Dart Master

Chapter 188 Zhe Wenkai

Chapter 188 Zhe Wenkai

"Murong Yu, be presumptuous!" The elders and children of the old-school family below echoed in unison, and the atmosphere in the hall became tense to the extreme.

Murong Yu's hands were trembling, obviously he was restraining his emotions.

"Yu, it's just for the family's sake, please think again, father." Murong Yu said awe-inspiringly.

"Bold, who is the king of Xichuan between you and me? As a father, I know that you have followed the wolf god for many years and have unrivaled supernatural powers. Do you want me to learn a lesson or two today?" Murong Bei's voice sank, murderous.

"Yu'er doesn't dare." Murong Yu was shocked, obviously he didn't expect his father to hold grudges against him and guard him to the point of fighting each other.

Everyone in Lu Chenfeng's family looked happy, and what Murong Bei did was exactly what they wanted to see.

"Don't dare, just shut up and back down." Murong Bei shouted without showing any affection to Murong Yu.

Murong Yu was overshadowed, and retreated to the table, the hand holding the wine glass trembling slightly.

I was secretly startled, it might be difficult for Murong Yu to ascend to the position of Patriarch, but judging from Murong Yu's reaction, everything that happened today should have exceeded his expectations.

"General Murong, don't you have any of your Northern Wolf Riders who are unrivaled in the world? Or are they all full of wine and rice bags, just with a false name?" Wen Kai continued to provoke.

"Wen Kai is so presumptuous, I'll meet you." A young general under Murong Yu's command stood up.

"Okay, it's not bad at all, come on." The pair of big golden hammers in Wen Kai's hands snapped together, making a loud sound of gold and iron.

When the two walked into the hall, they couldn't help but start fighting. If Wen Kai could become the Murong family's ever-victorious king of martial arts competitions and Lu Chenfeng's confidant, it was not just Lang's name.

Especially when this person assassinated Murong Xue, he shot me with an arrow, even though it was only a skin trauma, it shows that he is a bit heavy.

In less than ten rounds of fighting between the two, the young general under Murong Yu was crushed in the head by a pumpkin sledgehammer and died miserably on the spot.

"Okay, Wen Kai is brave, and there will be rewards." Murong Bei stroked his beard and laughed.

"Thank you, Patriarch."

"Haha, General Yu's subordinates are not doing well either." Wen Kai continued to provoke in the hall.

Murong Yu is a well-established man, no matter how provocative Wen Kai provokes him, he remains calm. Most of Murong's family and his lineage are young generals, and few of them are advanced. Experienced in many battles, but not suitable for private fighting.

On the battlefield, soldiers rely on group formations and coordination. Even some generals may not be proficient in one-on-one.

"Wen Kai, don't be presumptuous." Murong Xue frowned when she saw that her fourth brother was frustrated, and said coquettishly in displeasure.

"Hey, I've heard for a long time that Miss Fifth is good at swordsmanship, maybe I want to teach you a thing or two." Wen Kai said with a fake smile.

Of course Murong Xue is not his opponent, Wen Kai is considered a top player in this hall, there are really not many people who can rival him.

"To deal with a low-level youngster like you, how can you use the young lady to take action." I slapped the desk and shouted.

Seeing me get up, Murong Xue said pleasantly: "Xue Yi, you teach him a good lesson, if you win, I will give you a lot of rewards."

I pretended to be frivolous, and laughed, "As long as you have money, everything is easy to talk about."

After speaking, I slowly walked into the arena and faced Wen Kai.

Wen Kai's provocation was originally to take the opportunity to kill me to avenge the plank road's miss. Seeing that I was provoked, he laughed wildly and said, "I'm afraid you will die to take Miss Fifth's money."

"Really? For Miss Murong's sake, I'll let you do three tricks." I sneered, with my hands behind my back, took a slight breath, and stood with my eyes closed.

In martial arts competitions, momentum is often more important than moves. Just like Cao San's swordsmanship, the murderous aura can completely make people surrender without fighting.

Although I didn't make any moves, I was as stable as Mount Tai, and the murderous aura around me was restrained, like autumn water, calm and calm. Wen Kai couldn't find any openings or opportunities to attack.

Wen Kai couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in my gourd, not only him, but everyone in the hall, including Murong Xiong, opened their eyes and stared at me silently.

Wen Kai was taken by my aura, cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he was a little at a loss.

After all, he is a master, with a pair of pumpkin sledgehammers beating loudly, increasing his momentum, overcoming the fear in his heart, he raised his head and shouted: "Surrender to death."

