Chapter 260 Team Plan
An Feng then went to Switzerland.

In the Credit Suisse office in Zurich, I saw Herlandek in a neat suit and a calm face.

An Feng sat down, thanked the assistant who poured water for him, and said to Hlandek, "Why didn't you notify me of this situation before?"

Hollandeke flipped through the computer records: "I have called you seven times and sent twelve emails, explaining that the international exchange rate has fluctuated frequently recently and the value of the US dollar is unstable. I suggest that you change your deposit to a more secure fixed deposit. assets or other business investments, and you say you don’t worry about it.”

An Feng felt embarrassed when he thought about it, and smiled: "Sorry, I have too many things recently."

"So I'm urgently notifying you, because the dollar may go up, but it's more likely to go down." Helandek said solemnly.

"Is there any good way to preserve value?" An Feng asked.

"You can consider gold, or use the money to invest in funds, or engage in other things that can appreciate in value, such as sports. As far as I know, American professional football teams have a high appreciation space, or basketball, or motor sports. And football in Europe."

An Feng thought that the investment in the United States naturally has an American Express account, and the offshore account is obviously more suitable for overseas, so he asked: "Football in Europe?"

"Let's take the Premier League teams as an example." Helandek said, "Although the team can't make much profit, the value of the team is actually increasing every year, such as Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester United. The team has profits and losses, but the overall price has risen."

An Feng thought about it in his head.

Hollandecker reminded: "My plan is only for reference, and there is also the possibility of loss."

"I know." An Feng is naturally aware of this. It doesn't mean that if you invest in a high value, you will be able to preserve the value, and you will lose more, and you will still be in debt in the end. But now you have too much money in the bank, and you get money every year. The business is in the initial stage, and there is no time to spend a lot of money.

So he didn't want to deposit too much money in the bank and just evaporate it silently, which would be too much of a loss.

Investing in sports is also beneficial to the promotion of bio-drinks.

An Feng communicated his ideas with his assistant Goodrich. Goodrich is full of enthusiasm for the Premier League team, and he is a fan himself.

An Feng asked him to sort out the information and list the value and possibility of acquisition.


after one day.

An Feng was invited to fly to Qatar.On the plane, he browsed the local culture.Presumably the most well-known in the Middle East is Dubai, which is a representative of the rich in the eyes of the world, full of supercars and top hotels, the location of the tallest building, and a luxury resort.

Qatar, a Gulf country not far from Dubai, is relatively low-key.

In fact, Qatar is not as flashy as Dubai, but it is richer.Dubai has a population of more than 200 million, with a per capita GDP of about US$4, while Qatar has a population of nearly 200 million, with a per capita GDP of more than 10. In terms of total GDP, Qatar is more than twice that of Dubai.

It may be that the concept of spending money in the two regions is different. Dubai is frantically investing money in urban construction and turning it into a tourist and consumption resort to cope with the depletion of oil.As a country, Qatar should devote itself to improving its influence and invest more in the world.

The most famous is their big money. The funds invested in the 2006 Asian Games are the standard of the Olympic Games. This country regards the Asian Games as the Olympic Games. In order to host the 2022 World Cup, it also claimed to install air conditioning on the order to improve Football influence, they even prepared 15 billion pounds to buy Manchester United, but in the end it was nothing, and they are still staring at the Premier League.

Qatar does not have the madness of Dubai in terms of urban construction, but in terms of ability to burn money, these local tyrants in the Middle East are all the same.After a preliminary understanding, An Feng understood why Khalid was so enthusiastic. The reason was naturally the United States. Qatar and the United States had a lot of cooperation and wanted sugar daddy.

An Feng is the core of the consortium, and its consortium supports the new US president. It must have closer cooperation in oil or natural gas. The United States also intends to provide military equipment to Qatar...Through this complicated relationship chain, it can indeed play a role. to benign impetus.

The plane arrived over the peninsula. This country is small and has nothing but oil and natural gas. Most of the daily necessities depend on imports, but it has also turned the capital Doha into a modern city.Looking down, tall buildings stand tall and there are row upon row of buildings by the bay.

The plane landed on the new airport built by Qatar. Its huge scale allows the world's largest transport plane: An-225 to also dock, which is a manifestation of image and strength.The airport has just been put into operation, and there are very few flights. After the plane lands, it stops in a special area.

A stewardess came over and said, "Mr. An, your car is here."

"Okay, goodbye everyone! Have a nice trip!" An Feng said to the crew.

Holding Joanna's hand and walking down the gangway, a black Rolls Royce stopped.

The driver opened the door for them, and the two sat in the back seat of the Phantom and left the airport.It was afternoon, but the temperature in March was not low anymore. The sun outside the window was fierce, and the surrounding buildings were covered with a layer of earthy yellow. Presumably, the usual wind and sand were not small, and there were still many construction sites on the road.

After driving along the coast for about ten minutes, we arrived at a luxurious and beautiful villa area.

