Dart Master

Chapter 102

Chapter 102
"King Zhang is bullshit. I only obey the decree of my Niu Shengjun. The second sage has an order. Anyone who enters and exits the Yin Division must be strictly investigated one by one. However, those who cover up murderers will be sentenced to death according to the order of killing three times and five times." Commander Niu The knife returned to its sheath and proudly shouted.

Come, let me compare them one by one, but if anyone looks like a thief, arrest him immediately!

After finishing speaking, the fierce and powerful cattle and animals took out their portraits and stood in front of the caravan, ready to check people.

I saw that the people in that portrait were none other than me, Niuniu, and Shaotian. When I was running away, except for Shaotian, Niuniu and I never showed our faces. There must be a traitor in the underworld who deliberately framed me .

The leader of the caravan is called Xie Yongzhi, he is the old servant and housekeeper of the Xiang family for many years, and he has seen strong winds and waves.The caravan was stopped, and Mr. Xie walked up to him, took out a small bag of Ujin from his pocket and stuffed it into Commander Niu's hand, and said with a smile: "Thanks for your hard work, Commander, my master urged me to go to Jiangnan to buy a batch of high-quality gold. Xiang, please allow the commander to let you go."

Commander Niu weighed Wu Jin in his hand, put it in his pocket, and sneered: "In the past, I would have been too lazy to embarrass you, but today my son was framed by gangsters, even if Zhang Wang wants to get out of the underworld, he can't do it!"

As soon as these words came out, it showed that Niutou, Ma Mian and others did not take Zhang Wang seriously at all. Xiang Yumeng is Zhang Wang's direct descendant, so naturally this group of people will not show their face.


The cattle soldiers searched one by one, and threw the accompanying guard helmets on the ground roughly, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

The animal sect cannot pass on the lineage to receive them, so Mr. Ma is the darling of the bull head and horse face, and he is also the person in charge of the second sage's private "private work" in Yangjian. Mr. Ma exclusively searches for beautiful women in Yangjian , money, to help Ersheng cultivate power.

Many things that they can't do on the surface are all done by Mr. Ma.With the death of Mr. Ma, the second sage of the animal sect had broken his arm, so he spared no effort to track down the murderer.

But what I wondered was how they knew that the murderer was me so quickly, and even my name was clearly written. It was obvious that someone deliberately tipped them off.This person must be familiar with me, but it will definitely not be the Xiang family and Uncle Qi, who could it be?

Seeing that it was about to be my turn, Mr. Xie was a little anxious, and quickly stood in front of me, "Masters, please do my family a face, and thank you with a big gift in the future."

The other cattle soldiers stopped, Xiang Yumeng was always good at everything in the Yin Division, and most importantly, once the Yin and Yang fought, most of the grain and grass in the underworld were incense sticks, and most of them had to be purchased from him.Including the incense sticks currently circulating in the Yin Division, half of them come from the Xiang family, almost holding the lifeline of the Yin Division.

Therefore, on weekdays, the two sages of the animal sect and the impermanence of black and white are all respected by him. Of course, with the loss of King Zhang, sooner or later they will find a new force to replace Xiang Yumeng to control the lifeline of the economy.

Commander Niu's face sank, and he growled, "You old man is so ignorant, you are really noisy."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and slapped Mr. Xie on the face. Mr. Xie was immediately slapped and hit the wall, spitting out his old blood.

"Anyone who dares to stop me will be killed!" Commander Niu yelled impatiently.

Mr. Xie was also stubborn, stood up tremblingly, walked up to Commander Niu, gulped blood at him, grabbed his armor and shouted: "Bastard, what kind of pickle are you, shameless, don't you dare to put my house on the ground?" Lord Xiang puts it in his eyes, I, Xiang Jia, are going to leave this tower today, and I want to see how powerful you are."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Xie waved his hand to signal the caravan to go out of the city. Niu Bing stood on both sides in a daze. No one in the Yin Division knew Xiang Yumeng's name.

"Old man, courting death!" Commander Niu made a sudden move, with a long knife in his hand.

"Thank you for being careful!" I shouted.

It was already too late, Commander Niu's long knife instantly pierced Old Xie's back and pierced his heart, Old Xie opened his eyes, turned around with all his strength, pointed at Commander Niu, and shouted angrily: "Bastard... "


Commander Niu withdrew his long knife, and Xie Lao's mouth overflowed with blood, his eyes looked at me helplessly, and he fell to the ground with a crash, losing his vitality.

"Thank you!"

"Fight with this beast."

