Dart Master

Chapter 171 Dragon Saliva Pit

Chapter 171 Dragon Saliva Pit

I have already said it very tactfully, Xue Muze's thick eyebrows relaxed: "King Qin may be worried a lot, I forgive him for not having the guts. Besides, he is helping the brothers, unless it is absolutely necessary, or..."

I smiled, maybe this is because the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, and if it were me, maybe it would be the same as him.

"Since Gang Master Xue has already made a conclusion, it is inconvenient for me to say more."

Xue Muze values ​​friendship, which has become his Achilles' heel. If Gao Li really turns against him, it will be a kind of experience for him.

I have a general understanding that the Qinglong Gang currently has about 3000 members stationed in this fishing village, and most of them are women and children, the elderly and the weak, and there are about [-] people who can fight.

Xue Muze and the other three elders have about 2000 people, and Gao Li's family has more than 1000 people. The difference in strength between the two sides is not too big, which is why Gao Li dared to openly attack the dignified leader.

Moreover, the Qinglong Gang has always been extremely disorganized, with no distinction between good and evil, a lot of people, and no unified command, so their combat effectiveness is very poor. No wonder Murong Zhan didn't pay attention to them at all.

Looks like it's time to shuffle the cards. When I returned to the thatched hut, Shaotian was sitting cross-legged in the courtyard with the mad monk practicing Qi. Golden lights circulated around his body. The strong golden light scorched people's eyes. Knowing what tricks the crazy monk used, Shaotian's cultivation base has increased a lot.

What surprised me the most was his eyes, Shaotian's pupils had turned golden, and there was a golden dot between his brows, a bit like Buddha's eyes.

"Wu Shang, you're back, how are you, Chief Xue is alright?" Zi Yi greeted him, and the table had already prepared food and wine.

I had a feeling of walking into the house, and I was not polite when I sat down, so I ate it all with wine.

I don't know how this wine is brewed. After drinking it, it is scalding hot in the lungs and straight to the nose, but it makes people's blood greatly increased, the meridians are unobstructed, and it is very comfortable.

Ziyi sat opposite with her chin resting on her cheeks and watched me gobble it up tenderly. Just as I was about to ask where the wine came from, she raised her fingers and hissed softly: "Shut up, I stole it for you from the crazy monk."

I shook my head and smiled, and told her about Xue Muze's Qinglong Gang, Ziyi frowned, obviously she didn't expect the Qinglong Gang to fall to such a point.

"Wu Shang, why didn't you persuade Chief Xue?" Zi Yi frowned and asked me.

I put down the bowl and chopsticks, and found that the pain in my shoulder had disappeared, and even the bruise on my shoulder had disappeared.

"I've persuaded you, Xue Muze is too affectionate, sooner or later he will be killed by Gao Li." I sighed.

Zi Yi cleaned up the dishes, "Then we can't just watch the Qinglong Gang be annexed by Murong Zhan, right? Gang Leader Xue is a man of loyalty. He is an indispensable person for us to gain a foothold in Xichuan in the future."

I also felt a big headache, and said: Let's go to Longxi Pit to have a look first, one-third of the food and grass in the future of the Underworld War will depend entirely on him.

In the evening, the meditation between Shaotian and the mad monk ended, "Did brother Shang bring something delicious for Shaotian? I'm hungry." Shaotian asked while clutching his stomach and blinking.

The crazy monk said with a smile: My good grandson, they are going out to eat delicious food, you have to follow closely.

The crazy monk looked a little tired, he said that because he wanted me to take Shaotian out.

I patted Shaotian on the shoulder. Although his sanity had not yet recovered, I was also curious as to what level his cultivation base had grown to.

After changing the makeup, Ziyi and I took Shaotian back to Shizi Town for a full meal, and then went to Longxikeng according to the address Xue Muze told me.

Longxi Pit is located in the northeast corner of Shizi Town. This place has towering ancient trees and many cliffs. Longxi Pit is located in a lava cave. It is rumored that there was a giant python in this cave. Dragon Saliva Pit.

One of the dragons said that nature is illusory, and the real dragons are almost extinct in both the yin and yang realms.

Outside the lava cave, two guards stood guard at the entrance of the cave, and Ziyi asked me suspiciously, "No wound, why are there so few guards here?"

It can be said that Longxikeng is an important source of income for the Murong family. Murongzhan is a madman, not good at drinking. Although he is the general guarding Shizi Town, he spends most of his time in this Longxikeng cave, receiving guests and discussing business. , are here.So last time on Changjie, Xue Muze and others failed to kill him, and they really missed a huge opportunity.I said.

