Chapter 256: Tiger Training
An Feng continued to fight superconductors.So far, clues have been found. Basic chemical elements are found on the earth, but the combination of different elements is the most difficult. Some compounds have never even appeared. The synthesis conditions require high temperature and high pressure, so the work needs to be undertaken by Anshi Industries.

An Feng only does the important and confidential parts.

There was a core meeting of the consortium in Austin in February. With An Feng's temperament, when he has something to do, he usually asks to tell him the key points on the phone, and then he can vote by himself, but they require themselves to be present. Development of GP Energy.

An Feng couldn't refuse, so he flew to the local area by special plane.

In the conference room of GP company, the current CEO Benjamin Hawley briefly explained the tasks of GP Energy this year to these bigwigs. Since the second workshop is in operation, the No. expand geometrically.

According to the analysis of the super battery application market, GP Energy has only eaten 10% of it due to its low output, so the future is very bright, with a revenue of 100 billion?No!The market they can capture is at least 1000 billion a year, so paving the way is critical.

And because An Feng wants GP to acquire luxury car brands, after everyone's discussion, it is currently being implemented.Maserati's growth rate in the United States and China is very fast. Last year, its revenue exceeded 20 billion euros. Due to the prosperity of the Chinese economy, its potential is still great.

But there is still a problem, the attitude of the parent company Fiat Group.

Facing the attention of the bigwigs of the consortium, Hawley said unhurriedly: "I asked GP Energy to cooperate more closely with Volkswagen, and developed new products for its 'Volkswagen', 'Audi' and 'Porsche' brands. New battery, everyone look behind me, this is a Volkswagen concept car!"

Everyone looked up at the projection, and a concept car that was very close to reality appeared. Hawley introduced: "It is pure electric, with a front engine design, and a four-door four-seater sedan. It received unanimous praise from the media at last year's Frankfurt Auto Show. But not as good as this concept car from Audi!"

As soon as the screen changed, it became a concept sports car from Audi.

Hawley explained: "It is also pure electric, with two doors and two seats, the engine is placed in the middle, and the battery blocks are located on both sides of the engine compartment. We specially reduced the size of the battery to make it easier to disassemble. In a private test, the sports car The performance is beyond imagination, stronger than the car."

"Porsche's hybrid model, and Lamborghini's pure electric concept car under design, and even Bentley is considering the design of this aspect... This is due to the fact that Volkswagen has a stake in GP Energy and has obtained in-depth cooperation with us. At present VW's stock went up."

An Feng couldn't figure out the relationship between Volkswagen and the acquisition of Maserati.

Hawley continued to go deeper. He said that the power of super batteries is beyond doubt, and the epoch-making significance is obvious, so the globalization of electric vehicles is inevitable. If Volkswagen seizes the opportunity, other automakers will be fatally hit-this guy is currently Just doing it.

In Volkswagen's ultra-luxury camp, Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini, Bugatti and Bentley all have a tendency to develop in the electric field. From low-end to luxury, from coupe to supercar, they all appear in the pure electric field. Achieved, no one will be able to catch up in the future.

Therefore, other brands are nervous.

In the era of electric vehicles, if there is no powerful battery, it is like a super sports car equipped with a 4-cylinder engine, which is superficial but without connotation.

Therefore, GP Energy can be said to be crowded recently. One company has just left, and the other company has followed up. They are all talking about business and want to get orders for batteries first. The development of GP Energy is a bit... the model of hunger marketing, the supply is always in short supply, and the factory is working hard to expand.

Taking the lead is very important. Take Apple as an example. At present, their dominance in the mobile phone market is once again stable. Samsung, which failed to seize the opportunity last year, is now falling again and again. It used to want to challenge Apple, but now it has to find ways reversal of the decline.

Finally, Hawley said: "We started negotiations with Fiat using super batteries, and proposed the idea of ​​acquiring 40% of Maserati's shares for US$51 billion. They are currently considering it seriously. Other auto companies, such as the expansion of Volkswagen, are also promoting the negotiation! "

Everyone understood and applauded enthusiastically.


Time came to the end of February, and the acquisition was still under negotiation.

The success rate is still very high, if it doesn't work, just change it, An Feng is not worried.And his biological experiments have done well. At present, Xiaobai has completed the drug injection and is eight months old. His food intake is gradually increasing. He consumes five to ten catties of meat every day. He is a thriving tigress, and his body size has increased significantly. Big.

According to the habits of tigers, a female tiger will leave her mother to live independently when she is about 2 years old. Xiaobai is obviously not at that age, and is still in his infancy. Feng can only use his own method.

When Wang Le was a guest at An Feng's house, he was shocked.

"You let Tiger play on the treadmill?" Wang Le looked at Xiaobai who was exercising on the treadmill in surprise.

An Feng said proudly: "You don't want to see who raises tigers! Xiaobai! Come here!"

Xiaobai, who was running, heard An Feng's voice, and quickly jumped off the treadmill. He quickly ran in front of him, stood up on his hind legs, and threw himself into An Feng's arms.The eight-month-old Xiaobai stood up almost to Anfeng's waist and weighed 55 kilograms, which is not light.

