Chapter 282 Can Get Out

(There is no vote to count the third watch...)

Dick was beginning to regret his decision to testify.

He was also confused for a moment, because the other party's asking price was too high and he became obsessed.But now after being forcibly protected by a group of FBI agents, he calmed down and realized the horror of the matter.The boss of the company is a mysterious figure. Although he is very low-key, there is no denying the power behind this person.

His instigators promised that if he gave evidence, he would get paid to get away with it, but now it is heard that he is also required to appear as a tainted witness because there are too many people involved in this matter, lawyers and DOJ monitors. The delay created many obstacles to his way of testifying.

Dick doesn't want to testify against An Feng face to face, which will make him never have peace in the future.In order to convince him, the FBI kept talking to him, and a group of people behind the scenes were asking him for a price, but they were not sincere enough...the price they gave was more like they didn't want me to agree so quickly.

There was no news for several days, and there were more agents around him. When Dick asked what was going on, they couldn't explain clearly.Just let him follow a set routine.He was beginning to feel tired and scared, tired of the house, its dull atmosphere, and afraid of bullets coming from nowhere.

He was sure that after he disappeared, he would become the biggest suspect.

Especially in the face of professional bodyguards, in fact, bodyguards and killers are just the front and back of the coin. They are familiar with the characteristics and focus of each other's professions, and it is easy to switch identities.Therefore, Dick reduced the time for going out for activities, and drew the curtains in the house, carefully living in the shadows.

One afternoon, a certain agent came back with a meal order.

Dick said to them, "I feel like they're there."

The agent shook his head: "We checked, it's safe."

"No, you didn't check clearly enough!" Dick said anxiously, "I smell danger, believe me, I know them well!"

The agent moved the dinner to the table: "You have said it several times in a row, but every time it was a false alarm. I can understand your mentality. I have also been in charge of the protection of key witnesses before. They are always suspicious, but in the end They are all safe and well alive."

"It's different, they're a group of senior bodyguards," Dick said.

"Can you change your identity to be a killer at any time?" The young agent said jokingly, picking up a sandwich, "They don't even look around, there are countless sentinels and guards around, and the windows are all specially made. As long as one bullet is fired, all of us will be killed." They will all swarm up and grab the current one!"

Dick didn't listen to him, but watched the agent eat the sandwich, and a few seconds later, he picked up the sandwich too.

The agent took a sip from his Coke glass, and Dick stared again.

After taking two sips, the agent shook his head and said, "I'm fine. Your spirit is too tense. These are specially sent by us, and they are safe."

Dick took a few bites of his sandwich.

"Have a drink?" The agent shook the cup.

Dick shook his head, and the agent smiled and took out a few bottles of mineral water: "Is there any problem with these? They are all tightly packaged and bought directly from the store."

Dick took a few mouthfuls of the sandwich, felt a little thirsty, and felt that his nerves were too tense, so he took the safer mineral water bottle, checked the lid, and found that there was no sign of unscrewing it, so he unscrewed it with confidence and poured it for himself. After a few bites, the taste of the sandwich left in the mouth was diluted.

Another agent also picked up the mineral water, and when he was about to unscrew the cap, he found Dick's face was ugly.

"What's wrong?" The two young agents didn't realize what happened.

"I can't breathe!" Dick grabbed his neck in a panic. He felt as if his chest was pressed by a stone. He had difficulty breathing, dizziness and nausea, body convulsions, and various symptoms of poisoning flashed rapidly in his mind. Finally, he touched the bottle of mineral water with trembling hands. water, head poured on the table.

The agents gathered around, and someone shouted: "The target is poisoned!"

A more experienced agent ran in outside the door and shouted, "Go and get the gloves!"

The agent went to do it immediately, and the old agent ordered: "Open his mouth and induce him to vomit!"

After the agent put on the transparent gloves, he stuck his fingers into his mouth, Dick twitched, and there was a foul smell, he was incontinent!In less than ten seconds, before he spit it out, the signs of life rapidly weakened, his eyes turned white and he was silent, and several agents around him looked at each other in blank dismay.

The old agent picked up the mineral water bottle he wanted to touch last, observed, and suddenly tore off the outer packaging, and found a very small bump under the glued joint, which had melted once, and it is certain that someone injected the poison from it with a syringe. Go in and then inject the glue to melt back into place.

The young agent deduced: "Suspected potassium cyanide."

The old agent put down the mineral water bottle: "It's potassium cyanide, which is highly poisonous and easily soluble in water. Once eaten, a few seconds are enough to kill an adult."


The censorship effort is locked in a standoff.

Anderson kept an eye on what was going on, and Democrats kept an eye on the president.

The review of An Feng's work is not public, but it is procrastinated, and several things can't be done in a day. Lawyers always have various reasons to legitimately interfere with the case.

Everyone understands that they are procrastinating for time.

The FBI has strengthened the protection of tainted witnesses, and Democratic congressmen who are also concerned about this matter have begun to express their dissatisfaction with Anderson. Although it has not developed to the extent of advocating the president's abuse of power, the meaning is very clear. Even if you are the president, you cannot interfere with legal justice.

Anderson used the tact of a politician to deal with members of Congress, and the authority of the president temporarily suppressed opposition voices.

As the Cold War dragged on, Guri's message came back: Done.

Matthew immediately notified Bazel: "The witness is done, we have the initiative."

Bazel was very satisfied: "Very well, I am ready to talk to them."

Matthew said, "I'm in charge here."

After Joanna learned of the incident, she was a little worried: "Will the death of the witness cause more trouble?"

"There will be troubles, but in comparison, it's easy to handle," Matthew said.