With Murong Zhan personally guarding here, he considers himself the third largest in the world, second only to his father and brother, and he has no fear of being assassinated by others, so the perimeter defense is deliberately set so sparsely, which is really a strategy to lure the enemy to go deep.

"Shaotian, you remember, don't say a word when you get inside later, don't do anything without my permission, understand?" I looked at Shaotian who was wearing a hard suit, and warned.

We pretended to be merchants from Xiangjia, and we made a special trip to buy ambergris. I was the buyer, and Ziyi and Shaotian were attendants.

Shaotian nodded, "Don't worry about hurting brother, Shaotian promises not to say a word."

He wears a big and thick mask of a reckless man on his face, but he doesn't show any childish look, as long as he doesn't speak, he looks like a master with Shaotian's aura.

"Xiang Family's special envoy, Xiang Chun, was ordered by the Patriarch to come to pay a visit to General Murong." I bowed slightly, and handed over the invitation to the guard.

The guard walked in quickly, came out after a short while, and said in a loud voice: "The general has an envoy."

I led Shaotian and Ziyi into the cave. As soon as I entered the cave, I felt the heat wave soaring to the sky. It was extremely hot. There was a cave in the cave. Every hundred steps, there were two elite warriors. The cave criss-crossed. Can't figure it out at all.

After walking for about a cup of tea, I walked through a long and narrow corridor, the heat wave gradually subsided, but I felt cool, and I reached the entrance of a stone cave not long after.

The entrance of the stone cave suddenly opened up, and eight cavalrymen stood majestically at the entrance. They had black horses and black battle robes. These cavalrymen all wore black armor masks, but judging from their blood-red, murderous eyes, these guys should be the legendary Rakshasa ghost soldiers.

The huge coercion and the blood-red eyes made people feel uncomfortable, and it was very uncomfortable.

Guided by the guards, we walked into the cave.

The air in the cave is fresh, and the walls are inlaid with night pearls, which are as bright as day.There are holes in the hole, and the outermost is a magnificent hall, Murong Zhan's tower-like body is sitting on a big chair, and the ferocious tiger cavalry is lying at his feet, dozing off.

Sitting at the bottom, there are several people, and the one sitting at the top is Mr. Xie, the son of Bai Wuchang, the Yin Division.

And the person sitting at the top on the left is Gao Li, the elder of the Qinglong Gang, this damned thief, he really took refuge in Murong Zhan.

Since he can sit here, it means that Murong Zhan has accepted this guy. Murong Zhan didn't pay attention to the Qinglong Gang before, but now it seems that he has recruited Gao Li, and he should be ready to kill him.

"General, the special envoy of the Xiang family is here!" The guard stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

Murong Zhan cast his eyes on me, suddenly his eyes turned cold, and the wine glass in his hand flew towards my face.

I snorted coldly, tilted my head slightly, held the wine glass firmly in my palm, raised my head and drank it in one gulp, "Good wine!"

Only then did Murong Zhan burst out laughing, "Excellent envoy, please take a seat."

I walked slowly to my seat, but my heart was in my throat. I can temporarily hide my current makeup from Gao Li, but Xie Hongzhi had seen it that day.

Xie Hongzhi is from the Bai Wuchang lineage of the Yin Division, and I can be regarded as an old enemy, and he is the special envoy of the Yin Division, and I, as the special envoy of the Yan Jun lineage, are undoubtedly dead enemies. Once he reveals my identity, I am afraid that today I will It is difficult to get out of this cave.

When Xie Hongzhi saw me, he was obviously surprised, but he didn't rush to say anything, but his expression was very displeased, pretending to loathe me.

I walked to the middle of the hall, cupped my hands and said: "Xiang Chun is here to pay a visit to General Murong by order of the Patriarch."

Murong Zhan raised his hand slightly, motioning for me to take a seat.

I sat down on the seat with my head held high. Murong Zhan squinted his eyes and asked coldly: "The Xiang family is known as the richest family in the Yin and Yang realms, and Xiang Yumeng is also known as the God of Merchant. I don't know why you came to my land of Xichuan ?”

"Businessmen are naturally mercenary. Our Xiang family has always been the largest supplier of fragrant food in the Yin Division. Now the Dragon Saliva Pit is in the hands of the General. Therefore, we want to cooperate with the General." I said loudly.

"Really? Mr. Xie, someone wants to cooperate with this general, what do you think?" Murong Zhan turned his eyes to Xie Hongzhi and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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