Dart Master

Chapter 17 Ghost Art

Chapter 17 Ghost Art
I stretched out the middle finger of my right hand and was about to poke the mark of inviting the gods, but Uncle Qi had no time to stop me.

chant!The portrait of Zhong Tianshi immediately burned, and the dazzling golden light of Tianshi's golden body filled the inn. Once the portrait was completely burned, Zhong Tianshi's Dharma body would descend in person.

"Wu Shang, you are a big idiot." Uncle Seven scolded through gritted teeth.

I'm a little confused, is it wrong to ask Zhong Tianshi's Dharma body to help punish the evil?
But what Uncle Qi said was always right, I quickly threw the portrait on the ground, desperately trying to stamp out the fire of the spiritual seal with my feet, but the fire was also extinct, and the more I stepped on it, the more it flourished.

Seeing that there was no way to recover, a black object flew out from the side, and flew over with the sound of wind. I just retreated, and the object accurately covered the portrait with a bang.

When I saw it, it was a black jar, turned upside down on top of the portrait, and the sound of zizz came from inside.

Immediately afterwards, a black light pierced into the hall like a ghost, "Hey, if you kill people in Fengren Village, you should at least ask me, Hu Tuozi."

It was Hu Tuozi who used the black jar to suppress the interruption of the magical spell. Hu Tuozi raised his hand, and the jar Gulu spun around in the air and flew to the hump on his back, which looked weird and funny.

"Hmph, hunchback, you don't want to meddle in other people's business, get out if you are sensible." The shopkeeper's eyes sank, and he shouted coldly.

Hu Tuozi laughed loudly and said: "You guys are really short-sighted, do you know who this is? If he intends to make a move, I'm afraid you will die without a place to bury."

"Even if it is the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, whoever dares to enter the Fengren Village will be killed without mercy!" The shopkeeper shouted angrily, and after finishing speaking, he rushed forward with other ghosts again.

Hu Tuozi stomped his feet on the ground, his whole body was full of yin, and there was a crackling sound all over his body. Two skeleton ghost heads struggled to get out from his shoulders, making a horrible howling sound.

The strange howling continued, and the ghosts covered their ears and staggered in pain.

And Zhao Heizi and I just felt like the sky was falling apart, our headaches were about to split, we fell to the ground and roared to resist the strange whistling sound.

"Ghost art, you, you are..." The shopkeeper has some cultivation base, and he still doesn't bend his knees with his knife and pestle on the ground.

"Hey, it doesn't matter who I am, the key is the one behind me, he is..." The hunchback opened his mouth, but at this moment, my ears hurt so badly that I haven't recovered from the ghost's screaming sound Come on, can't hear what he said at the end.

"Hoo!" The hunchback made a strange, meandering whistle, and the two ghost heads on its shoulders shot out, opening their hideous and terrifying mouths, flying and circling in the hall.

"Don't kill Yin!" Uncle Seven froze and reached out to stop him.

But it was too late, the two skeleton ghosts swallowed the ghosts that fell on the ground, one by one.

"Hmph, the green hills don't change, the green water flows forever, and there's no end to death."


The shopkeeper roared angrily, took out a small tube from his arms, and threw it on the ground. Suddenly, the golden light filled the hall, and the whole hall was as bright as daytime.

When the golden light dissipated, the shopkeeper had already disappeared, and the hall returned to calm.

"Brother, this old man took your money, and now I have the right to pay it back to you, so it's a settlement." Hu Tuozi slowly shrunk back, with the ghosts on his shoulders, and said with a sinister smile.

I don't know what to say, I thought I would die here, but I didn't expect that the ugly hunchback I hate the most turned out to be my savior.

"Gentlemen, this old man has already prepared his dark horse. It is less than three hundred miles away from Piaomiao City. It is estimated that we will reach Yinsi today." Hu Tuozi said.

Uncle Qi arched his hands slightly, "Thank you, Mr. Hu."

"It's okay, I don't want to bother you, let's go on the road, take care all the way." Hu Tuozi bowed to us, carrying his black jar on his back, and slowly disappeared outside the door.

As soon as the hunchback left, I woke up quite a bit. I felt damp and sticky inside my ears. When I touched them, my ears were bleeding.

