Dart Master

Chapter 217 The King's Demeanor

Chapter 217 The King's Demeanor

Shaotian was standing behind Boss Jin, he was easy-going, he looked like a big martial artist.But I could see this kid at a glance, he was looking around, obviously looking for where I was.

Seeing his big sneaky eyes flicking around, I couldn't laugh or cry, this silly boy should not spoil my business.

But fortunately, Boss Ziyi and Jin must have told him that although he looked around, he didn't ask them one by one, otherwise it would be really bad.

With Shaotian here, I feel a little relieved.I don't know how high Shaotian's cultivation has reached after being taught by the monk Qiu Wenfeng, but there is no doubt that there are very few people in the hall who can beat him.

When Murong Xiong saw me nodding, he was overjoyed, and he and Chen Ji exchanged glances, both of them looked happy.

At this most critical juncture, Chen Ji was also very excited, with the overall situation in hand, she was not as vigilant as in the past.

I stood behind Murong Xiong and took a look at the situation. Murong Xiong was triumphant, while Murong Yu brothers and sisters were worried.Obviously, I sat here early in the morning dressed in purple, making them think that I must have missed and failed to steal the wolf talisman.

But what puzzled me in the hall was Lu Chenfeng, who had the most people in his lineage, most of whom were from the old Murong family, with a large number of people.

In terms of military strength, he is also the strongest. Once Liu Wensheng leaves, the entire outer city is under his control.Moreover, the private soldiers of the old family's family are also under his control.

Therefore, although Liu Wensheng claims to have only 5000 troops, in fact there are no fewer than [-], or even more.

Moreover, if this person deliberately released Murong Bei Jinpan to wash his hands, people from all over the world came to Xichuan. Although they were blocked by Chunmeng for a while, there were still many new faces in Yundu City. Lingnan sent an elite army lurking in Xichuan.

Wen Kai had already told me about this situation.If the Rakshasa ghost cavalry were not in my hands, I might still be a little worried, but now, no matter how many people Lu Chenfeng comes, in this inner city, he will definitely lose.

But what puzzles me is that in the inner city of Yundu, Lu Chenfeng does not have the slightest advantage. It is difficult for me to understand why he talks and laughs so freely, obviously because he has the overall situation in mind.

The only possibility is that he has already bought off the guards of Murong Xiong in the inner city. Once the inner city is opened, he will gather outside the city, and tens of thousands of troops will enter the city and control the situation at that time.

I calculated carefully, Lu Chenfeng and Murong Xionghuo are not the best situation, once the two sides fight hard, Murong Yu's wolf soldiers who have been standing still and my Luocha soldiers will counterattack and control the situation.

After Murong Bei washed his hands, he sat back on the throne of Patriarch. His complexion looked rosy, and his brows and eyes were domineering. After a few days, the old things must have recovered a lot. How could he recover so quickly after making such a rapid progress.

Compared to Murong Xiong, Murong Bei gives me a more terrifying feeling. This person is unpredictable and famous. If his strength really recovers, the situation today may change drastically.

Murong Bei first said some high-sounding words, after drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere in the banquet became more and more intense, the moonlight slanted in from outside the mansion gate, everyone's faces in the hall were tense, waiting for the final time.

"Patriarch, you are the lord of Xichuan, and your reputation spreads all over the world. No one in the world knows my Wang Shenwei. Now that I, Wang Jinpen, have washed my hands, what should I, Xichuan, do from now on?"

During the banquet, an old family was in tears, and all of them immediately pretended to be hypocritical, and for a while, there were cries everywhere.

I sneered secretly in my heart, I am afraid that these old clans would like Murong Bei to leave early, let Lu Chenfeng and Murong Xiong sit on the head of the family, sit in Xichuan, and enjoy peace forever.

Murong Bei didn't know the hypocrisy of the old family, and immediately smiled and said: "Everyone, it may not be the words of the heart, but in your eyes, I should be a drunk and merry king."

"How dare I wait?" Everyone bowed in unison.

"It's okay for the Patriarch of the Ben to wash his hands in a golden basin today, and you don't have to listen to the orders of my stupid king anymore." Murong Bei raised his head to the sky and laughed wildly, the whole hall was buzzing with his powerful laughter.

