Dart Master

Chapter 115 The fog is heavy

Chapter 115 The fog is heavy
Can a spicy plate burn kill a person?
I tried to find Xiangcai's veins, but there was no life left.At this time, Feng Er came in and fell to the ground after looking at the face. He was also stunned. When he came over and saw that he was dying, he frowned and asked me: "What's going on here?"

I shrugged, "He, he was eating well, but he suddenly became ill."

Feng Er muttered, that's not right, isn't it too late?He broke his fate, there is no way he will die.

I am also confused, Xiangcai is usually more able to eat spicy food, and I also eat spicy hot plate, is it poisonous, no, I also eat it, is it good?Besides, the plague will not deliberately arrange assassinations, such things should not happen.

Feng Er frowned and counted, then his old face sank, and he shouted out the door: "Xiao Li, come in."

Xiao Li walked in, maybe it was rare to see old man Feng getting angry, so he asked in a puzzled voice, what's wrong with Mr. Feng?
Feng Er asked coldly, what happened to this clock?Who adjusted the time.

When Xiao Li heard it, he said, "This file room used to be looked at by an old police officer. He likes to adjust the time forward by half an hour. You know the old comrades. They always do things in a hurry, and they have a strong sense of time." , rather early than late.

After Feng Er heard this, he waved his hand and let Xiao Li go out.

Fate is fate, Liu Xiangcai will die in the end, Feng Er leaned on the chair and sighed a little dejectedly.

Liu Xiangcai didn't die from being frightened to death by wild cats, but was killed by a plate of spicy hot plate. In the end, he died in Zishi and was killed by the Seven Kills.

In fact, we thought that after midnight, because the alarm clock in the archives room was set forward by half an hour, it was still within the hour when we were going to eat.

The body was carried out quickly, and the autopsy report of the forensic doctor came in a short while.

Feng Er glanced at him and saw a heart attack. This Liu Xiangcai already had a heart attack. He had been in a horrible atmosphere these days, and his nerves were extremely tense.The moment he was frightened by the wild cats, he was almost scared to death. After finally recovering, he was scalded by the spicy hot plate.The heart is like riding a roller coaster, unable to withstand the toss, and suddenly becomes ill.

This result is really embarrassing, not long after, the owner of the restaurant and Xiao Li who delivered the food were also brought.

Neither of them showed signs of deliberate murder, everything was such a coincidence.

This is God's will. At midnight, I walked out of the police station, and when I returned to the courier shop, Uncle Liang, Qing Meng, and Shaotian were still waiting for me.

Xiangcai is dead, I said.

Qing Meng looked a little sad, with a very sad expression, while Uncle Liang was more exaggerated, trembling with fright.

I was also exhausted for a day, so I went back to the rental house with Shaotian, asked Uncle Liang for another day off, and had a good rest.

I didn't get up until the next afternoon.

Now I need to sort out my thoughts carefully, who is in control of the plague snake, and what is the relationship between this and the express delivery.

Why must the person who died belong to the courier shop? As the boss, Uncle Liang should know something.Xiangcai didn't tell me for a while, who sent the courier to Dadong, and who would be the instigator?
Confused, I decided to go find Zhao Heizi. If I could find him, things might turn around.

When I arrived at the Baishi Market, the shop that had been burned down had now been turned into a street selling vegetables.

The location of Heizi's shop has been changed to a place selling fish. There are several shallow cement ponds full of lively swimming fish. The boss is a fat man. At this point in the afternoon, there are not many people buying fish, so he looks a little bored.

It seems that it is impossible for Heizi to be here!

I was about to leave in disappointment when Shaotian stopped me, Brother Shang, look!
I saw a rickety figure pushing a small cart with a small bucket on it, walking slowly over. The vendors along the road would put some useless things, such as pig's lymph meat, fish, etc. Soak into the bucket.

I am very familiar with that figure, it is the tumor woman who smiled at me and Lao Meng downstairs that night.

That's right, when she approached, I could still see the huge tumor on her neck clearly under the dim light. The tumor seemed to be bigger than what I saw that night, hanging heavily on her shoulders Good thing it's not scary.

