Mixed in the United States and become a local tyrant

Chapter 258 Investing in Brands [3 More]

Chapter 258 Investing in Brands

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After the buffet was over, they agreed on a departure time.

The main issue was Wang Le's visa issue. His passport was not strong enough...but he had just been to France last time, and tourist visas were still very easy, so everyone decided to leave in early March.An Feng didn't make much preparation either. He had been to Paris many times, and the concept in his head was "seeking food and clothing".

In a private plane across the Atlantic Ocean, Joanna, Lisa and Miranda discussed vacation plans together.March is not the peak tourist season in France, but it is of great significance to the fashion industry, because among the four major fashion weeks in the world, Paris Fashion Week is obviously the focus of the finale.

The women were discussing fashion, while An Feng was flipping through Joanna's handbag, taking out the unspent euros last time, and counting them one by one on the table.

Wang Le asked the stewardess for a glass of Margarita, looked at An Feng who was counting the money, and joked, "How about showing off your wealth?"

"Yeah." An Feng ignored him and continued to concentrate on counting, "Ever since someone tried to touch my wallet in Paris, I have always kept in mind the principle of 'fireproof, theft, and brother'. It was stolen unknowingly, and I still have the hole cards."

Roger, who was playing with his mobile phone on the other side, said: "The law and order in Paris is not good either. I used to encounter police officers checking passports, and some even wanted to check their wallets."

"It must be a fake police officer. The wallet check will often turn into a magic trick in the end. In the blink of an eye, hey, the person disappeared." An Feng divided the small denominations into a pile.

"That's right." Roger agreed, "And it's useless for you to call the police. The police are busy with state affairs, so they don't have time to take care of these trivial matters."

Wang Le smiled: "It feels like we and the ladies are creating black and white impressions, one side is a beautiful longing, and the other side is a dark scene of depravity."

"But it's true, buddy." Roger lowered his chair, ready to sleep, "There are good and bad places, and the most important thing is to improve your defensive mentality. After all, we stayed in a downtown hotel, Hang around in the business district, relax and go play.”


Arrived in Paris just in the morning.

I have already booked a hotel before, and for high-end customers, there is naturally a special pick-up car, and I arrived at the hotel in the city center smoothly, and stayed in a luxurious suite. group activities.

Generally, from the end of February to the beginning of March, Paris Fashion Week prepares for the autumn and winter of that year. The world's major brands and famous designers will gather in Paris to stage grand fashion releases.More than a hundred feasts are enough to make everyone dizzy, and it is absolute to rush to the whole day.

As a celebrity in the fashion industry, Miranda naturally has her own picky vision. What she recommends to everyone is not the brand, but the designer.She said that at the level of the rich, it doesn't make much sense to pay attention to brands like ordinary people, and they all focus on customization.So she prefers the designer's unique style.

She plans to participate in two to three releases a day, pursuing refinement.

The rest of the time is free at leisure, find some chic restaurants to enjoy.Infected by Miranda, it is not only the ladies who pursue refinement, but the men also abandon the simple suit shirts in clothing and replace them with the gentleman's trend of the season, and there are still cameras to capture them when they walk together on the street.

While eating French dinner, they also discussed fashion.

Listening to them talking about the history of major brands, An Feng asked: "These major brands are generally based on France or Italy, right?"

Miranda nodded: "Yes, international luxury brands are mainly from these two countries, and some are family-run."

Roger also said: "Luxury brands are all named after the founders. At first, they were naturally family-owned and passed down."

"The ones that haven't been sold?" An Feng asked.

Miranda nodded: "For example, the LVMH Group in France has dozens of brands such as LV, Dior, and Givenchy. Group disputes are talked about."

Roger looked at An Feng and asked, "Do you plan to play luxury goods?"

He nodded frankly: "Of course, I have some ideas. To be honest, I have too much spare money this year, so I have to make some business investment. Luxury brands are my favorite, but I am currently facing a situation where the funds are neither too much nor too little. There are very few options at this level.”

He has known some, such as Gucci, Chanel, or Hermes, are either worth tens of billions, or are controlled by the family, and they will not sell them if they die-of course, if they are willing to spend money, the empire will generally disintegrate from the inside, but An Feng happens to not have one now. able to disintegrate their money.

Roger proudly said: "You have to ask Miranda about this."

An Feng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll invite her out to dinner tomorrow night and talk about brand culture, don't mind."

Roger said: "It's okay, I can ask Joanna out too." He turned his head to look at Joanna and asked, "Can I be allowed?"

"Of course, if he dares to do so." Joanna smiled.

"Haha." Roger smiled, "Bruce, you have to be careful."

