Dart Master

Chapter 164

Chapter 164
Shaotian looked at me eagerly, with pitiful eyeballs rolling in their sockets, I sighed helplessly, and warned: "Say it first, don't cause trouble."

"Yeah, Brother Wushang is the best." Shaotian danced happily, Ziyi also lightened my cheek happily, and walked downstairs with Shaotian and me on his arm.

Shizi Town is worthy of being an important town. At night, the small market on the street is very lively, with restaurants, flower houses, singing and laughing constantly, Taoist people of various races mixed together, bustling and bustling, with a festive atmosphere.

"Brother Wushang, I want to eat candied haws." Shaotian looked at a candied haws seller in the distance, shook his fingers, and ran towards the vendor.

The candied haws seller was a burly man with a sullen and murderous look on his face, and his eyes were looking around, looking very vigilant.

At this moment, he was leaning on a fortune-telling stall, pretending to be talking to the fortune-teller, but his expressions were extremely tense, as if he was planning something.

"Brother, can you give me a bunch of candied haws? Shaotian wants to eat candied haws." Shaotian rushed out from behind, patted the shoulder of the man who was auctioning candied haws, grimaced and said with a smile.

As if struck by lightning, the Chinese character turned pale with fright at Shaotian's sudden appearance, and the Taoist priest who told the fortune was shocked.

I saw that there were still a few vendors around me, and passers-by looked at me nervously. These people should be in the same group. Together, so why.

I was afraid that Shaotian would make a mistake, so I hurried over and held the man's hand, while Ziyi dragged Shaotian behind him.

Shaotian was a little puzzled, and muttered angrily: "Sister Ziyi, Shaotian wants to eat candied haws."

I quickly clasped my fists and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, my little brother is greedy, how much is a piece of candied haws?"

The man saw that my expression was calm, modest and polite, and Shaotian was drooling with a demented look on his face, his expression relaxed, and he said in a voice like Hong Zhong: "I have hit it off with this little brother, since he wants to eat candied haws, I And give him a few strings."

After finishing speaking, he pulled a few red candied haws from the stake and handed them to Shaotian.

Shaotian was overjoyed, his mouth was full of brown sugar, he was so happy, he kept thanking the big man.

I also had a slight liking for this person, so I saluted slightly to thank him, turned around and pulled Shaotian, and walked away quickly.

These people are all conspiring, if they get too close, they will definitely get burned easily.When I first arrived in Xichuan, I didn't know much about the general trend of Taoism here, and I didn't know much about the various forces, sects, and mountain tops. If it involves personal or sect grievances, it's better for me to intervene as little as possible.

Shizi Town really has a special flavor. Ziyi and I led the boys and played all the way. When we got to the west end, we saw two rows of elite armored guards lined up on both sides of the West Street.

However, they were just guards, but they didn't close the street. There were a lot of people coming and going, and bursts of silk and bamboo music, and laughter with women came from the pavilion on the side of the street.

I looked up, Baihualou!
It turned out to be a land of love and moon, no wonder so many people linger here. Because most of the people in the Taoist sect are fond of ancient customs, they are very elegant about this kind of place of love and moon, especially those who are unrestrained in poetry and wine and the children of aristocratic families. , spend money like water.

I have never been interested in this kind of place, so I turned around and prepared to go home, Ziyi took my arm and said with a charming smile: "No injury, let's go in and have a look."

Just as I was about to refuse, Ziyi said again: "This kind of place is often the place where the intelligence is the most concentrated, and maybe there may be unexpected gains."

I thought so too, Uncle Qi also loves to visit the place of fireworks, but he is not only greedy for vulgar girls, but can get the information he wants from this kind of occasion, relying on his own experience.

Thinking of this, I led the two of them in quickly.

Before coming here, Ziyi had already changed the appearance of the three of us. She is one of the very few people who knew Qianmian Langjun, so she is quite proficient in the art of disguise.

The three of us are all wearing human skin masks. From the appearance, I am a very simple-looking guard, but I look like a handsome young man in purple clothes. Because of my height, Shaotian is a little naive, and I am a little book boy.

Entering the Baihua Building, there is a lot of people inside, rich sons, Xuanmen aliens, merchants and cultivators, all gathered together, it is very lively.