I hurriedly asked the fat boss what the woman did.

The boss smiled. He was just a poor person. His son opened a store in the city and became the boss. He didn't recognize her, thinking his wife was too ugly.Women go to the market to beg for things that people don't want to make a living.

I thanked the fat boss with a smile, and gave Shaotian a wink, but Shaotian was a little dazed, not understanding what I meant.

I was very helpless, just about to tell him to block the woman, the woman seemed to feel something strange, looked towards me with cloudy, dark yellow eyes, and found me and Shaotian.

She was a little surprised, and then pushed the car and turned into the remote corner where she came, and I quickly followed.

When I chased to the corner, the cart was thrown on the side of the road, but the woman had long since disappeared. I wandered around for a while, but I didn't even see a trace of her, so I could only return angrily.

When I came back, I took a look into her small bucket, and it was full of bloody pig lungs, tumorous meat, unwanted fish bubbles, etc., exuding a strong fishy smell.

There must be something wrong with this old woman. When Lao Meng died, she and Xiao Guo were both packing things at the barbecue stand, which means that she had something to do with Xiao Guo.

Maybe as long as I find Xiao Guo, the problem will be solved, but this guy suddenly disappeared, Jiang Dong, where can I find him?

Leaving the market, Shaotian and I were worrying when a little girl selling flowers stopped me at the intersection, "Big brother, buy me a bouquet of flowers."

I'm in a terrible mood, after all, it's about my life, Shaotian's and Qingmeng's, so I'm not in the mood to buy flowers.

The little girl said again, big brother, if you buy a bouquet of flowers, I can tell you a secret.

I was so annoyed that I took out ten yuan and took one. The little girl took out a small note from her pocket and handed it to me, "This is the secret, thank you big brother."

After the little girl finished speaking, she left happily. I opened the note and saw that there were four words written on it: "Be careful Brother Liang!"

The handwriting was very scribbled, and it was obvious that the person who wrote the note had written it hastily.

Holding the note, my heart was very cold. Is it possible that the man behind the scenes is Brother Liang?
He is the owner of the courier store. In fact, the possibility is very high. In the last Seven Kills, Xiao Guo was his clerk before.

Maybe it was he who gave the paper money to Dadong, and then this series of things started.

Thinking of this, my scalp tingles. If brother Liang is the one who controls the plague snake, Qing Meng's current situation must be very dangerous.

Shaotian and I took a taxi and rushed back to the courier shop.

When we got to the store, the door was closed and locked.I felt a chill in my heart, did something really happen?The courier shop is almost never closed, especially Qingmeng, who almost never leaves the shop before nine o'clock in the evening.

What's even more troublesome is that I only found out now that I don't know where Qing Meng lives. In fact, I know very little about her.

Let's go, let's go to Brother Liang, I took Shaotian and walked to Brother Liang's residence.

I made up my mind, if I find out that Brother Liang really has a problem, I will not hesitate to use magic to make him disappear from this world forever.

Brother Liang lived in a unit building. When I arrived in front of the building, it was already full of people, and the police were on the scene to maintain order.

Coincidentally, Xiao Li, who brought us meals yesterday, was also there, and we were old acquaintances. After greeting us, Xiao Li let us go upstairs.

When we arrived at 501, the forensic doctor was taking pictures, and Mr. Feng was standing outside the door, his two thick unibrows almost twisted into a ball.

I know something must have happened, but it must not be Qing Meng.

Zhao Liang is dead!Feng Er said coldly.

What!Brother Liang is dead?This surprised me a bit, I was worried that Brother Liang would harm Qing Meng, the real culprit behind the scenes, but I never thought that he would die first.

Under Feng Er's instructions, the forensic doctor let me into the room.

Brother Liang's body was lying on the ground, his eyes were wide open, and the expression on his face was extremely distorted, as if he saw something terrible and was frightened to death.

What surprised me the most was that he held a piece of money for rebirth in his hand.

Obviously, he was not the black hand manipulating the God of Plague, but another victim of the money from the past.

(End of this chapter)

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