I didn't expect this hunchback's cultivation to be so advanced. It seems that people really can't be judged by appearances. Just imagine if he deliberately made things difficult for me in the noodle stall, I'm afraid that I will become a dead soul right now.

"Uncle Qi, the girl is gone, have you seen her?" I asked eagerly.

Uncle Qi didn't answer me, he squatted down and picked up the still-burnt portrait of Zhong Tianshi on the ground, glued it with his hands, put it to his nose and smelled it, and then smiled lightly.

"No wound, Heizi, tell me." Seventh Uncle handed the painting to me, and I touched it, and it was sticky like butter, exuding a foul smell.

This is the hunchback seeping out of the jar, it is this butter that broke my seal of inviting the gods.

"Uncle Qi, this is a bit like corpse oil." Zhao Heizi said with a frown, having more experience than me.

Uncle Qi nodded, "That's right, this is indeed corpse oil. The hunchback is taking a sinister path. He used the corpse oil to destroy Master Zhong's Dharma body aura. The hunchback is a master."

When he said this, I was even more confused. The hunchback is an evil way, so why would he help us?

If he intends to harm us, he can play tricks on the inside, and the owner of the dead man's inn, he doesn't want to make money, and we have no grievances, why does he have to specialize in killing escorts?
Judging from their neat and well-trained formation, these guys are not as simple as ordinary robbers.

For a while, I was a little confused.

Zhao Heizi took out a copper-brown waist badge from his pocket, and handed it to Uncle Qi, "It fell from a ghost just now, Uncle Qi, see what you know."

Uncle Qi waved his hand and said with compassion: "Don't look at it, they are the elite soldiers of the Tianshi Mansion, that's why I told Wushang not to ask God, once Tianshi Zhong senses, and then send more ghost soldiers, today we will go I can't go anymore."

"Ah, you mean we killed people from the Tianshi Mansion?" Zhao Heizi was very surprised. Zhong Tianshi is a very protective person. The Tianshi Mansion has a very high status in the underworld. I can't move an inch.

Uncle Qi smiled, "It was the hunchback who killed him, but we have to pay the bill."

"Seventh Uncle, if Tianshi Zhong came, if the Tianshi was fair and upright, and we were upright, maybe things wouldn't be so deadlocked." I respect Zhong Tianshi a lot, and when I think of the hunchback swallowing those ghost soldiers I can't help but feel a little sad, and for a moment I forgot that I almost died in the hands of these guys.

Uncle Qi frowned, and gave me a meaningful look, "No injury, if it was before, the Tianshi Mansion might be credible. But now that the Yin Division is in turmoil, there has been a big change, and who can tell the difference between good and bad?" ?You remember, the heart of the heart is indispensable, your best friend may be your worst enemy, no one is always reliable, including me. The only thing you can trust is your own heart, understand?"

I don't know what happened in the Yin Division, and what this matter has to do with my father's disappearance, but I know that Uncle Qi must know some secrets, but he can't be sure.

All of us are in the darkest moment before dawn. We can clearly see the dawn of hope, but we can only wait and explore in the endless darkness.Only the truly brave and wise men can welcome the most brilliant moment.

Bai Ling disappeared just like that. I searched the entire inn, but there was no trace of her. She seemed to have evaporated from the world.

The moment I walked out of the inn, I felt like I was in a dream, and I couldn't tell whether I was living in reality or a dream.

"Wu Shang, let's go, everyone has their own fate, the girl of the Bai family doesn't seem to have died young, maybe you can see her in Misty City." Seeing my sad expression, Zhao Heizi came over to comfort me.

I nodded, I still have important matters to attend to at the moment, so I can only tell that Uncle Qi has already brought three dark horses, it seems that the hunchback really did not break his promise.

I am no stranger to ghost horses. There used to be a stable in my ancestral hall, which bred this kind of strange horse from the underworld.

Ming horses don’t eat grass, and they are used only for incense or old glutinous rice stored during the New Year. During the day, the stables are covered with yellow spring paper. At night, once my father and the others are asked to go out for errands, they will be brought out to ride.

The ghost horse is a very rare entity in the underworld. Of course, it is just a skeleton of a horse, because the soul of the horse inside is still there and can be driven by people.

This horse is like daytime at night, and because there is only a skeleton left, it can absorb Yin Qi at night. It has excellent endurance, extremely fast speed, and extremely hostile energy.

(End of this chapter)

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