Joanna understood that the testimonies of the tainted witness pointed directly at An Feng's vitals, and could bring him down at any time. Now that the witness is dead, although An Feng is the biggest suspect, he is only a suspect, and he is not [-]% sure that it is him.It depends on how powerful the lawyer's mouth is.

Under such circumstances, An Feng's lawyer had the opportunity to have a private conversation with him.

Two lawyer representatives met with An Feng in the reception room.Due to the intervention of the Ministry of Justice, An Feng's treatment has now changed from a confirmed suspect to a suspected suspect, so he doesn't need to stay in that airtight small dark room anymore, and can walk around the office area.

Hardy briefly described the case: "As far as the current situation is concerned, endangering national security is mainly the inferred evidence of wiretapping, which is illegal in itself, and it has very little influence on you, but now you are facing another charge: instigating the murder of witnesses. I need to tell you the details of the case."

Rather than talk, it is better to say that Hardy is teaching him how to speak on behalf of Anfeng's behind-the-scenes group. Although instigating murder is also very serious, in the eyes of lawyers, it is far inferior to the previous one involving national security. The accusation is terrible, and it can be solved by exploiting loopholes.

Talking about the monitoring, An Feng told Hardy some facts: "The exoskeleton developed by the robot company was stolen before. At that time, the local police in San Jose and San Francisco had received the case and had detailed records. I licensed the technology to Raytheon for free."

"You mean, technology has been stolen?" Hardy seized on that.

An Feng said: "Of course, this is my hole card. I never said it was because the witness's accusation was too serious—"

"Sir." Hardy reminded.

An Feng avoids this topic: "The stolen ones include a complete set of exoskeleton samples and a hard drive with technology. It has no protection measures and can be copied by thousands of copies. In the end, I authorized Raytheon as a contribution to the United States. In addition, I There is also evidence that the Russians stole a de-emphasized blueprint of an exoskeleton from the U.S., which I very much doubt the cause of.”

Having obtained these favorable evidences, Hardy said confidently, "Please rest assured, sir, in the case of illegal trading, you will definitely win."


As far as the case is concerned, An Feng's accusation of endangering national security is facing a situation of insufficient evidence, and nine out of ten cases are unfounded, but the murder still has an impact.

There is also a surprise: since he was taken away by the FBI, his words and deeds have been monitored, and there is no possibility of instigating others to commit crimes.This helped him indirectly.

It's a pity that it's not a simple case, it involves a dispute involving the behind-the-scenes forces. If it was just a case, An Feng could get rid of the surveillance on the grounds of insufficient evidence, but before the behind-the-scenes control group got things settled, An Feng would still have to carry spies behind his back Suspects act as "targets" for negotiations.

It is only now that we can negotiate fairly with the other party.

The cause of the incident was that after monitoring An Feng, it was speculated that he had committed illegal activities, and then the guy who was at odds with the Dezhou consortium seized the time to attack the situation, trying to kill two birds with one stone—killing An Feng and hitting the consortium.Now he escaped, but the other party is still holding the handle.

Anderson told Bazel: "The only way to get the Democrats off this is to compromise on some of the things they want."

Bazel understood: "The rejected trade bill?"

Anderson said: "Yes. Otherwise they will continue to press and get more Democratic officials involved in the case, watching my every move."

Bazel said: "Let's make a concession here. Compared with the previous serious injury, the current ending is already within an acceptable range."

"I think so too." Anderson nodded, "But sir, the thing about Ann is a warning, and there are too many things that can be manipulated about him."

"I'm going to talk to him," Bazel said.


Agent Meyer has instructions from the Director.

There are many doubts about this matter. The FBI's monitoring is illegal and cannot be used as evidence for accusation; the witness has died, and the most effective means of accusation has been lost.As a result, the case was deadlocked and reduced to a general murder charge. As required, only the materials could be handed over and handled by the state government.

Meyer knew that this was a signal that the top management had reached a consensus and stopped.

But the big detective from the headquarters, Otto, who is a bit white, is still ready to investigate this matter.

Meyer was puzzled by the inconsistency within the FBI at first, but as a human being, he soon understood—boy, you have offended someone!

Meyer is thankful that he behaved the whole way and was in the first boat.


The FBI, which originally wanted to talk to An Feng about the accusation of murder, suddenly received an order from above, indicating that this matter is under the management of the local police. There are too many doubts about the espionage accusation. Can be handed over as a murder case.

State police then took over Anfeng's case.

Before that, Agent Otto had a very uncomfortable conversation with An Feng: "I know that you did it. Although the evidence is destroyed, it doesn't mean that we will let you go! Pay attention to me, and we will keep an eye on you. Watching you, waiting for the moment when you show your horse's feet - kill you!"

An Feng asked with a smile, "Is this an official threat to innocent civilians?"

Otto said: "You know for yourself!"

"Of course I know that you are a naked threat!" An Feng smiled and took out the recording device on his body, "It's quite easy to use."

Otto left with a dark face.

"Wait for the court summons." An Feng reminded behind him.

In order to show the importance attached to the case, the state police who took over the case sent elite police officers to investigate and deal with it.

The so-called elite is to handle the case strictly according to the procedures: get together for coffee to discuss the case, meet the suspect on time, talk and collect evidence, continue to gather for coffee in the afternoon to discuss the case, and then the day's work is over.The second time, the steps of yesterday were still strictly followed... In the end, due to factors such as the FBI's non-cooperation and vague evidence, the police did not have favorable evidence, and even a jury was not used. The prosecution voluntarily canceled the appeal.

Then new evidence emerged, and the murder case pointed to a local cross-border criminal organization because the victim had a drug dealing dispute with them, and then the police focused their detection on the Mexican border. Organize and destroy in a centralized manner.

(End of this chapter)

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