Dart Master

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

"These five generals are Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, and Yan Jun!"

"Strange, the five tiger generals, shouldn't Guan Yunchang?"

Among the onlookers, some puzzled people asked.

The old man's face darkened, "I see that you are a newcomer to the underworld. Be careful saying this and you will lose your life. If Guan Shen is still there, if the spirit is still there, it would be disrespectful to erect monuments and shrines in the underworld. Do you want Guan Shen to be dissipated?" ?”

The person who asked the question looked just like me. It was the first time I came to Misty City, so I was so scared that I quickly slapped myself a few times and apologized repeatedly.

The old man said again: "Guan Shen is here. This position should be occupied by the fifth Chunyang son Yan Jun. It is rumored that this person is invincible in all battles. The Dao of Heaven, perishing together with the Demon of Heaven, has brought about the peace of the Yin and Yang realms, do you think such a person is not worthy of being a general?"

The onlookers immediately applauded, this is the second time I have heard the name Yan Jun, and I couldn't help but ask the old man, "Dare to ask the old man, do you know Yan Jungao's name?"

The old man's face darkened, he shook his head and said: "This is a taboo of the underworld. Even today, there are very few people who know Yan Jun's name. How can this old man know?"

The old man's sigh made me feel deeply, he is a majestic Yan Jun, who takes the way by himself, but the world doesn't even know his name.

The towering statue is more than ten feet high, and the five generals, Zhang, Huang, Zhao, and Ma, are all brave and majestic generals, except for the nameless Yan Jun, who is wearing a white cloak and a ferocious yaksha mask. It's hard to tell the truth.

I don't know why, when I saw the mysterious statue of Yan Jun, I felt like a lump in my throat, and an inexplicable sadness filled my heart.

I am not a hypocritical person, but at this moment tears welled up in my eyes, and I always felt that there was something I wanted to say, but I couldn't express it.

Snapped!Zhao Heizi knelt in front of the statue of his ancestor Zhao Zilong, with tears in his eyes. Since there is a statue for Zilong in the underworld, it means that during the battle against King Wei in the Taiyin Year, his mind and soul were probably scattered.

"Hmph, Guan Zhang and Zhao Huang are nothing but vain names, and Yan Jun is even more of a vain person, and only you humble people would treat them like gods, it's really ridiculous."

A strange voice came from the crowd.

This man seemed to have a lot of background, and the onlookers stepped aside one after another, only to see a man wearing a brocade suit, wearing a seven-precious hair bun, embracing a seductive ghost prostitute, waving a folding fan, standing in front of a group of ghost servants. come in crowds.

But seeing that this person's face was as white as paper, his lips were as red as blood, his eyebrows were as curved as willows, his whole body exuded the fragrance of rouge, and his words were soft and artificial, he was clearly a sissy.

"Yo, Mr. Ma from Daming Bank is here."

"Mr. Ma, good!"

The onlookers greeted the ghost, and Mr. Ma sneered, pinched an orchid finger in his hand, and said in a strange voice: "It's you again, bragging about these five wastes all day long, come and give me a hand!" Young master, beat him to death."

Mr. Ma's subordinates are all rough and tough guys. According to the old man, he just punched and kicked him, but the old man was still stubborn. The beaten man vomited green ghost blood, and his soul was greatly damaged. If he didn't let go, "No five God generals, there is no Yin Division today, they are not waste, they are the gods of the Yin Division..."

"Okay, the mouth is still quite stiff, break his soul for this young master."

Everyone present seemed to be very afraid of Mr. Ma, seeing the old ghost being beaten, but no one dared to say anything.

"What are you looking at, I will kill anyone who dares to come here to pay homage to these five wastes in the future." Mr. Ma shook his head and shouted arrogantly.

Where did the crowd dare to watch the excitement, they immediately dispersed.

A black glow loomed on the tip of a ghost servant's fist, aiming at the old man's Tianling Gai, if the punch landed hard, the old man's soul would be blown away.

I originally thought that the mortal world often bully men and women, but I didn't expect that there are such scumbags in the Yin Division, and what's even worse is that those patrolling Yin soldiers turned a blind eye like blind men, which shows that this man named Ma is extremely powerful in Misty City .

"You sissy, stop me! Under the majestic city of Yinsi, King Qin Guang personally gave you a god statue, how can you act wildly? Aren't you afraid of King Guang's 'three kills and five breaks' decree?" I shouted loudly.

Perhaps it was suppressed by Yan Luo's decree, the beating ghost servants stopped, and the murderous bloody ghosts all looked at me, and I was a little out of breath with the cold and ferocious aura.