Murong Bei's smile was incomparably domineering and mighty, and there was no trace of the decadent appearance of being addicted to wine and sex in the past. When the old aristocrats saw him regain their glory, most of these people usually belonged to Murong Xiong and Lu Chenfeng's lineage, and immediately knelt down and kept silent. , where dare to speak.

From this we can see how majestic and terrifying Murong Bei was when he crossed Xichuan.

I screamed in my heart that it was not good, could it be that after Liu Wensheng left, Murong Bei had already drawn Lu Chenfeng over in private, no wonder he dared to be so domineering and ignored Murong Xiong at all.

Murong Yu sat upright from the beginning to the end, his expression was very solemn, he lowered his head and remained silent.

I wondered if it was fake for Murong Bei to wash his hands in the golden basin, and if it was true that he wanted to eliminate dissidents. The most difficult thing right now was Murong Yu, who was caught in the middle. The position of Patriarch is also a puppet manipulated by the father.

"The Patriarch washes his hands in a golden basin, but he doesn't know if he has a new Patriarch in mind?" Zi Yi asked coldly in my capacity.

Right now, the old family is scared by Murong Bei and dare not speak out, only the "King of Qin" can break the deadlock.

"Who does King Qin think is suitable?" Murong Bei asked.

Zi Yi smiled slightly, and said proudly: "I think there are quite a few suitable people in the hall. Elder Murong Xiong has followed the Patriarch to fight all his life, and is in control of the imperial guards of Yundu Mansion, so he is naturally qualified. Mr. Murong Yu is the eldest son, with supernatural powers , the disciple of the Wolf God is also very good. There is also Uncle Lu Chenfeng, although he has a foreign surname, he is a well-known virtuous king. If she is the head of the family, no one will be dissatisfied."

I secretly praised in my heart, what a purple-clothed man, his words were impeccable, and he kicked the ball to Murong Bei again.

Murong Bei smiled coldly, stood up and yelled loudly, pointing to Murong Xiong and Yin Ji, said: "This king sees Elder Xiong as the most suitable one. Elder Xiong is a hero who is world-class, and has a wise wife. The husband and wife are unparalleled in the world. Murong Xiong Be the head of the family."

While Murong Xiong was speaking, there was vague wolf energy coming out of his body. The cold and awe-inspiring murderous aura made the whole hall as if frozen.It can be seen that this former king who ruled Xichuan has extremely high cultivation base.

Murong Xiong originally had the greatest advantage, but facing Murong Bei's vigor, his old master reappeared like a king, and he was instinctively afraid.

Standing behind them, I can even feel the trembling of Murong Xiong and Yin Ji.

Hey, the king is always the king. Although Murong Xiong and Chen Ji are shrewd, they are snobs after all. They look like clowns in front of Murong Bei's kingly spirit.

The hall was changing quietly. The people who were originally sitting at Murong Xiong's table got up and changed their seats one after another, and sat down at Lu Chenfeng's, or Murong Yu's.

Anyone can see that Murong Xiong's momentum has been firmly controlled by Murong Bei.

Murong Bei stepped on the desk, grabbed the patriarch wolf seal on the table and handed it to Murong Xiong with one hand, "Murong Xiong, you are the king's most trusted right-hand man, half of this big Xichuan was taken down by you." Yes, it is perfect for you to be the head of the family, and today the king will pass on the position of head of the family to you. Come, take it."

Murong Bei's imposing manner was astonishing, his stern face had a strong beard, like the most ferocious hungry wolf, exuding bloodthirsty desire at any time.

Murong Xiong was fidgeting, he didn't answer it, he didn't answer it, his hands were trembling, all the wine in the glass spilled out, but he didn't know it.

I screamed in my heart that it was not good, if Murong Xiong was timid, Murong Bei might have the upper hand and regain power without much effort.

Taoism is like this, worshiping the strong, Murong Bei is the King of Xichuan, he has indeed lost a lot of popularity in the past five years since he was killed, but as long as he regains his glory, the old part of the Imperial Guard is very likely to turn against him again.

"What's the matter, what is Elder Xiong hesitating about?" Murong Bei asked with a sneer, and suddenly he shouted loudly: "Go, I want you to accept the seal! Take it!"

Murong Bei turned his body sideways, and after a series of pressing questions, everyone fell silent, and their eyes fell on Murong Xiong, to see if this Xichuan God of War dared to really challenge the majesty of the Xichuan King.

(End of this chapter)

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