Chapter 243
Mike waited with doubts, and soon, An Feng came back with a black box, and he said loudly: "Let's go far away, the gunfire is too loud here!"

"Follow me!" Mike led him away.

When they came to the base covered with nets further away, An Feng put the box on the table and opened it.Mike looked inside and saw a set of aircraft, four rotors surrounded by outer circles, painted black, and exquisite workmanship.An Feng took it out and showed him its features.

"The full HD camera, with a capacity of up to 2T, can record shooting events in all directions, and as long as the network signal is strong enough, it can operate within five kilometers and at an altitude of 300 meters. Just move the router of the gun shop to Outdoors, it has plenty of signal."

"Looks good," Mike said.

"Try it." An Feng handed the aircraft to him, and then took out the tablet inside, "It's very simple to use this control."

Mike groped for a few minutes and got familiar with it. He put the aircraft on the table and gave it an instruction to start it with the computer. Then the four rotors started to rotate. After changing the inclination, the aircraft slowly lifted into the air. Mike controlled it and turned on the camera. , the tablet displays a high-definition picture.

"Awesome!" Mike said excitedly, "Can it also record sound? What a great thing! How long does it last?"

"About five hours!" An Feng said.

Raised to a height of [-] meters, the images of the employees on the ground are still clear through the zoom technology.Mike sighed: "High technology! I'm so ignorant."

An Feng didn't explain that these equipments are not widely used in the market yet. The first one to use is Aegis Security. At present, the robot company has sold them five sets of aircraft. After actual use, especially in major security activities, it has effectively increased the scope of investigative activities.

Mike played with relish, and An Feng explained some techniques to him. He planned to use this to shoot the opening ceremony on the first day. He was limited by the angle before and couldn’t shoot the scene of the weapon firing from the front. Now that he has the aircraft, the front angle is obviously easy. up.

After a while, Mike answered the phone.

An Feng thought it was an employee or a friend, but a few minutes later, a tall beauty with burgundy hair, jeans and boots, with a pistol on her waist, was very wild.She smiled and shook hands with An Feng: "Hi, An, I'm Tanya."

"Hello, Tanya." An Feng was still a little confused.

Mike said: "She is my daughter, and she came to help this time."

"Oh, that's how it is." An Feng came to his senses, but seeing Mike as an old man, he didn't expect to have such a beautiful daughter.

The world is unpredictable... Tan Ya didn't know An Feng's inner sigh, she said enthusiastically: "I heard that you are short of manpower here, so I came here to be a shooting instructor. Well, I am mainly in charge of shooting planes, I used to like playing this game very much, and I have a lot of experience.”

An Fenghan, do you like to masturbate?
Tan Ya looked at An Feng who was speechless, and said, "Then I'll go arrange the activities?"

"Okay, see you later!" An Feng nodded.

Mike smiled: "Don't mind, she is so carefree, very outgoing."

"It's okay, as long as you do well, the salary will be paid according to the standard."

"That's not necessary. She's here purely to play with guns this time, so she just needs to give some discounts on bullets." Mike said.

"No problem, free of charge." An Feng said, since the beautiful woman came here to help, he can't lose his grace, right?
Facts have proved that the beauty effect is very good. The guys who can shoot in the front are all novices now, just waiting for her kind teaching, or lying on the cushion to show them the use of high-recoil firearms... An Feng After a few glances, these unscrupulous men!

However, Tanya was laughing and joking with them, and didn't mind these petty thoughts at all.

An Feng went back to Joanna. She was teaching several ladies how to use a pistol. She was very patient, demonstrating and giving hands-on guidance. Unfortunately, there was no men's session, otherwise some people would choose to forget that they could shoot... An Feng saw through their psychology.

As the boss, he also put on a conspicuous red vest, walked around and inspected the venue.Check to see if there are any potential safety hazards, such as different shooting areas, the shooting angle must be careful, and the line of fire cannot cross... The phone rang and answered: "Hi, Matthew?"

"It's me, do you have an event tomorrow?" Matthew asked.

"A shooting event in Texas, are you interested?" An Feng said.

"Of course, I'm nearby. I'll take my friends there tomorrow morning."

"You are very welcome. Call me when you come." An Feng said, and continued to chat with him. Matthew was obviously also interested in firearms.


The next day, the shooting range was set up.Due to Anfeng's generous investment, there are currently movable targets as far as 1200 meters away.Dig a runway around the shooting range, let the crawler robot support the target, and can transfer or move, which is an extreme test of the skills and patience of the snipers.

But the most exciting part is the explosion of cars and gasoline barrels. It is about 200-500 meters away from everyone. There are at least [-] scrapped cars on the field, and dozens of oil barrels beside them. They even bought some explosives and arranged remote control. Detonate links to increase the fun of the game.

