Chapter 237 Spy
An Feng was also curious as to why they secretly photographed them. After all, they are different from public figures like celebrities. It is understandable to take a few photos of celebrities in public, but the privacy of the rich is not violated casually.They are rich and powerful, and they are not afraid of going to court, and they can sue people to poverty.

An Feng hung up the phone and said, "Maybe it was a false alarm."

Matthew is not optimistic: "I hope so, but now is a sensitive moment, the presidential election is coming, we are all supporters of Anderson, although everyone is very careful, but it is inevitable that something will be photographed, the final Time must be vigilant."

An Feng asked: "Do you think the opponent will use these tricks?"

"I don't think it's a certainty." Matthew said with certainty, "The two parties have never stopped fighting openly and secretly, no matter who becomes president, it can't be avoided. To put it simply, the 'zipper' between Clinton and Lewinsky Door', isn't it the Republican Party who facilitated it?"

An Feng has also heard that when the Democrat Clinton was president, he had a sex scandal with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. As a result, the right-wing conservative Republicans frantically attacked, and they wanted to impeach the president immediately to step down, which also led to scandal-ridden Clinton was pushed to the cusp, and his approval rating plummeted.

Hearing what Matthew said, he became more cautious. Although he didn't have much contact with Anderson, he was the money maker after all. After letting the opponent find out their ways, wouldn't they expose their cards?Especially in this election campaign, both sides are not very disciplined, so we have to be careful not to fall into the trap.


After Aegis Security received the call from the boss, it acted quickly.

This time, General Counsel Gu Li led the team. He is familiar with personnel security and defense work, so it is very suitable for him to do this.In addition, there are four people in the team, two electronic experts, a female bodyguard and a colleague, who is said to be the bodyguard of the boss's friend, a top tracking expert.

They drove out two cars and switched them at any time.Los Angeles is the center of SHIELD's defense business. If necessary, they can call more than a dozen vehicles in rotation to confuse the line of sight.The operation in Los Angeles took advantage of the right time and place, and it was only necessary to keep up with the opponent and find out the details behind it.

Now they can catch him, but they won't find out the truth.

An Feng hopes to follow the vine to find out whether it is a false alarm or premeditated. If it is a false alarm, he will be taken to court and sentenced to a few years - not surprising, the strange thing is that the same crime can be acquitted in the United States , It can also be sentenced to several years, depending on your lawyer, local influence and so on.Most of the justice is for whites and wealthy people, and it is hard to say for others.

If it was premeditated, you have to investigate all the way up, and if necessary, you can bite back and let the opponent lose his wife and lose his army.Seeing the other party's driving habits, Gu Li took a circle on the street before going back, proving that they have some means of anti-tracking, which requires them to have enough helpers.

But this time there is a faster way - Guli took out a black suitcase and opened it, which contained a set of quadrotor aircraft and a computer for monitoring. They released the aircraft, and the high-definition camera observed in the air. behind the opponent.

Moreover, the flight time of the aircraft is outstanding, and the shooting effect is clear. If it is at night, it is almost invisible. It can also record sound and project images. sample.


The anti-tracking thing will take some time, An Feng didn't spend all his energy on this aspect, although he doesn't need to worry about the site selection and registration of Bida Company, but he still has to exercise the decision-making power.In addition, there are some dances and receptions to attend, and he has a lot of social activities in the evening.

But following Guli's advice, he brought two bodyguards.A layman looks at bodyguards in the same way, isn't it the kind of cool guy in a movie who wears sunglasses and a black suit?In fact, it is not the case. There are those who are mainly responsible for security and order, like celebrities; there are also those who are responsible for privacy protection, like An Feng.

They are good at finding abnormalities in every detail, and can prevent other people with impure motives from approaching or shooting them to the greatest extent.They also plan the most private travel route, the location of the car, and even the location of the meal, so as to prevent eavesdropping or camera targeting VIPs to the greatest extent.

When it’s not necessary, they are hidden, you can’t see it, you can’t feel it... When An Feng danced a passionate tango with Joanna at the ball, the team over there was taking turns to follow up 24 hours a day.The matter is indeed not simple, it was premeditated.

Just in the evening, the aircraft captured the meeting between the paparazzi and several other people, and some things were traded. Gu Li had to arrange more people to monitor them.After several rounds, they finally came across an opportunity for people to go to the empty building. According to the usual practice, they went in to search.

The paparazzi lived in an ordinary three-story townhouse, surrounded by mixed races, and two people walked in without attracting attention.There are locks on the door, but these locks are not worth mentioning. The driver involved in the operation is an expert in unlocking, and two or three strokes are faster than opening your own door with a key.

The two entered the door, put on gloves and shoe covers, searched the house in an orderly manner, and got a laptop computer and three USB flash drives, but the computer had a password, and the USB flash drives were also locked... It was difficult for an electronic expert to use an unlocking tool Fix the computer, crack the U disk, and after some searching, a large number of photos were extracted.