Originally, An Feng planned to stay in a local hotel, but he couldn't stand Khalid's enthusiasm. He said that there was no one at home, and there was enough comfortable room for them to choose, so An Feng agreed.When the car passed the gate, the security guard saw the iconic car and let it pass without inspection.

After the car drove for a while in the villa area, it finally stopped in front of a modern building with a European style. The door was pulled open, and An Feng felt the hot weather in Doha. The two-piece suit was really unbearable. It was still March. If By June and July, being in the forties is inevitable.

No wonder the Qatari government proposed to reschedule the World Cup to winter. The players can bear the hot weather, and the fans can't stand it either.

A man wearing a traditional Arabian white robe and a pair of sandals came out of the room. An Feng stared intently for a few seconds before he recognized Khaled.

"You are welcome!" Khalid invited them into the house.

Walking into the house for a while to cool off, An Feng looked at the western-style decoration and joked: "I thought you were going to invite me to live in the palace."

But Khaled said, "If you want, I can take you in for a few days."

"I still like to be more free, this place is good." An Feng refused with a smile.

Khaled said: "I told you that you would like it. I have lived in the West all year round, and my living habits and aesthetics are similar to yours."

"It's very nice here." An Feng said, it's about the same as some vacation villas in the United States, with a garden in the front yard and the tree that best reflects the level of affluence.

In the desert area, it is said that if you want to plant a tree, the annual maintenance cost will be at least [-] U.S. dollars, and the high point will reach [-] U.S. dollars. He just counted and there are at least eight trees in Khaled’s front yard , and then came to the backyard with green grass, overlooking the bay, not only trees, but also a luxurious swimming pool under the shade of green trees.Fresh water is a proper luxury.

"Well, okay?" Khaled said.

"Very nice place, you must have put a lot of thought into it."

When Khalid heard the praise, he had a smile on his face: "Of course, this place is different from London, and it will cost a lot to renovate the environment."

After visiting the backyard and returning to the house, Khalid invited them to sit down, entertained the servants to serve tea, and said, "I will prepare a roast sheep feast for you tonight."

Roasted whole lamb is a way of entertaining distinguished guests in Qatar, and Khaled specially prepared it.An Feng knew the customs, so he said a few polite words.

After Khalid left for a while, another person came to his family.

The first to come in were two children in clean white robes. They were about eleven or twelve years old. They both had handsome faces and held a football in their arms. After entering, they began to chatter. An Feng couldn't understand Arabic either. , but seeing their extraordinary momentum, there was a sense of arrogance in their eyes.

A middle-aged man with a big beard also wearing a white robe followed up behind him. He patted the brat who was about to play football in the living room, taught him a lesson, and then glanced towards An Feng, hesitating, and with a lot of effort The unfamiliar English said: "Are you Khalid's friends?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?" An Feng looked at him.

Khaled soon appeared, said a few words in Arabic, and introduced: "This is my eldest brother Farhad, his two children."

Then he said a few words to Farhad in Arabic. Farhad extended his hand with a smile. An Feng shook hands with him. Dear friends, I hope you can like the life here and get used to this place."

"Thank you very much for your enthusiasm, sir!" An Feng said with a smile.

The two brats stared at An Feng and muttered, not knowing what to say, Khaled translated: "I hope you don't mind, they want to come here to play football."

"It's okay, exercise is good for your body." An Feng said.

Khaled said as he walked: "Actually, it is because of the hosting of the World Cup. Football has emerged in our country. The two children have nothing to do at home, and Fahad can't play football. I practiced a little when I was in college in the UK, so They like to come here to play with me every time."

An Feng smiled and said, "Maybe they are very talented."

"Even if there is, their future is not in sports," Khaled said.

An Feng understands that these are members of the royal family, and it would be too cheap to play football and become professional athletes.

They came out to the backyard where Joanna and Lila sat down in the shade and drank tea.The two children were playing in the sun, don't look at the bear boy wearing a robe, kicked the ball high, Khalid ran out to catch the ball with his chest, rolled to the instep, bounced a few times skillfully, and gave it to two children.

An Feng also played with them for a few minutes, his skills were mediocre, but he was more than enough to abuse bear children. When he was tired from playing in the back, Khalid gave them the task of sparring, and then went back to the shade to drink ice water to relieve the heat.The two children are still playing happily on the green lawn.

On the topic of the World Cup, An Feng said: "Speaking of football, I am also interested in acquiring a Premier League team recently, so as to promote the corporate brand for me."

Khalid asked: "Which team are you looking at?"

An Feng said: "I still have sufficient funds. Except for the two most expensive teams, I can buy others, but the main thing is whether the club is willing to sell."

Khaled said: "You are amazing! Our purchase of the Premier League team has not been settled until now, and things have diverged again. We plan to spend more money on buying young or valuable players and let them join us. Qatar nationality, representing the 2022 World Cup."

An Feng was surprised: "You guys have more ideas!"

(End of this chapter)

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