An Feng hugged it firmly, stretched out his hands to rub its furry head, Xiao Bai was not angry, his temper was just like his "Mother Lily", she was very nice in front of acquaintances, and even stuck out his tongue to lick An Feng's face, But was dodged.He smiled: "Don't touch me if you didn't brush your teeth in the morning!"

Xiaobai continued to rub against him affectionately, still showing off his cuteness.

Wang Le looked at it strangely: "I haven't seen you for a month, but you were trained to be a pet dog?"

"Haha! This is my good boy!" An Feng scratched its back and pointed to the treadmill: "Continue to exercise, there are 5 minutes left today!"

Xiaobai's comprehension ability is very strong, so he continued to jump on the treadmill to exercise.Even though this guy is still young, if he is serious, his speed will occasionally exceed 50 kilometers per hour, which is not weak for an adult tiger. After the fund mutation, its fastest running speed may exceed 90 kilometers per hour.

Wang Le admired: "What a cow! It makes me want to raise one too!"

An Feng said cautiously: "I have a special method. Ordinary domesticated tigers cannot be trained like this."

"What method?" Wang Le was curious.

"The biological project of the research center." An Feng said, "The specifics are very complicated. Xiaobai is considered a biological experiment, and we have to wait until it is an adult and healthy before we can draw conclusions."

"Awesome!" Wang Le said, not sure if he meant the research center or An Feng.

An Feng raised his hand to look at the electronic watch and said, "Don't be lazy, now is your time to exercise. Tigers work so hard. Be careful that you are not as good as animals."

"What are you talking about!" Wang Le was speechless, and continued to torture his body, but not to mention, after An Feng's scientific training, this body shape has been cultivated, and now he has some flesh. This guy is looking forward to summer soon When the time comes, he will go to the beach to show off his figure and show off his muscles...

After Xiaobai also stopped panting, An Feng put a thick protective gear on his right hand.

"Follow me!" An Feng walked ahead without looking back.And Xiaobai obediently followed behind him to the green lawn in the backyard.

Wang Le, who was covered in sweat, also followed. An Feng wore a gauntlet similar to training hounds, but it was a reinforced version, with a layer of Kevlar fiber added inside to prevent tigers from biting people.But the current Xiaobai is not that strong yet, this is for it to be used when it becomes an adult.

An Feng took a few steps back. Xiaobai knew what he was going to do. He bent down and stared at him. Although he did not have the size and might of an adult tiger, the ferocity of the beast had already been revealed. The hunting posture was standard, majestic, and his eyes were tight Staring at An Feng, ready to go.

An Feng stretched out his hand and shook it, Xiaobai suddenly jumped up like lightning, three steps and two steps rushed towards him, An Feng was not slow to react, turned around and raised his hand, Xiaobai jumped and bit the protective gear.An Feng is so strong that he can lift it with one hand, but Xiao Bai not only bites his teeth, but also grabs it with his hands.

An Feng struggled a few times, and ordered: "Release!"

Xiaobai obeyed the order and landed on the ground. An Feng touched its head and said, "Good boy, continue!"

Xiaobai continued to charge, and An Feng showed more flexibility. The protective gear in his hand simulated the trajectory of the prey, erratic, left and right. It missed at the last moment, causing it to growl with its mouth open.

"Continue!" An Feng patted the protective gear, telling Xiaobai to come again.

After the biting training, I rewarded it with a piece of meat, followed by "boxing training".An Feng took out the vertical silicone sandbag in the gym and placed it in front of Xiaobai. He backed up a few steps, rushed up and slapped the sandbag with its tiger claws, then turned around and slapped it again, causing the sandbag to fall to the ground.

"What a great power!" Wang Le has been subverted.

"Very good!" An Feng lifted the sandbag, and this time he also supported it, allowing Xiaobai to practice slapping movements at close range, making him a tiger boxer.

Wang Le was dumbfounded, and Joanna and Lisa who came back from shopping in the supermarket also came. Joanna was not surprised by these trainings. An Feng had done this a long time ago. At the beginning, she objected, thinking that tigers could not do it. Unexpectedly, it is more humane and obedient than the hound now.

Like Wang Le, Lisa was very curious about this scene: "This shouldn't be a hunting dog in tiger skin?"

"Of course not." Joanna said with a smile. She put on a pair of transparent gloves, picked up the fresh beef she just bought from the supermarket, and came to the yard.

Xiaobai smelled the aroma of food and was a little distracted during the patting process.

An Feng shouted: "Pay attention to this side!"

Forced by the majesty of his master, Xiaobai continued to train aggrieved.But "Mom" obviously loves it more, Joanna said a few good words, and An Feng stopped training.Xiaobai happily enjoyed the food for lunch today, a large piece of beef weighing at least five catties, lay down on the ground and ate with relish.

Wang Le had to be convinced: "You can train a tiger like this, you are really amazing!"

An Feng smiled and squatted down beside Xiaobai, touched its forearm, and said, "It's not bad, the upper muscles have been exercised!"

Wang Le also touched these muscles, and said: "With your training, I'm afraid that in the future, just slapping the prey will kill you, right?"

"It's possible. It's explosive power is already very strong. When it grows to an adult, it can kill small and medium-sized prey at a distance of two to three meters."

"Excellent!" Wang Le looked at the sandbags on the ground, which had been scratched and damaged by the tiger's claws.

(End of this chapter)

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