Gu Li, who was on guard in the car, heard their voices: "This kid has a lot of photos stored in his computer, as well as staff notes, including our boss's travel time, hobbies, living habits, etc., very careful, probably not It's just one person doing this kind of thing."

"Make a copy of it, don't startle the snake." Gu Li said.

The team copied the data, then put the items back intact, and finally checked whether there was any monitoring equipment in the house... After learning that everything was normal, they returned to the car in a low-key manner, read the data on their laptops, The other party is really very attentive.

The next day, Guli informed An Feng to come over and ask him to check it.

An Feng looked at these photos with a frown, most of them were taken when they were doing activities in public places.

An Feng asked: "Can you guess what they want to do?"

Gu Li frowned: "The purpose is very complicated. It can be sent by a business opponent to understand your preferences, weaknesses, etc., and gain the upper hand in the negotiation; Your family is broken; of course there are some special purposes, I know that there is a group of people who specialize in collecting information about rich people and selling it on the black market, which may lead to dangers such as kidnapping and extortion."

"Most of the people who encounter this kind of thing are the rich or politicians. Competitors or political enemies usually like to take advantage of their opponents to gain benefits. So some of the rich's personal information will be stolen more or less. Refer to this country's dignitaries."

An Feng listened to it, and summed it up as "the rich have a lot of right and wrong".

But in the other party's information, there is no evidence that can threaten him. An Feng's life is very simple, except that he spends a lot of money, he is a good man, and he has never been involved in scandals. , and did not deal with improper people, was phished for law enforcement or something.

As a super rich man, he has extraordinary strength, and there is a large group of teams behind the scenes to help him, involving legal, tax, or other methods, even in the dark, no one else can see.Although he is a man of color, he does well in white circles and has friends all over the place.

This is the intelligence collected by the other party.

After reading it, An Feng said: "Continue to investigate and find out all the people involved in these activities, and you can deploy additional people."

Gu Li nodded: "No problem."

Guli also asked the company's technical experts to install a set of advanced anti-eavesdropping software on Anfeng's mobile phone, which can improve call security by 50%.

An Feng told Matthew on the phone that the other party's target was not only him, but their entire group.

Matthew attaches great importance to the evidence collected. Recently, they have a lot of things to do. The presidential campaign requires energy. The consortium cooperates to snatch benefits. It is inevitable that some people will be provoked, but the other party will not come clearly. Just like them, they will only go Collect opponent's information and secretly master it.


At the end of the investigation, Guli defined the paparazzi as "spies".

Obviously, unlike the spies who work for the national government, their scope of business is wider, and the nature of employment is obvious. They take money to do things, they can afford the price, and they can do things well.Specialize in stealing information, either personal or commercial.The information of an ordinary person is worthless, but the information of a rich man is different. In business negotiations, you need to know his psychological bottom line, which is equivalent to a sure chance of winning.

It takes various forms, most of them appear as women, or some are instigated halfway. For many mistresses who report gang bosses, the nature of instigation is the most obvious... In the end, in Anfeng's Aegis Security Join forces with Matthew's hiring team to find the root cause.

I followed my younger brother and searched upwards, got reliable clues, and asked people in the industry to identify them at a high price. I learned that most of them work for a not-so-famous newspaper. They usually specialize in celebrity gossip. The circulation is not high and they are at a loss. State, but lingering for many years without closing down.

Check here, and then go up to the employer.

So the network collection operation started. Since the evidence is not obvious, it is obviously impossible to act according to the law. Therefore, some special operations teams from Aegis Security, or other professional negotiators recruited by Matthew will be dispatched together.At the same time, let people come to talk to the boss in charge of these paparazzi.

Of course, it wasn't about talking with a suppressed pistol - the matter has not yet reached this point, just explain to the boss that you are in big trouble.

"Tell me, who is the employer?" The conversationalist sat opposite the boss, with the brim of his hat lowered, so that his face could not be seen clearly against the backlight, and he could only hear a cold voice.

The boss swallowed his saliva and panicked: "I don't know, they also contacted me through an intermediary, asking for a long-term follow-up of the information of the people on the list, as well as the composition of the shareholders of GP company, how do they usually contact each other? Get in touch, get along, etc.”

The confidant asked: "Who did you sell the information to?"

"Some transactions have been made, but they are all simple information, in a semi-disclosed state." The boss explained that the confidant put a lot of pressure on him.

"Hand it over," said the interlocutor.

The boss did as he did and took out the USB flash drive where the data was stored. The other party said, "Turn around and face me!"

When the boss stood up, his body was already trembling. He wasn't sure what he would face after turning his back on it, maybe it was the black muzzle of a muzzle with a silencer on it.

Suddenly, he was hit hard on the neck and fainted to the ground.

When he woke up, he found that the office had been rummaged, and all the secret information had disappeared. Once it was sent to the police, it would be enough for him to squat for ten years!He realized that disaster was imminent, and when he planned to run away in his mind, several police cars drove up under the magazine building.

"It's over." He slumped on the ground, took out his phone, and could only try the last card.After all, the background of those who dare to investigate this group of consortium families is not simple.

(End of this chapter)

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