After the dance was over, someone shouted: "It is rumored that Master Murong Bei washes his hands in a golden basin to pass on the Patriarch's Grand Ceremony. Hearing the news, heroes from all over the Taoist sect come here. I just hope to see the demeanor of the new Patriarch of the Murong family. Listen. It is said that even the Yunmeng Squad, who has not been out of the world for many years, has entered Sichuan, is it true or not?"

"Isn't it? Yunmeng troupe is the swan song of the Liyuan in the world, known as the mortal fairy, and the troupe master of all generations is a peerless beauty."

"If you can see the true face of the class master and listen to his music, even if you die overnight, it will be worth it."

The people below joined in one after another.

I have also heard Uncle Qi mention the Yunmeng class. It is rumored that the head of the class is extremely high-level, proficient in gala music and dance music, and the dancers under him are all beautiful and heavenly, and they are absolutely elegant.

This wonderful female music troupe is one of the most mysterious organizations in Taoism. No one knows who their leader is, only that the troupe leaders of all generations have called themselves "Yunmeng".

They are not moved by money or power. There are many princes, nobles, and aristocratic families in countless sects and underworlds. Even if they spend hundreds of millions of dollars, they can't get the Yunmeng class they want to perform.

"Yunmeng class is known as the world's most elegant and unparalleled in color and art, but I don't know if it's true or not." I couldn't help but sigh.

It's not that I'm so interested in elegant music and stunning women, but that Yunmeng Class is indeed a mysterious masterpiece of Taoism, famous all over the world, if I can see it, at least my life will be worth it.

"It is rumored that Yan Jun and the old leader of the Yunmeng class are old acquaintances. When Jin Aoyang, the former master of Jinjiabao, ruled the north, Yan Jun and Yunmeng gangmaster joined forces to assassinate the leader of Jinbao and destroy the magnificent Jinjiabao. Later Jin Taibao, the young master of the Jin family, and Yan Jun are mortal enemies, of course, in the end Jin Taibao surrendered to Yan Jun and made great achievements for all eternity, and the current Jin Family Fort has been rebuilt."

"The current class leader Yunmeng is Qishu's junior. If he is here, he will be happy to see Yunmeng class reappear." Ziyi explained to me.

I know about the brotherhood between Uncle Qi and Jin Taibao, but I didn't expect that there would be such a legendary story between him and Team Leader Yunmeng.

It seems that my seventh uncle made a lot of romantic debts when he was in the Taoist sect.

"Squad leader Yunmeng entered Sichuan. There is indeed such a thing. I heard that she is staying in our Baihua Building. I don't know if it is true or not." Someone loudly questioned the old bustard in front of the stage.

The old bustard grinned, "The dream of Yunmeng entered Sichuan has been rumored here for more than a year. She is a fairy beauty. I can't attract a golden phoenix in my small place."

"I'm afraid this is inappropriate. On the third day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar, when the dragon raised its head, Yunmeng appeared as the King of Qin in Baihualou to celebrate his birthday. The whole Xuanmen has already spread the word."

The old bustard laughed and said, "You guys have good eyes and ears, but in Xichuan, there is only Master Murong, so there is no such thing as King Qin."

The people below were also puzzled, most of them didn't know who the King of Qin was, and talked closely about how the King of Qin was so honorable.

King Qin?Could it be me?I touched the bridge of my nose, thinking to myself, and then thought, isn't the third day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar my birthday?

It doesn't matter if this leader of Yunmeng can pinch it, how does she know that I will enter Sichuan and come here again?

What's more coincidental, isn't today the third day of the sixth month of the lunar calendar?There is only less than one and a half months left before the gate of hell is opened.

Today is indeed my birthday, but I have been busy all day for a long time, and I have long forgotten about my birthday. I don't even know it. How did Yunmeng know it? It's really strange.

Besides, even though I am the King of Qin, I am only the honorific name of the Bai family and very few people, and very few people know about it in the Taoist sect. If it is said that the leader of Yunmeng will perform for me, it is absolutely impossible.

I looked at Ziyi, she blinked, and gave me a charming smile, "Wu Shang, it seems that your reputation is getting bigger and bigger. If you can get the birthday celebration from the leader of Yunmeng in person, I'm afraid it will be the name of the King of Qin, so you can be crowned like this!" It's all over the place."

My heart moved, is someone trying to build momentum for me?

(End of this chapter)

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