Chapter 297

An Feng asked the think tank headed by John to conduct business negotiations.

Now his private customization team has formed a large scale. John is not omnipotent, but he has talents who are good at various fields. They have their own strengths. When they are united, they form a pyramid structure. Top Anfeng provides services.

Nothing to do, he thought about Bazel's vision when he went back.

If there is a consortium that is not limited to the United States, its capital and future will be extremely broad-especially this kind of thinking is very suitable for An Feng's actual situation. The foundation of his technology research and development has been laid, and it will blow out at some point in the future. It's not that the technology is superior.

Some things are not necessarily popular, and some advantages are not absolute.There are profits, but the ones that take a lot of effort are the several biomedicines this time. They have high requirements on the manufacturing environment, high costs, and time-consuming, but the final profit is not high.This cannot be favored by An Feng.

Although not favored, it is a project that can guarantee profitability for others. The consortium members have encountered many more business opportunities than other consortiums. They can digest the technology that An Feng thinks is tasteless and let him enjoy it. Cash and dividends save time and effort.

Under this model, consortium members must cover a wide range of fields and develop in an all-round way. Focusing on the United States will limit their own development.After he communicated with other members, regarding the current trend and Bazel's goal, everyone agreed to continue to expand, but he had to choose.

Not everyone can be a partner. An Feng has a carefree personality and doesn't pay attention to this aspect, but it doesn't mean that other people don't have this kind of caution.According to the established rules, if you want to join, you must first start with peripheral cooperation, and you can only be accepted into the interior after the weight is sufficient.


Two days later, An Feng took Wang Wei and Wang Le to play golf in Santa Barbara, and there were other members present.In the western style of socializing, you can get to know each other while relaxing, and have a cocktail party in the evening... Some aspects are also similar to the rules of calling brothers at the domestic wine table.

With the help of an interpreter, Wang Wei chatted well with them.Everyone is full of curiosity about China. Its economy has been growing steadily and its consumer market is huge with more than one billion people. However, due to differences in cultural concepts, few foreign companies can make a name for themselves in it.

Faced with doubts, Wang Wei communicated with them.

An Feng was very irresponsible and went to play [-] shots with Wang Le. The novice was abused properly. With a swing of the club, he frowned and said, "Can't you dig a hole for me to score?"

"What's the point of digging holes? Planting trees?" Wang Le was startled by his thoughts.

"Don't tell me, I almost planted trees on the golf course before!" An Feng smiled.

"What's going on?" Wang Le asked.

An Feng talked about the business with George, and Wang Le shook his head after hearing this: "It seems that I have to sacrifice some IQ to discuss business with you."

"Look at what you said, I'm bringing people hope for the future. Isn't it worth sacrificing a little bit in comparison? Besides, you guys are good at golf, but what about other things? Car racing?" An Feng started talking. Find a place for yourself, swing the club...into the hole!
"Choked to death!" An Feng waved his fist.

"Shit luck!" Wang Le changed the cue, ready to display his skills.

An Feng's mobile phone rang in his pocket, he took off his gloves and picked it up to answer it, talked for a few minutes, then hung up with a smile on his face.

"What good happened?" Wang Le asked him.

"Hey, I just told you about the racing car, and someone delivered it to me." An Feng handed the club and gloves to the caddy beside him, "Two Ferrari flagships, F40 and LaFerrari. They are well maintained, and the F40 has driven 3000 miles , the LaFerrari only has a little over 200 miles, and it's a huge profit!"

Wang Le was speechless: "You haven't quoted the price yet, how can you make money?"

"I like it, so I earn money!" An Feng was full of joy, and walked back to the coffee bar with a little drift, asked the waiter for a tablet, opened his public mailbox, and there were real photos of the other party in it. Looks great, even the spare key and instructions are still there.

Not to mention the LaFerrari, a quasi-new car with a bright red body, as if waiting for the new owner to drive it on the track and win countless honors... An Feng was fascinated by it, and Wang Le had already classified him in his heart For the ranks of sports car enthusiasts, it is not surprising.

"I want to try the experience of the track now!" An Feng said with anticipation.

Since it is a private transaction, it is a fixed price. Although the F40 is an extremely classic and perfect model, its output was too high that year. More than 1000 units made the price not high. The original factory was more than 40 yuan.

But for An Feng, whose eyes were already bright, he didn't want to buy it and was sorry for the money in his pocket, so he rushed to Los Angeles the next day to meet the owner of the car without saying a word.They also know each other. After the track performance last time, An Feng sent a business card to promote his acquisition of a flagship sports car at a high price.

The owner of the car had to reluctantly give up because he was going to live abroad.

An Feng saw these two red horses. The F40 is a historic flagship among Ferrari's flagships, and it is also the first sports car with a speed exceeding 320. Inside, the speed 1991 is indeed remarkable.

What is even more attractive is the LaFerrari. An Feng has always wanted to buy it, but 499 cars have already been sold out.It's only had a couple of hundred miles on it, it's pretty much untouched, it's like new, and it looks great, smooth aesthetic.