I didn't open my eyes, but my heart was like a mirror. Wen Kai's murderous intent and strength were enough for me to master every move and style of him.

When the pumpkin hit the top of my head, I just turned slightly and avoided it.

Seeing that I didn't open my eyes, Wen Kai dodged his ultimate move. He roared, and with a burst of vitality, the left hammer ignited a raging fire, and the right hammer thundered, and the light of thunder and lightning could be faintly seen. Obviously, he had sacrificed his ultimate move.

"Fire and thunder!"

Wen Kai hammered Lie Yan (raging flames) and rushing thunder and came straight towards me. He was really full of momentum and enough strength. He had the demeanor of Murong Zhan, but he didn't have the speed and agility of Murong Zhan.

A river of blood surged from my body, turned into a blood shadow, and disappeared out of thin air.

Wen Kai flinched, his eyes froze. I appeared behind him and patted his shoulder, "Where are you looking? Here, fool."

Wen Kai was startled, and with two backhand hammers, he slammed it hard. Perhaps because of too much force, his hammer hit the ground, smashing a huge hole, and the stone chips it stirred up flew wildly.

"Stupid, three moves have been passed, it's time for me to take action."

With a flash of my figure, I raised my foot and stepped on Wen Kai's sledgehammer. With a heavy breath, I pressed firmly.

This pair of fire and thunder sledgehammers is Wen Kai's famous weapon, they are more important to him than his life, how can he let go willingly, he roared angrily, tried his best to forcibly lift me up, and flew me away.

But because the strength is too far behind mine, the veins on his face are exposed, the sockets of his eyes are wide open, and he still can't lift it up. I stand on it coldly like Mount Tai, with my hands behind my back, constantly crushing his self-esteem in terms of momentum. and face.

To deal with such a reckless man, especially on such a solemn occasion, face and self-esteem are far more important than life.

Wen Kai is used to being arrogant, and he is highly valued by Lu Chenfeng. First, I gave him three moves, and now I step on his weapon, which is far more enjoyable than killing him.

Sure enough, Lu Chenfeng and the others showed disgust and disappointment in their eyes, and they were extremely unhappy that Wen Kai had lost their face in such a way.

Wen Kai was also stubborn, he didn't let go, he still tried his best to pick up the hammer, but because of his excitement, he used too much force, which hurt his own meridians, and his mouth and nose began to bleed.

Even so, he still roared angrily, trying to break free from me.

What a boor, I would have thrown away the hammer a long time ago. The word "face" is sometimes a sharp weapon to hurt people.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that although Wen Kai and I are competing for weapons, it is actually a competition of our internal breath and strength.

I knew that Wen Kai's viscera would be shattered if the decision was made. This person is a bit stubborn. It would be a pity to kill him like this. Besides, I just entered the Murong Mansion, so killing someone would be a bad idea.

Thinking of this, I let go of my strength, and borrowed my strength to go up. Wen Kai picked up the double hammer, was carried away by his own great strength, and fell heavily on the ground, spurting a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

As soon as the backlog of blood spurted out, Wen Kai had at least recovered his life, otherwise, with his temper, he would definitely hold back, causing serious internal injuries and losing his life.

"General Wen's supernatural power, Xuemou has learned." I cupped my hands slightly, and returned to my seat calmly.

Everyone present was dumbfounded. You must know that in previous martial arts competitions, one person must die on both sides. I actually let Wen Kai go.

People from Murong Yu's line stood up and shouted: "Okay, Mr. Bloody is really a good method."

Murong Yu lowered his eyebrows and said nothing, obviously I could win as he expected.

Murong Bei was very dissatisfied when he saw that I had hurt his beloved son-in-law's confidant general with such a move, he threw the gold on the ground, and said coldly: "Reward!"

When Wen Kai failed, Lu Chenfeng was very upset and felt ashamed. With a wave of his hand, he yelled at the other generals below: "Why are you still standing there, get rid of this trash."

Several generals hurriedly supported Wen Kai, who could not even utter a sound.

I beat Wen Kai, and Murong Bei and Lu Chenfeng were very upset. Murong Bei waved his hand, "This king is too strong to drink, so just keep drinking." Stepped into the side hall.

Lu Chenfeng was undoubtedly the most embarrassing, and he led the people away. As soon as he left, the hall suddenly became empty, and only Murong Xiong was left sitting silently.

(End of this chapter)

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