The guys are all having their sense of humour, and the atmosphere is relaxed.Miranda gave some advice: "These big brands are either family-run or controlled by large groups. It is not easy to buy shares, and it is even more difficult to acquire them. Of course, if you have a lot of money, please ignore what I said. "

"Excluding them, there are some new brands that have emerged in the fashion industry in recent years and are sought after by celebrities and Hollywood actresses. In terms of development prospects, there are also some good ones. I don't know what kind of products you prefer to choose, whether they specialize in women's clothing or multi-faceted of?"

An Feng thought about it and said, "I prefer the one that matches Joanna."

Miranda understood: "I really envy you, Joanna, your husband is not investing in business, but choosing a brand for you."

Lisa was also envious: "It sounds so romantic."

Joanna put down the knife, looked at An Feng, and he nodded: "If you don't like it, I won't take the risk of cross-border business."

Miranda said: "If operating profit is not the first priority, why pursue big brands? Brands are only for the face and confidence of the middle class. The focus of celebrities or rich people should be on customization, and clothing that shows their own characteristics is the most important. Creativity is the most valuable."

"Then what is your suggestion?" An Feng asked.

Miranda said: "You can invest in the brand created by the designer and let him become the queen's fashion designer, ensuring that it is unique in the world."

An Feng's eyes lit up, after all, that's what he was doing.

"Tomorrow afternoon, we can go to a Lebanese senior designer Elie-Saab's autumn and winter fashion show. He has attracted the attention of the international fashion industry in recent years. His works are famous for their luxurious, noble, elegant and charming evening dresses. The brand is very young , but the strength is not weak."


In front of the conference venue, Elie-Saab’s fame attracted many news media. The camera lens was aimed at every car parked at the gate. There were many celebrities and big names coming out of it. Some singers and movie stars came to praise Saab’s venue. Very powerful.

The hotel pick-up car they took sent them to the door. The man got off first and opened the door for the lady.Although they are not public figures, the ladies' dresses are eye-catching enough, with gorgeous clothes, distinctive shapes and embellished jewelry, attracting many attention shots.

On the contrary, the men are relatively low-key, and rush in with their female companions.

The layout of the conference venue used a lot of crystal lights, which is very luxurious and artistic. The director also spent a lot of thought on the details of the stage.

After they sat down at the reserved seats, Miranda introduced to them the characteristics of the designer's works in recent years. Although the brand is not as good as the big brands, the designer is absolutely top-notch. Many actresses favor the dresses he designed, including Oscar winner Halle Berry.

While waiting, a man and a woman walked in front of An Feng. The man asked the lady to sit down and raised his head. The two looked at each other. He asked in surprise, "It's you? Bruce?"

An Feng smiled: "Khalid, nice to meet you!"

"Me too!" Khaled shook hands with him, looked at the people beside him, and An Feng gave him a brief introduction.

Khaled greeted them, sat down, and said back, "I've been watching fashion shows in Paris these days, and I didn't expect that we have similar tastes."

An Feng puts what he has learned into practice: "The designer is very good, especially the dress design that integrates Eastern and Western cultures, which has a bit of the characteristics of ancient palace clothes."

Khalid agrees: "Indeed, a combination of European courts and Arabia."

After they exchanged a few words, the press conference was about to start, so they stopped and focused their attention on the runway.

The chandelier lights up just before the opening model's gorgeous appearance, and the colors reflected are the main tone of the clothing, first blue, then pink, crimson; then black, white and gray.In terms of decoration, pearls favored by designers are particularly popular. Blue pearls are paired with navy blue chiffon goddess dresses; white pearls are decorated with long-sleeved princess dresses; champagne-colored ones are suitable for neutral pink-toned strapless cocktail dresses.

After a few days of luxurious washing, An Feng thought that there would be no stunning look, but he was wrong. The designer has a lot of creativity, and the faintly visible sexy expressed by the light silk mansan and pearl lace will make the luxurious The evening dress with the main tone is brought to the extreme, as if you are in a European court.

Especially the style with a bit of luxury in the fashion, which is very suitable for Joanna's temperament. Among the dozens of sets of clothes displayed by the model, An Feng feels that one-third of them are suitable for her, even her Bumps are much more beautiful than tall, thin models.

Joanna also liked it, and An Feng had an idea.


After the fashion show, An Feng and Khaled discussed the highlights of the show and their interest in investment.

After hearing this, Khalid said, "The designer will hold a celebration banquet tomorrow night. If you are free to attend, I can recommend it to you."

There is a reason why Khalid is so enthusiastic. The royal family of Qatar and the Sinclair family cooperate in natural gas, and An Feng is the core of the consortium, so it is naturally worth dealing with.Although the Qatari royal family is rich, its political power in the international arena is not comparable to that of consortiums that can influence American politics.

For his kindness, An Feng agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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