Chapter 225 Tanzania
In late September, An Feng and Joanna took some time to get vaccinated, mainly yellow fever vaccine, typhoid fever vaccine, etc. Because the sanitation conditions in Africa are poor and there are many infectious diseases, vaccination is just in case.Then, everyone discussed the itinerary of the trip on the Internet and on the phone.

Considering that everyone has children (wives) studying, the itinerary is relatively small, and there are only five days in total on weekends, and there is only one location: Tanzania.An Feng had heard about it before. Several countries in East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and other regions have the largest number of wild animals, and it is also the easiest to watch classic TV programs such as Animal World and Animal Kingdom.

Entering Tanzania is not complicated - An Feng and Joanna are exempt from visas, the reason is... Citizens of Commonwealth countries are naturally visa-free.But Americans can't, they can only sign on arrival and add another 50 US dollars!Or obediently go to the consulate to get a visa.An Feng who knew the truth was happy.

It took a while for the Americans to go through the formalities. In the early hours of Saturday, everyone gathered in New York with their luggage. There were eight people on this trip, except for An Feng and Joanna, Bazel's family and Matthew's family.Boarding the Gulfstream G550 business jet, I am full of longing for the upcoming journey.

More than six hours after takeoff, it first landed in Casablanca, the Kingdom of Morocco. Due to the total distance, it could not arrive at one time, and it was necessary to refuel halfway.At this time, the sky was only getting brighter. As the busiest airport in Morocco, passengers from various countries shuttled in the terminal building.

Waiting was boring, so everyone listened to Bazel's story.

"The social level in Tanzania is definitely far inferior to South Africa, but if you go to South Africa to see animals, you might as well stay in the United States! Population and industrial development have affected the purity of nature, and commercialization has also made it lose the original taste of Africa. Only in Kenya Only in Tanzania can you experience the purest style. The wild animals in Tanzania are among the best in the world, six or seven times more than Kenya.”

An Feng asked curiously: "Bazel, how did you come up with the idea of ​​building a zoo there?"

Bazel smiled: "At first it was an interest. It is not accurate to say that the zoo is a nature conservation park integrating research and adoption. I am just an investor, and the real management is local people and scholars. There are film crews every year. Stop over at my side because the conditions are better."

An Feng asked again: "Since it's a private place, hunting must be convenient, right?"

Bazel nodded: "Of course, the management is much looser than that of the United States, but it also has to follow the government's regulations. Hunting species are seasonally regulated and need to be reported, and each prey will be marked with a price. But in recent years, lions, leopards and Hunting permits for large animals like elephants are on the decline."

An Feng asked: "Elephants can also be killed? Isn't it endangered?"

"It depends on the location. For example, China's wild deer herds are scarce, but they are flooded in the United States. There are quite a lot of elephants in East Africa. There are too many elephants knocking down trees to find food. Due to the needs of forest protection, the government often A certain number of elephants are hunted to reduce economic losses. Therefore, according to international conventions, a small number of elephants are allowed to be hunted every year, but only old ones."

An Feng understood: "It's good to kill the old but not the young."

Bazel said: "But poachers don't pay attention to these things. They focus on ivory and rhino horns. In the past few years, the security guards hired by the park have caught more than [-] poachers and seized a large number of ivory. Poaching The fate of the victims was also quite miserable, and the locals hung them from trees before the government arrived."

An Feng understands the meaning of this. In such a wild place like Africa, where wild beasts are infested, hanging on a tree means nothing, no need to say much.


After listening to the experienced Bazel tell a lot of African legends, I found that he is not just a white hunter on the African continent. The hunter is just one of his identities. He is also a wildlife protector. He invests in the construction of protected parks every year to prevent poaching. and provide a research environment.

His private conservation park in northern Tanzania covers an area of ​​nearly [-] square kilometers, covering a freshwater lake and a vast plain. He has a group of security teams who usually patrol around to drive away poachers. He also receives support and awards from the government. He is an outstanding person.

Everyone listened with gusto and yearned for Africa even more.Two hours later, I boarded the plane and flew from Casablanca to Dodoma, the capital of Tanzania. It took more than six hours. When I arrived in the sky above Tanzania, the sun was high above my head, and the plane landed cautiously.

The airport is very ordinary, just one runway, and the number of flights is very small.After stepping off the plane, the heat wave came head-on. An Feng looked up at the sky, and saw the scorching sun, which remained the same throughout the year. This is East Africa, a typical tropical region, which is just around the equator line of the earth, and there will never be winter.

But Dodoma is not the destination. Their journey has just begun, and Bazel obviously has no intention of staying. After everyone has completed the immigration procedures, he will take them on a single-engine fixed-wing plane. This is very common in the United States. The price of [-] yuan can be used both on land and in water after modification.

The pilot was a middle-aged white man, wearing a T-shirt, big shorts, and sunglasses, casually.

The plane took off smoothly on the concrete runway and left the city.The captain deliberately lowered the flight altitude, showing everyone the wilderness below.There are vast grasslands everywhere and a variety of animals... This is not the peak tourist season, but it is also the second peak season, and there are many European and American tourists.

