Dart Master

Chapter 166

Chapter 166
As soon as Murong Zhan left, everyone in the hall heaved a sigh of relief, and soon the lively scene resumed.

Shaotian was still carefully wiping the candied haws, his eyes were filled with tears of grievance, and there was a striking red handprint on his neck, which made me and Ziyi feel very distressed.

"This Murong Zhan will suffer retribution one day." Zi Yibian comforted Shaotian, Liu Mei frowned, very annoyed.

"Shaotian, you don't want it if it's dirty, I'll buy you another one." I took a slight breath to suppress the murderous intent in my heart.

Why don't I want to slash Murong Zhan, but now is not the time, my first task is to find Qiu Wen.I have a feeling that Xie Wang's people have already arrived in Shizi Town, and they must be looking for Qiu Wen in the dark, so I have to get ahead of them.

Shaotian was very displeased with Murong Zhan who bullied him for not taking action to teach him a lesson. He pouted all the way and was angry at me. Although his sanity remained at the child stage, he could tell right from wrong and had his own self-esteem.

I felt extremely guilty, but also helpless, not to mention that I may not be able to kill Murong Zhan, even if I could, I would not take the risk lightly, after all, this is Xichuan, not Jiangdong.

Murong Zhan exists like a god in Shizi Town. This person is extremely arrogant and domineering. When I walked out the door, Murong Zhan was riding a white tiger, followed by a group of guards, walking slowly on the street, as if he was afraid Others don't know that he is the general guarding Shizi Town.

When he first arrived at the corner of the street, he saw a large fishing net falling from the sky covering the sky and covering the sky, covering Murong Zhan firmly in the net.

A dozen masked men in black rushed out from the corner of the street, shouting loudly: "Slay the strong thief Murong Zhan!"

This group of people are all good players, everyone's skill and vigor are extremely strong, no less than the elite killers of the Killer Guild, the leader has ice-like eyes, holds a pair of golden maces, and protects his body with golden light.

I don't know what made the fishing net, it is extremely tough, even Murong Zhan and Bai Hu couldn't break free, instead they became tighter and tighter.

The guards next to him quickly fought with the killers. This group of killers was like wind and clouds, especially the leader who held the golden mace. The golden mace was like a mountain, unstoppable.

"Take away the strong thief Murong Zhan!"

When Murong Zhan was assassinated, the alarm bells buzzed in Shizi Town, and Jin Mao's hair looked around and gave the order.

More than a dozen killers each held the fishing net with a kick, shouted loudly, and wanted to drag Murong Zhan away.

Murong Zhan is Xichuan's majestic God of War and King of Strength, so he is naturally not so easy to deal with, he laughed wildly, put his hands on the ground suddenly, shrank his body, his steel-like muscles crackled and snapped, and a dozen killers couldn't move.

"Haha, Xiaoxiao's generation wants to be an enemy of this general. It's really ridiculous." Although Murong Zhan's whole body was entangled in fishing nets, the fishing nets were embedded in every inch of his muscles, dividing his horny dragon version of muscles. Into pieces, like small hills.

"Murong Zhan, die!" Seeing the chaos around him, the leader of the golden mace didn't dare to hold on anymore, he jumped up high, the golden mace turned into two beams of light, and smashed towards Murong Zhan's head with the force of a thunderbolt.

This mace might have the power of a thousand catties, the people around were all frightened, even the adamantine stone might be smashed to pieces.

I shook my head secretly, hey, although these people are powerful, they are not enough to kill Murong Zhan.Murong Zhan is obviously cultivating strength supernatural powers similar to bull heads, and he doesn't need to rely on heaven and earth aura, or evil or hostility. His body, which is born with supernatural power, is the best weapon in the world.

Sure enough, a ferocious look flashed across Murong Zhan's face, his eyes turned cold, and he let out a loud shout.

At the same time that the golden mace slammed down on his head, Murong Zhan exerted all his strength, his iron tower-like body said, "Break!"

The golden mace seemed to hit the gold and iron, and there was a sharp sound. Not only did the leader of the golden mace fail to crush Murong Zhan's head, but he was shocked and flew back, spitting out a mouthful of blood in the air.

"Use your strength to borrow strength, and give your strength back!"

What Murong Zhan has cultivated is the combination of hardness and softness, his cultivation level is really astonishing, far beyond my imagination, this Xichuan God of War is by no means in vain.

