Dart Master

Chapter 154

Chapter 154
Chen Biao stretched out his hand to press the door, and the stone door opened. Lin Qiangu and Sima Fang were tightly bound by iron locks, covered with talisman papers.From the outside, neither of them seemed to suffer from physical pain. After all, Chen Biao was just trying to make money, and there was no need to beat them to death.

Hua Die came closer, took out a small bottle from her sleeve, put it near the two people's noses and smelled it, and the two people quietly opened their eyes and woke up.

"Master Lin, someone has come to see you." Chen Biao said.

Lin Qiangu looked at me as I came over. Obviously he didn't know me as a fake emissary. I was afraid that he would be cheating, so I hurriedly asked: "Master, Elder Chen didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Lin Qiangu was well versed in the world, so he immediately understood, and said with a wry smile: "Uncle Lin, don't panic, Elder Chen is a virtuous man after all, so why would he embarrass him for thousands of years, but just hearing the power of transformation every day, his whole body is weak and his bones are soft. Of course, no alcohol and no meat is also torture."

He told me in a disguised form that he was poisoned by Hua Die's poison. Hua Die's cultivation level is not high, but this woman is cruel and good at using all kinds of poisons, which is very troublesome.

"The envoy has seen you. Your son is safe and sound. As for the wine and meat, you can rest assured that I will prepare it properly." Chen Biao said.

I nodded, "Your request, I will go back to the north tonight and tell the Patriarch immediately."

I quickly thought about how to make a move. Right now, in the underground secret room, there are no soldiers to meet, so it is an excellent opportunity to make a move.But the space in the secret room is limited, and I have to restrain Chen Biao in a short time. Once I let him run out, given his familiarity with this place, he is likely to run away.

"I've seen it, the envoy should be satisfied." Chen Biao asked me with a sinister smile.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and was about to walk towards the door of the stone room. I knew it would be too late if there were no more troubles, so I exchanged a look with Ziyi, and the two of them attacked Chen Biao at the same time.

"Chen Biao, let's see who I am, die!"

I violently tore off the human skin mask on my face, and covered Chen Biao with a flaming blood lotus in both palms.

Ziyi also pinched the spell with both hands, and made a strange laughing sound from his mouth.

When Chen Biao heard me yell, he turned his head and saw it was me, he couldn't help being stunned, especially Hua Die was half-foolishly frightened.

The blink of an eye is enough!

"Burning Heaven and Blood Fire!"

"Soul Destroyer Dafa!"

Ziyi and I shot almost at the same time, and the burning blood rushed toward Chen Biao like two furnaces. My mighty palm strength and Ziyi's soul-stirring technique were two completely different techniques, and they were done with all our strength. , Chen Biao is simply impossible to guard against.

But this old thing is indeed a good hand, his feet suddenly sank, he sat down on the horse, and a gray and white gossip shield shrouded his body amidst the lightning and flint, and it slammed my palm hard.

The blood fire blasted towards the gray gossip shield with the momentum of thunder, and the fiery red light enveloped Chen Biao in an instant. success.

The old thing hit the stone wall heavily, spat out blood, and got up.

I secretly called it a pity, he responded to me so hastily, and didn't kill this old thing, which shows that Chen Biao's cultivation is extremely high.

"Smelly boy, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you come here. This old man will take your dog's life." Chen Biao roared wildly, two gossips appeared in the palm of his hand, and more than a dozen spiritual energy shot out from the gossip Come.

Eight Diagrams Kamikaze Technique!
I know that a delay of one second is extremely dangerous for the situation. After all, this is the territory of old things.

Thinking of this, I went all out, turned my palms over, and received the old man's palm abruptly, and the spiritual energy poured into my arms, causing great pain.

I snorted, and forcibly endured the severe injury of the Eight Diagrams Kamikaze Technique, allowing his vitality to bombard my veins and lungs.

"Boy, you are trying to die." Seeing that I did not resist at all, Chen Biao was overjoyed, and even used all his vigor, trying to kill me with one move.

When his vitality was stimulated to the extreme, the blood energy that I had already suffocated in Ren Du's second vein exploded violently like a bomb.

"Go against the sky!"