The destination is somewhere in Manyara, which cannot be found on the map, but it is a well-known gathering place for experienced travelers, with an airport and a hotel.The living conditions in East Africa are harsh, and life is usually camped in camps.A hotel is a rare place, let alone an airport.

In fact, that "airport" is a bit of a misnomer... When the captain was about to land, An Feng could only see a bare dirt runway.

"Are you sure?" An Feng turned to look at his companions.

The runway has become clear, which is the same as the fact that there are basically no concrete roads in this country. Most of the roads, including the airstrip, are dirt, and they are not very long...It is scary, no wonder business jets can’t stop Come down, this needs to be replaced with a heavier plane, and the landing is probably a life-threatening one.

During the landing process, everyone watched with trepidation.But Bazel talked with Matthew about the next plan very easily, his face was calm, and his emotions were indifferent... The plane bumped on the runway and came to a steady stop. During this process, everyone held hands sweat.

Everyone got off the plane one after another, and they breathed a sigh of relief after getting down to earth.

Bazel looked at everyone's expressions and said with a smile: "I have flown this runway dozens of times, and I have tried even worse environments than here. For this kind of light fixed wing, unless it is a pile of rubble, otherwise Kyle (Captain) can stop easily, he was a fighter pilot before!"

"If you could have said it earlier, none of us would be nervous." An Feng joked and praised the pilot calmly.

Kyle, who came down at the end, smiled and bowed: "Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your trust. Finally, I wish you all a pleasant journey!"

After getting off the plane, I felt that the weather was getting hotter. While waiting for the pick-up vehicle, everyone started to take off their clothes.Bazel also reminded: "Pay attention to sun protection, the ultraviolet rays here are very strong, be careful of sunburn, put on your clothes first, and we will choose some sunshade equipment later."

"I have these!" Joanna pulled a pair of sunglasses from her backpack.

After waiting for a few minutes, the car that picked them up arrived. I thought it was all pickups or big breads, but I didn’t expect them to be quite high-end. Three black Jeep Wranglers were obviously modified. The wheels were very wide and large, and they were diesel versions. After all, there is basically no gasoline in Africa.

The convoy left the airport, walked along the dirt road through the souvenir market, and headed to the hotel in the suburbs—actually, it was only about two kilometers away.When we arrived, we found that it was a three-storey building, which was very nice, with a restaurant and a swimming pool, and the grass in the backyard was soft. We will also live here.

From the window of the hotel, you can see the vast grassland around. The green grass is sparse, and it looks yellow. Occasionally, there are a few animals hiding in the shade of trees and grass, and it is not clear whether it is an antelope or a wildebeest. .An Feng and Joanna lay by the window and stared.

"Here's some equipment for you." An Feng handed Joanna the telescope he took out.

Joanna looked through the binoculars: "Amazing! I saw two giraffes!"

"Where?" An Feng took her binoculars, and found a long neck in a weed that was estimated to be as tall as a person, shaking his head...fighting!
"They are fighting, and a third one is coming!" An Feng said.

"Let me see," Joanna said.

They exchanged binoculars and stared at the wonderful scene in the distance, and other passengers noticed it. The camera clicked constantly. Unfortunately, the clumsy fight between the two ends did not last, and the giraffe rushed over to persuade the fight.Soon, as if nothing had happened, he continued to eat leaves.

This cute look won a lot of laughter from everyone.

They gathered in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel, and the air-conditioning was in stark contrast to the scorching sun outside the window.After An Feng and Joanna found Bazel, Matthew and Christina also ran in from the door in a hurry, saying, "It's terrible! The temperature outside is terrible!"

An Feng said: "In such a hot afternoon, I dare not stand in the sun for ten seconds."

Bazel said: "Don't worry, we will basically spend in the car in the future, there is not such a strong sun, and it may rain these days."

Everyone had lunch. The rhythm of Africa is a bit slow. Whether it is a waiter or a chef, the pace of life is very slow. Fortunately, Bazel is the owner of this area - including hotels, restaurants and airports. Including the zoo area, he contracted it.

With the boss present, the speed was much faster.

After the meal, everyone went back to the shop we passed by just now. Most of them were carved handicrafts, masks, and some paintings, but not many people bought them.Everyone looked at it, and finally chose some Arabic-style headscarves and face scarves, which can not only shade the sun, but also facilitate ventilation.

They each put on headscarves, hats, a pair of sunscreen sunglasses, and a breathable coat, and walked together to the nearby zoo. They said that the zoo was too narrow, but in fact there were fences and houses in the adoption center. All other areas are fully open.

That is to say, wild animals can come and leave at any time, and no one controls them.

The enclosures house animals that have been adopted or are being researched.Tickets are charged for $5, and there are many tourists. It is said that there will be more tourist seasons. Although there is no primitive wild, there is a very good link here-being able to contact animals.

No, as soon as the ladies in front walked in, cheers came.

(End of this chapter)

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