Dart Master

Chapter 151 Escape from Ghost City

Chapter 151 Escape from Ghost City
The angry bark of the ghost dog was vaguely heard in the jungle in the distance. Presumably, Huadie had told Elder Chen that the Yujiazui Ghost City trade union launched a big hunt for me.

No one knows where the headquarters of the ghost city union is, and the mysterious boss Xu, the union president, is rarely known, but there is no doubt that these guys are not good people.

This villain, Chen Biao, managed to capture us with great difficulty, trying to raise a lot of money. With their mercenary character, they would never let the cooked duck fly away, let alone I killed the dry dragon. right-hand man.

"Shaotian, give me the battle, I want to revive your sister Ziyi." I sat cross-legged behind Ziyi, ready to open her heart.

Ziyi was not as resistant to the poisonous smoke of the butterfly as I was, but at that time there was no red talisman, and it was just my mouthful of blood lotus vitality. I was not sure if I could protect her.

The blood in my palms surged, and I entered from the big hole on her back, but the vitality in her body is now empty, and the soul is free in the body. Once the qi in the dantian dissipates, the soul will leave the body, fly away, and become a real dead person.

Paths of blood flowed through her limbs and bones, and the eight extraordinary meridians, but I still couldn't find the blood lotus vitality that I had in Ziyi's body.

What's even more irritating is that the technique of the Blood Sea Palace she practiced is quite different from that of ordinary people. Dantian is like a restricted area, and my blood energy is always lingering and difficult to enter.

Time is running out, my whole body is drenched with sweat, beads of sweat run down my cheeks, blurring my eyes.

I know that if I can't find that vitality and bring her back to life, Ziyi may leave me forever.

The reality is cruel. As the pursuers got closer, my mood was greatly disturbed. Worry and fear made my blood go backwards, and my meridians were in chaos.

The most taboo thing to practice is to feel restless.

I have almost tried my best, the blood energy has been attacking the dantian for a long time, every minute the time is delayed, the chance of Ziyi's survival is getting less and less, my heart is like a fire, and my heart is heartbroken.

The more chaotic my heart is, the more chaotic my blood energy will be. As my cultivation level improves, the power of backlash will become stronger.


When the blood qi reversed to the extreme, the blood lotus closed itself, and my blood qi stopped abruptly. My heart felt like a heavy stone, and the powerful blood qi went straight to my throat.

I opened my mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and let go of my hands weakly.

Is the sky going to kill me in purple clothes?
Thinking of Ziyi's acquaintance with me, when she repeatedly rescued me from danger, she sacrificed her life to save me time and time again.

But now, her life is dying, but I can only look up to the sky and sigh.

How unfortunate Ziyi is, how unfair the sky is!
If the sky is unfair, I will be ruthless. If the purple clothes die, I will rebel against the sky, blood for blood, and kill all the evil people in the world!I swear to myself.

"I've searched carefully. They must be here. Anyone who kills the elder Kulong will be rewarded by Mr. Chen." A black-armored leader riding a ghost horse led his men and roared angrily.

"Yes! Elder Wu." The crowd shouted loudly.

I know that shopping is definitely a dead end, if I die, Ziyi will have no chance, thinking of this, I gritted my teeth, pulled Shaotian, and jumped into the stream.

Although the stream is not as deep, cold, and full of resentment as Tanxi, but because it is an underground river, the water inside is still extremely cold.

Zi Yi's head was lying powerlessly in the water, his face was so pale, his charming eyes were tightly closed, his black hair fluttered in the waves, like a sleeping water fairy.

The fish in the water circled quietly around her, as if reluctant to leave.

I hugged her gently, feeling unbearable pain in my heart, the world is such a trick, I wanted her to follow me all the way to the Bai family, but I still couldn't recognize her.

Recalling the jealous words she said in Bai's house, but I didn't notice it at all. I think she was very heartbroken when I got back together with Bailing, and wept silently.

Thinking of this, my heart is even more bitter. She is always so charming and considerate. She has always only thought of me, but silently bears the pain I unintentionally caused her.

Although she is a wicked woman, she has a clear distinction between love and hate, and she has no regrets even though she died for love.But at this moment, I can only hug her cold body, helpless.

