meat friends, and when his sister's family comes to California for vacation, he drinks and gambles with his friends, As a result, he lost 10,000+ three times in a row, and couldn't repay the money he borrowed from others. After the grace period passed, the other party took him to a car dealership called "my home", and wanted to get some mortgage first.

But this car dealership doesn't belong to him, so naturally he won't take away the mortgage for them. The manager has no choice but to call Liu Ze overseas for help, and then there is this scene in the afternoon.After An Feng heard this, he didn't blame his relatives and friends. After all, he understood the pressure involved.An Feng said: "Clean up now, let's go back together, the car dealership is under my name, if there is any dispute, I have to come forward."

That afternoon, I packed my luggage and planned to take Anfeng's private plane back. The time is almost at the end of August, and the primary school is about to start, so I can only stay for a few more days. This time I will drop by.But An Feng didn't let Joanna come, it was because they wanted to go back to talk and talk, not to play, it was unnecessary.

He made an excuse and asked Joanna to stay and take care of the little tiger or something.

There is no need to wait for a private jet, but international routes have to be applied for in advance. An Feng had to use the privileges of a diplomat, so he was naturally the first to arrange it.In view of the meeting with loan sharks this time, An Feng also brought four bodyguards from Aegis Security, headed by Harry, to be prepared.


I went back to the country twice, and then returned to the city by car.

In order to make it easier for the little girl to go to school, there is also a house in the city, but my parents are away, and it seems that they have been out for a while. This incident did not affect them. After all, the relationship is so far away, and it is not easy to talk.When they came back, there was no sign of the guy.

It took Liu Ze several phone calls to get in touch. After a few chats, he put down the phone and said, "The person was taken away. The restaurant next to the national road in the countryside in the suburbs requires us to redeem him with money on time. Otherwise, after [-]:[-] , Cut off a finger an hour later. If you call the police, it will be scrapped immediately."

The elder sister was worried and angry at the same time: "I told you not to spoil him like this, just make friends with him randomly, but something big happened this time, not everyone is as sensible as my brother! See what to do now ? They are all loan sharks, all of them are ruthless..."

Liu Ze got dizzy when he heard that, An Feng said: "Sister, don't talk about it, it's not too late to talk about it after you bring him back, now you go back and rest, brother-in-law and I will take care of the rest."

After putting down the luggage, two taxis were stopped by the side of the road. The formation was very standard. An Feng and Liu Ze sat in the back seat, the co-pilot was a captain, and the car behind was three bodyguards. They had enough communication equipment and simple self-defense weapons. , if it wasn't illegal to carry a gun, they would do it too.

Arrived at the hotel after four or 10 minutes. It is a very unremarkable place with a two-story building. There is a shocking red letter "demolition" printed on one side of the wall. There is a tire repair shop not far away. It is a typical wilderness. It's not a good place to go without going to the village and not going to the shop.For safety reasons, the foreigner asked the driver to stop and wait for them. An Feng was responsible for the translation, and added a sentence: the driver readily agreed to pay as much as the time wasted.

Harry opened the door, An Feng got off the car, four people in black suits, short-inch sunglasses, and earphones wrapped around their ears walked into the hotel.

The store is not wide, with six or seven tables, surrounded by people. The main table is a guy with a short shaved head and a blue scalp. He wears a gold chain around his neck, a string of Buddhist beads on his wrist, and is shirtless.The fan above his head was shaking feebly, and the people beside him were silent, with serious expressions, as if they were holding a Jianghu conference.

Liu Ze's cousin was tied behind his back on a chair, his mouth was stuffed with a cloth, and his face was covered with bruises.

Obviously, after the four foreigners came in, the eyes of the people in the room were unified. Seeing the gangster attire only seen in this movie, many people who pretended to be a bit frightened. The suit is bulging with muscles, and the front of the fist has been smoothed and covered with thick calluses. He either beats people often or has been trained all the year round, but he is by no means a coward.

As they looked at each other, the other party took out his mobile phone and babbled in a local language. An Feng could understand a little bit. These guys had placed spies at the gate of the police station. As long as they found a police car, they would send a signal and coax them collectively. As for San, it seems that they all have a little experience.

The leading man said coldly: "Where's the money?"

An Feng said: "I just came back from abroad and I don't have time to prepare. If you receive a check or have an international account, I can give it to you now."

The man had no access to personal checks or international accounts, he shook his head: "I only accept cash, it's getting late, watch out for his fingers!"

Liu Ze said helplessly: "Transfer the money! I have an account in China. Now that the bank is closed, it is impossible to get cash."

The man thought for a while, then nodded: "45."

"Didn't you say 35?" Liu Ze frowned, the price soared really fast.

The man has his reasons: "The loan is 35, and the hotel fee is [-]. Is it understandable?"

An Feng pulled a chair over and sat down opposite the man. Four bodyguards stood beside him. He also calmly stated his reasoning: "There are only 30 to [-] people in your room, and more than half of them are just for fun. , and my bodyguards hit four with bare hands, not to mention a stun gun. As a visiting diplomat, I have notified the local government of my whereabouts. As long as one phone call is made, tens of thousands of armed police and special police will block you!"

The man looked at him in surprise, tens of thousands of people is a bit exaggerated, how could there be so many people in the city?Although he was surrounded by a group of foreign bodyguards, it was a bit fake to say that he was a diplomat, but it was never a good thing to fight with foreigners. Even if it was their fault, the main responsibility was ultimately his own.After a brief thought, the man agreed: "Okay! Seeing that you guys came in such a timely manner, I'll save face today and take him away with 35 yuan unscathed!"

Liu Ze heaved a sigh of relief. Without An Feng's formation, 45 would have been settled.

The mobile phone transferred the money, and after a while, the man took out his super long standby Apple, opened his eyes wide and clicked a few times, and stood up with a grin: "Let's go!"

Everyone dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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