Mr. Ma glanced at me in surprise, pushed away the girl beside him, and walked towards me enchantingly with his waist twisted.

"Oh, the face is very raw." Mr. Ma looked me up and down carefully, and then said with disdain: "Where is my son's way? It turns out that he is a picky bastard who runs darts. If you dare to challenge me, you can't do it." Do not inquire about who Lao Tzu is."

While speaking, Mr. Ma smiled charmingly, and the green ghostly aura scattered all over his body. This ghostly aura is so domineering, like a thousand arrows piercing the heart, it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

I gritted my teeth, I can't lose face in front of this sissy, I am a dignified son of Huangquan Escort Bureau, I immediately clenched my fists, relying on my will to hold on.

"Heizi, I'm afraid it's going to be dangerous today, so hurry up and find Uncle Qi." I turned my head and told Zhao Heizi quietly.

Zhao Heizi snorted coldly: "Why do you let you be a hero? In front of the ancestors of the Zhao family, you want me to be a bastard. Get lost."

"Haha, three kills and five death orders! Want to scare me?" Mr. Ma grabbed my skirt with one hand and laughed wildly.

"In Misty City, I am the law. Today, I will let you mortal bumpkins know the fate of offending this young master. If you kill me, the living soul will be used as a tooth sacrifice."

With a wave of Mr. Ma's hand, a ghost servant pounced on him like a hungry tiger.

"Get out of the way!" The spear in Zhao Heizi's hand came out of his body, and he grabbed it sideways like a long dragon. The Zhao family's spear was as impenetrable as pear blossoms raining down. Turned into ashes.

"Well done, Heizi!" I don't know how to fight, and I ran out of charms at the inn, so I can only slap my hands on the sidelines to cheer me up.

Zhao Heizi gave me a rare smile, and danced with the spear in his hands even more vigorously. These ghost servants are just the servants of the Ma family, and they don't have much weight in their hands.Usually, they are domineering and do all kinds of evil. People and ghosts dare not speak out when they are angry, but most of them are hindered by the power of the Ma family.

Who would have thought that we didn't pay attention to the person surnamed Ma at all, and Heizi even killed the killer, which made them at a loss for a while.

"You bastards, give it to me, who dares to take a step back, I will let him put the oil in the pan." Mr. Ma kicked the ghost servant on the back, and the ghost servant just hit Heizi's muzzle and screamed Dazed.

The rest of the ghost servants had no choice but to bite the bullet and rushed forward with strange screams.

Zhao Heizi laughed wildly, and he didn't hold back the spear at all, picking, stabbing, piercing, collapsing, all aimed at the ghost servant's vitals.

According to legend, the Zhao Family Spear was used by Zhao Zilong when he was in the mortal world. Tens of thousands of dead souls were killed under the gun, and his murderous aura was fierce and invincible. However, it has been passed down for thousands of years.

At this moment, Zhao Heizi wounded his soul with his gun, and the Zhao family's warlike and bloody fighting spirit was condensed in the gun. For a while, their aura was unparalleled, and no one could match ghosts and ghosts.

"Ma, take your life!" Heizi flipped over two fake ghost servants, and Sen Han's spear pointed straight at Mr. Ma.

Mr. Ma did have some skills, he sideways dodged the spear while smiling slyly, slapped the folding fan on the body of Zhao Heizi's gun, and jumped into the air with the help of the folding fan.

"Heizi be careful!" I yelled.

Zhao Heizi's face darkened, and he held the gun in both hands, dancing like a windmill in his hands, ding ding dong dong, the murderous aura permeating the gun body blocked all the cyclones.


The cyclone was blocked, burst in the air, turned into gray-black powder, and a strange smell spread out.

"Toxic! This son of a bitch is really an asshole."

I suddenly felt dizzy, Zhao Heizi couldn't stand still, and his footwork also faltered.

"Dong Dong!" The police gong rang, and the guards in the city also rushed to the scene at this time, and ghost soldiers gathered in all directions.

"My lord, let's see where you are going!" Mr. Ma flew back a few steps, squeezed his orchid fingers, and folded his arms, his face full of playfulness.

The grandson himself is not weak, he is not under the innkeeper of the dead man's inn, but he is extremely wretched, always focusing on protecting himself, Heizi attacked him a few times, and he didn't even touch his clothes.

"Run!" Zhao Heizi backhanded the gun, I picked up the old man who was about to lose his wits, and the two of them ran towards the east.

(End of this chapter)

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