At the same time, Murong Zhan's eyes were blood red, as if a demon god had descended, he stood up, his muscles swelled rapidly, and he looked up to the sky and let out a long cry, boom!
The fishing net suddenly shattered into pieces!

The shattered fishing net was shattered by this huge force, flying around like steel needles, and several killers immediately turned into dead souls.

"Whoever stops me will die!"

Murong Zhan, freed from the shackles of the fishing net, is like a dragon entering the sea. The tiger roars, jumps high, and spits out a white icy force, freezing a killer into ice. Murong Zhan punches down, and immediately the killer is crushed .

This fierce tiger is extremely fast, moving around in the crowd of killers, with ice in its mouth, one tiger per man, unrivaled.

"Protect the leader, retreat!" Seeing that they couldn't hold back, those killers yelled, and retreated to the east to protect the leader holding the golden mace.

No gallbladder, haha, if you want to run, there is no way!
Murong Zhan slammed his fists on the ground, two waves of vigor like wavy boards overturned the bluestones on the long street, and chased after the escaped killers. The vigor followed and erupted suddenly, immediately killing the two killers behind. It was fried to pieces.

With the rise of Murong Zhansha, the white tiger chased after him, his fists shook, the two golden rings on his left hand buzzed loudly, he came out of his hand, and went straight after the killer.

The killer is also very human, the black light of the long sword swirled sharply, trying to block Jin Huan, but unexpectedly, as soon as Jin Huan touched it, Jin Huan rolled the long sword into powder, pierced through several people around, and flew back to Murong Zhan's arm superior.

"Brother Hurt, what should we do? To save or not to save." Murong Zhan Shen was so powerful that everyone on the street hid himself, not daring to touch him. Zi Yi and I turned into an alley and asked with a frown.

"Help! Murong Zhan's enemy is our friend." I thought for a while, the man with the golden mace was very heroic, I guess he was not an ordinary person.

Head-to-head, I am not sure that I can repel Murong Zhan. Thinking of this, I quickly led Ziyi and Shaotian along the alley to the place where the golden mace killer retreated.

The killer guards around the leader of the golden mace couldn't stop Murong Zhan's massacre at all, and soon, he was left alone.

"Qinglong Gang, you remnants dare to fight against this general, and today the leader of the bandit will be killed." Murong Zhan shouted loudly, and the gold rings in both hands attacked the heavily injured leader of the golden mace again.

This man was really skilled, his eyes were pierced, the golden mace in his hand was crackling, he blocked the bombardment of the golden ring more than ten times, and then he vomited blood and flew away.

Murong Zhan jumped off the tiger, twirled his arms around his body, walked majestically towards the leader of the killer, his eyes were full of contempt, as if he was about to crush an ant and he didn't care.

The Golden Mace Killer struggled to get up, and staggered towards the alley. Murong Zhan was not in a hurry, and walked slowly behind, like a lost dog.

One step, two steps, three steps, Murong Zhan has entered my shooting range!

I concentrated my energy, and the three blood arrows condensed on the longbow at the same time, the blood was surging to the extreme, and the bow was pulled perfectly!


Three bloody arrows pierced the sky and shot at Murong Zhan's chest, eyebrows, and navel respectively. The white ghost's magical skill is really very spiritual, the bow moves with the heart, and it is extremely precise.

The blood arrow blessed by the longbow shot towards Murong Zhan, Murong Zhan obviously didn't expect me to lie in ambush in the dark, he was shocked, when he reacted, the blood arrow had already shot in front of him.

Feel the overbearing murderous aura of my blood arrow!
Murong Zhan let out a roar, his arms were closed together like an iron wall, white light flashed all over his body, "Overlord Battle Body!"

A white energy immediately permeated his whole body, but in a blink of an eye, three bloody arrows shot towards Murong Zhan.

There were three loud bangs, Murong Zhan protected his chest and the vital points between his brows, and his belly button received an arrow from me with his Overlord Fighting Body.

Murong Zhan let out a muffled snort, the blood arrow broke off and exploded within a point of penetration into the flesh.

I secretly called it a pity, this guy is worthy of being a god of war, a natural warrior with supernatural power, I have prepared these three arrows for a long time, they have gathered [-]% to [-]% of my blood, and they are also blessed by the spirit bow runes.

Moreover, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, others would have already turned into dead souls under the arrows, but Murong Zhan only suffered from mere flesh and blood.

This guy's strength in physical cultivation is probably invincible except for the bull's head.

(End of this chapter)

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