The guards of Xiang's family were not vegetarians either. Seeing the old housekeeper was killed, they were furious and drew their knives and guns to fight with the cattle soldiers.

Fighting against Yin soldiers in the city is an obvious rebellious nature.I am also distraught at this time. Although I did not kill Mr. Xie, he died because of me. My heart is like a knife, and the pain is unbearable.

"Shaotian, Xiaoqi, you protect Niuniu!" I brushed Xie Lao's unwilling and helpless eyes, blood flashed in my hand, and the Huangquan Knife suddenly appeared in my right hand. Holding the knife in both hands, I accelerated to chase and kill the Niu Commander.

When I was in front of him, I used my strength to jump high, and Huang Quan Dao slashed at his head with a thunderous momentum, without any moves, just fighting with strength.

The Huangquan knife sensed my churning blood, the dragon and the tiger buzzed, and the two cyclones mixed with the blade, with a murderous aura.

"Qin Wushang is here! Those who stand in my way will die!"

I let out a thunderous shout, and the commander of the cow saw that I was full of blood and the sword was overwhelming, so he didn't dare to be careless at the moment, roared wildly, and raised the long sword horizontally with both hands to cut it up.

court death!

Huangquan Dao is Zhang Wang's magical weapon, cutting gold and iron like soft mud, Niu Tongling's cultivation base may not be stronger than me, once the long saber meets Huangquan Dao, it breaks instantly, and the rest of the saber forcefully takes him from head to crotch, raw leather city in two halves.

Because the knife was too fast and sharp, Commander Niu hadn't even come to his senses, watching his body slowly split in two in disbelief, boom!The totem aura mixed with dragon and tiger exploded violently, and the ghost soldiers around were knocked into the air one after another.

I yelled and led Xiaoqi and the three of us to take advantage of the chaos to leave the city. Xiang Yumeng opened a temporary ghost gate for us in the outskirts of the city. The time is limited. Once the time passes, the ghost gate will be closed. Difficult.

Where to go, look fork!

There was a loud shout, like a thunderbolt in mid-air, which made my eardrums hurt, and then a huge black trident flew from the clouds, with powerful energy and a huge sound of piercing the air, burning blazingly black flames, straight towards us.

not good!

I held the saber in both hands, sat on the horse with my back bent, gathered all the strength in my body, and slammed into my chest like a train.Immediately I was stunned, the person had already flew up, with blood gushing from his mouth, he was heavily nailed to the city wall by the fork halberd, if not for the fork halberd being slightly lower in the middle, and I was blocking with the Huangquan knife again, I am afraid that I would have pierced through it long ago.


Splendid colorful cannon salutes rose from the sky, followed by the sound of trumpets.

"Sage Monarch Vigorous Heavenly King of Animal Sect, Holy Monarch Bull Head is here!"

Rumbling, the whole earth trembled, but seeing the bull head riding a monster with a purple underworld fire coming from the west, and the guards behind him were all black-armored elite riders, all of them were imposing. Definitely the best of the best.

A group of people rolled over like a whirlwind of thunder, and they were so overwhelmed that they couldn't breathe.

Wu Xuan heard the sudden change in the city gate, and hurriedly led people over.

It was not until I got closer that I saw one of the two sages of the animal sect who did a lot of evil in the underworld, Niutou!
It is rumored that Niutou is the number one general under the command of Black and White Wuchang, a peerless master who has become a saint of the animal clan, born with infinite strength and great supernatural powers.

But I saw that he was about ten feet tall, as tall and powerful as an iron tower, with two horns on his head, a red bell and gold hoop on his head, and a purple gold armor. His steel-like muscles were as powerful as a horned dragon, and his whole body was as ox-haired as steel. Needles are generally sharp.During the breath, the breath swirled and whirred.It seems to be the ancestor of Pan Gu, who has the power to open mountains and crack earth, and is really a sturdy and domineering Hercules general.

"Welcome Niu Shengjun!" Wu Xuan knelt down on one knee, bowing with fear on his face.

All the animal soldiers around knelt down one after another, and they didn't dare to speak out. Presumably, the old cow was usually domineering, easy to kill, and had a bad temper. Even his subordinates dared not provoke him.

"Well, get out!" Niutou kicked Wu Xuan away, and rushed towards the escorting caravan. Every step he took, a huge footprint would be left on the ground, which showed that this person's brute strength and external skills had been cultivated to the extreme.

The Xiang family's guards kept Cai Xiaoqi and the others in the middle, and slowly retreated towards the root of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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