I let out an angry roar, and my blood gathered Chen Biao's spiritual energy accumulated in my veins, and with my own blood, I blasted towards Chen Biao violently through my palms.

Going against the sky is a move that kills one thousand enemies and injures eight hundred. It forcibly transforms the opponent's vitality into itself, and then repays him in his own way. Of course, I also add my own spells. Blood energy, no doubt equal to Chen Biao's double strength.

Of course, this is a very risky way of playing. I bet that Chen Biao's strength will not be much higher than mine. If it is a master like Ma Mian and Niutou, I am so hard-headed and forceful, I am afraid that all internal organs will explode. .

This is also due to the fact that I have absorbed the evil spirits of the butterfly and the withered dragon, and my cultivation base has increased a lot, otherwise I would never dare to take such a strange risk.

Chen Biao was shocked, and he was about to use the gossip shield to remove the strength. This old man is extremely proficient in the use of gossip techniques. He has the ability to use four or two thousand catties. The fatal blow in front of me has been resolved by him. If this blow fails again , I am afraid that the person who died here is me.

"Jingle Bell!"

The bell in Ziyi's hand rang, and the Dementia Curse was activated.

Although Ziyi's cultivation level is not as good as mine, but after all, she has been with the Xuehai Empress since she was a child, and she entered the Taoist sect earlier, so she has a lot of experience in fighting enemies.

With Chen Biao's cultivation base, and she is also practicing gossip, her mind and soul are far stronger than ordinary people, so her soul-stirring technique can't play much role at all.

But when Chen Biao found out that my overpowering vigor suddenly increased sharply, he felt fear in his heart, his mind relaxed, and Ziyi's insanity technique worked properly.

Chen Biao was stunned and distracted for a short time, that is, in the blink of an eye, but it was enough for my "walking against the sky" to kill him.

The brief stagnation prevented him from taking out the Eight Diagrams Shield in time to remove my double energy. By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

The powerful energy tore his arm apart, penetrated into his internal organs, every inch of his veins.

Chen Biao's face was like a cracked field, with countless dense bloodstains, and then with a "boom", his whole body burst like a balloon.

"No injury, be careful!"

Before I had time to rejoice, a sharp pain came from my back, my eyes went dark, and I had already slammed into the wall heavily.

The girl Hua Die took advantage of the chaos and gave me a big palm. When I realized it, her figure had already reached the door.

"I want to run!" I forcefully suppressed the boiling blood in my chest, raised my hand and drew a net of blood towards her.

Hua Die was startled, her body flashed, my blood and energy locked her firmly, and the blood net tightly covered her.

I sucked in my palm, and the blood net was collected rapidly, dragging her into the secret room.

Subduing Hua Die, at this time my heart finally relaxed a lot. When I stood up, I realized that my whole body was in pain like a frame falling apart, which shows how vicious this girl is. Broken.

"Qin Wushang, how is it possible? How could your cultivation be so powerful?" Hua Die murmured in disbelief as she looked at the bloody water all over the ground.

Perhaps in Hua Die's eyes, I'm just a brat holding Zhang Wang Shenbing in Yinsi City, who can only defeat the bull's head weapon.How could she have imagined that when the blood Buddha was revived, I absorbed the energy of the gods and dry dragons one after another. In a short period of time, the growth of my cultivation base may be difficult for many people to complete in a lifetime.

This is talent, so powerful that even I can't believe it, but I dare not underestimate it in the slightest.

At least Yan Donglou, Murong Yu, and the mysterious young president of the Assassin's Guild, their cultivation bases must have skyrocketed day by day.

The only thing that makes me happy is that as I continue to deal with the enemy, my experience and methods of fighting the enemy have increased day by day, and I have become more proficient in using the blood-clothed method. .

"Shibie three days, treat each other with admiration! Anyone who underestimates me, Qin Wushang, will pay the price in blood." I smiled awe-inspiringly, found the antidote from her body, gave it to Lin Qiangu and Sima Fang, and used it again. The magic knife cut off the chain and rescued the two.

The moment I cut off the chain, I was very sad, and I didn't know what happened to my poor father. One day, I will kill that damned evil eagle with my own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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