"Zi Yi, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay back what you have done for me in this life. Why is God so cruel and always asks me to let you leave me when I cherish you the most? Is this a punishment for me? ?”

My heart hurts more and more, like thousands of needles being pricked, like being roasted on a fire plate, excruciating pain.

The more I miss Ziyi, the more my heart hurts. This kind of heart-piercing pain makes me wish I could tear my heart out.

Soon, Elder Wu, who was riding a Ming horse, led his people to chase to the stream. The Ming dog seemed to smell the remnants of our body, and barked wildly.

"Come on, the murderer is likely to be near this stream. According to the decree of the elders, everyone should go down 800 meters along the stream to search the water, and let the monster into the water. No place should be missed." Elder Wu jumped off the horse. Come down, shouted loudly.

"Elder Wu, why did you go down 800 meters to search, and the ghost dog responded. I don't think it's okay to search in the groundwater from now on? This way, Elder Chen, the little one, will have an explanation." A sergeant wearing a red suit and holding a long bow was dissatisfied asked.

Elder Wu shouted in a deep voice: "What's the matter, listen to what Elder Chen says, and ignore what Elder Ben says, right?"

The man didn't dare to say hastily: "I don't dare, I just want to catch the murderer and try my best."

As soon as the words fell, several feathered arrows swished into the stream with a strong wind, and they were still full of stamina after entering the water for several meters. I was about to catch the arrows, but I thought that the arrows might be just tentative.

Sure enough, the arrow burst immediately under the water, splashing water soaring to the sky, several meters below the stream, all visible in the sky.

Fortunately, I was prepared and summoned a group of fish to protect my body. This is the fish-repelling water art that Cai Xiaoqi taught me when I left Fengquan, but I didn't expect it to come in handy here, and I escaped catastrophe .

"Hurry up and arrest people?" Elder Wu shouted in a deep voice.

Seeing that there was really no one under the water, the man led his men and dogs downstream and chased after him wildly.

Because I was underwater, I couldn't see their faces and expressions clearly, but judging from the conversation, the two seemed to have a rift.

Gradually, the cries in my ears and the barking of dogs faded away, and I was almost holding my breath at this time. The key is that Ziyi, who was already weak, had been soaked in cold water for a long time. If it's too long, I'm afraid the chances of survival will be even slimmer.

I was about to ooze out a stream of blood and explore the shore, when a cold voice came from the shore, "This elder knows you are hiding in the water, come out."

I was taken aback, at this moment, because I continued to live for Ziyi, most of my blood energy was consumed, and my heart was in great pain, where I still have the power to fight, whether I live or die depends on God's will.

Holding the purple clothes, I got out of the water with Shaotian. The speaker was wearing a suit of armor, holding a ferocious skull helmet in his hand.But he saw that this man was tall and tall, but he had a hooked nose, which made him look extremely sinister and treacherous.

His whole body exudes a strong and sharp aura, and he should practice to add vigor, like Niutou and Jin Taibao, who win by fighting.

I looked at him coldly, he smiled coldly, raised his hand to make a gesture, and suddenly a few confidantes around him took out the clothes from the armor.

"Hurry up and put it on."

I don't have any other considerations right now, no matter what plans this person has, I can only take one step at a time. If he wants to catch me, I may not be his opponent given that I have less than [-]% of my blood left, let alone Take care of Ziyi and Shaotian.

I used my blood energy to dry the water droplets on Ziyi's body, and quickly changed her into clean clothes. After changing the clothes, the man got on his horse and said, "Come with me, otherwise the dogs under Chen Biao will catch up again later." .”

I mixed in with his guards, controlled Zi Yi with the method of disgusting corpses, and followed him towards the trade union.

This person's status in the Yujiazui Ghost City trade union seems to be extremely high, and no one dared to stop us along the way. Soon he took us to a remote building in the trade union, and told his subordinates: "Give me all at the door. Keep an eye on the outside, and no one is allowed to enter."

When we arrived at the pavilion, he led us into the secret room and lit candles.

"Drink some bar, don't worry, this is my territory, and Chen Biao's people can't come in." He poured me a glass of wine, sat down at the sandalwood table, and motioned for me to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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