The shape is completely compromised to aerodynamics, with a sharp nose cone and a depressed engine cover, which is full of vitality.The pursuit of the model design team no longer stays at the appearance without connotation, but at the cutting-edge level of aerodynamics, everything serves performance, so it is a beast of performance.

According to An Feng’s actual experience in the car, as a super sports car, comfort always comes second. LaFerrari has simplified the interior as much as possible, allowing the owner to concentrate on driving fun without being distracted.The design is compact, and most of the buttons are concentrated on the high-tech steering wheel.

The result was naturally satisfactory to him. After confirming that the procedures were complete, An Feng traded the two cars with the owner, and then drove them onto the trailer that had already been prepared, and transported them back to SLO. The F40 stayed in the sports car museum, but the LaFerrari was brought home, and it was enjoyable to touch it.

An Feng drove it on the track again and challenged the lap time record. It has great potential, but still needs to get used to it.

Negotiations made new progress the next day.

The most refreshing is the state-owned enterprise, with a lot of money in hand, the effect of the drug is indeed better than similar products in the market, and the signboard of the research center, the advertising effect is also strong enough, currently interested in two of the drug patents, the cooperation method is cash five 20 million US dollars, [-]% sharing model.

The main reason is that the cost of the two drugs is high, and it is difficult to promote domestic drugs to the world, so the agreement becomes sales in Greater China, not the world.The market is shrinking, and the value is correspondingly reduced. The huge foreign market authorization is still in the hands of the research center.

An Feng also sought advice from John and other supervisors.

If American drugs want to be sold to China, they have to be clinically imported. The FDA approves them, but China does not. It is difficult to have complete foreign investment, usually in the form of Sino-foreign joint ventures, but here requires a long construction period. It is better to directly authorize Chinese pharmaceuticals. Enterprises only care about sharing, and do not consider operational issues.

The important thing is that the authorization is only in China, and the other countries are still in their hands.

An Feng went to chat with Wang Wei again. In fact, the terms of the transaction were good, and it was possible to sign, but it was very particular about business.

Wang Wei picked up the exquisite bottle in his hand: "After communicating with the foreign friend you introduced, I am very interested in this bio-drink that is popular in the United States. If possible, we will consider setting up a subsidiary in China through a joint venture. Full authority to represent and sell this product."

"So, did you have a good talk with Anthony?" An Feng asked.

Wang Wei nodded: "He is very confident in the future of beverages. In addition to high-end products, you are also planning to launch low-end consumer products next year. I think this is an opportunity. Compared with Coca-Cola back then, I think it is a drink that is beneficial to the human body. The market prospect is broader.”

Bio-drinks have a great effect on improving the human body. When they are sold to China, the benefits can be placed second. After all, they are all compatriots. The technology to enhance physical fitness and resistance should also be promoted at the same time.If there is an aura of a domestic agent, it is obviously easier to be accepted by the majority of groups.

"We will consider it carefully." An Feng said, but his tone was already inclined to affirmation.

Wang Wei smiled: "I'm sorry!"

"It doesn't matter, this is also for making money." An Feng said with a smile, "Then you can make the bosses of state-owned enterprises owe you favors."

Wang Wei thought for a few seconds and finally understood.

Negotiations between the research center and the country must not be smooth, they demand 6.5 million US dollars in cash, plus a higher share ratio.For state-owned enterprises, every additional US dollar is more than six yuan. The amount varies greatly, and the important thing is to affect the leader's overseas record.

The two sides naturally want to grind their mouths on this point.

Following the smart leaders, they thought of borrowing the relationship between Wang Wei and An Feng, hoping to say something nice, give some benefits, and get more bargaining price... To put it bluntly, they wanted to use Wang Wei's face to play emotional cards with An Feng, Appropriately influence this group of Yankees who eat people and don't spit out their bones.

The play needs to be sufficient, Wang Wei has a good relationship with An Feng, and the leaders in the country also see this scene in their eyes, Wang Wei is a sensible boy!An Feng finally said that for the sake of his friend, he would talk to the board of directors again, but the final result is not guaranteed.

Ran Zhongliang smiled: "I believe that Mr. An will be the representative of that kind of Chinese who is affectionate and righteous."

An Feng smiled... Negotiating with himself.

Then the results came out, the board of directors made concessions, a deal of 5.5 million US dollars, 20% of the operating share, authorized two promising patents to domestic leading pharmaceutical companies, allowing the production of drugs in China, and will provide continuous technical guidance to Adjust the production method.

Ran Zhongliang smiled and shook hands with An Feng: "Mr. An, we have a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" An Feng also smiled.

Ran Zhongliang shook hands with other leaders of the research center.Finding a relationship costs [-] million US dollars less. Who said that people don’t care about their background in foreign countries?Everyone spoke highly of An Feng and was very satisfied with Wang Wei who facilitated the negotiation.Invisibly, this cooperation has created an important debt of favor.

(End of this chapter)

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