Before the start of the exhibition, local police officers also came to the scene, one is to participate in the activities, and the other is to maintain law and order.Regional police are not civil servants, and their salaries are not paid by the federal government, but are supported by the property taxes of local residents, so the starting point of serving the people is deeply rooted.

When it comes to American police, there are naturally good and bad ones. Those in big cities who receive state salaries ignore the residents. You say yours, and I play mine. They are very corrupt.But I don’t dare to do it in small places. If you don’t do well, you will vote next time. Go drink the Northwest Wind in the future.

So for this shooting feast, the police were also present. The skin gave everyone a lot of psychological security, but it was the security patrols with weapons on their bodies that actually played a role. It's up to them to stop it.

In the United States, there are many examples of guns being used to sweep people when they are hotheaded... Half an hour passed, and there were more and more people on the field. The ticket fee is US$ 2, and there are already nearly a thousand tickets.

There are three camps in total, gathering firearms enthusiasts from different regions, there are men and women, there are also some firearms associations, some organizations are present, and there are journalists carrying cameras... A few minutes later, An Feng went to the firearms camp Matthew was greeted at the door of the store.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, with hundreds of guns ready, the gun store manager Mike stood on a high place, holding a loudspeaker and giving the command to "fire". In an instant, An Feng relived the grandness of setting off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year when he was a child. Flames and smoke are everywhere, the muzzle of the gun in his hand is beating, hot bullet casings are constantly being thrown out of the barrel, the bullets smashed the distant car into a sieve, and exploded the gasoline barrel.

When it was the most intense time, the staff pressed the button to detonate the explosives, and the sound of "boom boom boom" sounded from all directions, and the burst of air waves blown around in a circular shape. on the smoke, triggering more bomb explosions.

The adrenaline of the shooters was stimulated, and the guns swept away the obstacles in front of them and smashed them into pieces... and the high-altitude aircraft captured this scene, especially the precious video of the frontal fire. In the past, the shooters were all standing behind the shooters Or the side, now the front.

The gunfire was loud, and the opening ceremony of the shooting lasted for 3 minutes. At least 3 rounds of bullets were consumed in these [-] minutes. The bullets were shot out of the gun, and the US dollars flew out of the wallet... Mike looked at this scene and smiled. No reduction, although the preferential price has been implemented, there is still a profit.

The collective shooting ended. There are three venues for the event. One is an ultra-long shooting range, which is specially used for sniper rifles or anti-material weapons; There is one for the aircraft.

Soon, more than a dozen aircraft moved out. Under the remote control of the "pilot", it rushed into the air and gradually moved away. Then the 20 people who participated in the activity began to shoot at the aircraft with weapons in their hands, and the sound of gunfire continued Unfortunately, it is very difficult for bullets to hit the plane.

The plane kept flying on the field, attracting everyone's firepower, but this is reality, not a movie. The bullets just missed. They circled around for four or five minutes, pouring tens of thousands of bullets, and everyone was unwilling to replace the bullets. box, and continued to fire at the nimble aircraft in the sky.

An Feng, who was watching the battle, shook his head, and when the plane turned around, he drew his pistol and stepped forward to bang a few times.

The plane smoked and fell to the ground.

Wang Le and his friends who were changing the magazine were stunned. Wang Le was full of disbelief: "Shoot the plane down with a pistol? You are better than General Jin!"

Ye Ning also said weakly: "General Jin still needs to use a rifle."

"Pure luck." An Feng smiled and did not explain the complicated trajectory calculation.

"Cool!" said Tanya who came, and An Feng thanked with a smile.She turned to face everyone again: "In fact, hitting the plane is mainly based on calculating the lead, such as this machine gun."

Tan Ya walked up to a parallel M249 machine gun and sat down, grabbed a gun in each hand, turned her head and explained to everyone: "The concentric circle sight in the middle is used to calculate the lead, as long as the bullet hits the plane's In front of the trajectory, there will be a higher probability of shooting down."

Everyone listened carefully to the beauty's explanation of "how to masturbate".

There was a smirk on the faces of Wang Le and the others, but the big girl was not joking when playing with big guns. When the second plane took off, she held the gun butt, followed the trajectory of the plane, and the machine gun in her right hand fired first. , followed by the machine gun in the left hand. After several times in a row, the plane really smoked and fell to the ground. Although it took more than a minute, compared to the scene where more than 5 people took four or five minutes just now, Enough!

Everyone applauded unanimously, the beauty looked not only hot enough, but also strong enough.

Tanya stood up again, and said with a smile, "It's barely okay, but An's performance just now was the best, combining probability and luck perfectly."

Wang Le looked at An Feng, and suddenly realized: "It turns out that the masters of flying planes are among the people!"

(End of this chapter)

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